Thermo Fisher 26616marker out of stock?

No ah, Taobao can buy Maker 26616 and 26617 are available.

Thomo Fisher Scientific is a global leader in the provision of analytical instruments, equipment, reagents and consumables, software and services. The company was founded on October 11, 1960 and is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts. Its business operates through the following segments: life science solutions; analytical instruments; specialty diagnostics; and laboratory products and services.

The Laboratory Products and Services segment involves the provision of everything a laboratory needs, including a combination of in-house and purchased products for customers in the research, academic, government, industrial, and healthcare sectors.

The pre-stained protein ladder Thermo-Scientific pageruler for Maker 26616 is a mixture of 10 blue, orange, and green stained proteins (10-180 kDa) used as a size standard for protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and protein blotting. Protein ladders are provided in ready-to-use form for direct loading onto the gel.