The biggest upgrade to the screen on Apple's iPhone 6s is the addition of pressure-sensitive touch, which further expands the operability of touchscreen phones. Pressure-sensitive touch
It's the first time that pressure-sensitive touch has been added to an Apple iPhone, and on the iPhone 6s Apple has named it "3D Touch".
3D Touch directly changes the iPhone operating system, basically redefining the way the touch screen operates, making the original more flat operation more three-dimensional. It can realize functions such as -
Sending and receiving emails: gravity press clicks to see the inner contents of emails without opening them.
Information: press to see the calendar, flight information, link previews, without switching apps or tapping links;
Press individual apps to show previews directly, such as music and photos;
Press in the map to see preview information about a specific location;
Swipe to easily switch between apps;
Games: long and short press to pull closer and pull distance, release skills, etc.
LivePhotos: Press the photo screen to preview dynamic effects and even hear sound. This feature is available on a variety of devices including AppleWatch, iPhone, and iPad.