How to wash fruits and vegetables the right way?

The correct way to wash vegetables and fruits?

1. Peel - banana peel, orange peel should be washed

Pesticides are mostly left on the surface of fruits and vegetables, remove the skin has greatly reduced the chance of exposure to pesticides. Before removing the skin, fruits and vegetables should be washed. Now is the orange season, can be found in orange preservation for a long time without growing mold, if peeled and found that the pulp has been corrupted, but the skin is not yet moldy, it is necessary to suspect that there may be sprayed too much fungicide. So it is recommended that even if the peel to eat the fruit, such as citrus, bananas, lychee, kiwi, etc., or to clean before eating, hands will not be stained to the outer skin of the residual agents, pesticides will be eaten down to the belly.

2. Room temperature volatilization - put the ventilation place 2 days

Crops were applied pesticides, the amount of residue will be reduced over time, when the higher the ambient temperature, residual pesticides will volatilize faster, the sun's ultraviolet rays will destroy pesticides, and fruits and vegetables surface pesticides due to exposure in the air, but also in the air will also be combined with the oxygen, resulting in oxidation, accelerating the decomposition of pesticides. Therefore, buy back the fruits and vegetables as long as the ventilation at room temperature for 2 days to destroy the pesticide composition. Experts suggest that, like the general package of leafy vegetables as long as the outside of the green leaves do not pull out, can be stored at room temperature for several days, so that the pesticides naturally metabolized.

3. Washing - first dip after washing the best results

Vegetables and fruits before eating should be "soak, flow, brushing, excision" four principles of good cleaning, that is, the first soak, and then flow of small water rinse, and then open the big water and soft bristles brushing, and finally go to the excision of the tip and the root. Cleaning time, first do not peel the fruits and vegetables, and then soaked in a basin full of water, then open the tap, open a small water in a straight line, do not intermittently too small, soak and let the water flow continuously to flow of water soak for 15 minutes, most of the pesticides are water-soluble, so that the pesticides on the surface of the fruits and vegetables are constantly dissolved by the water and take away.

4. High-temperature heating - boiling vegetable soup do not drink

High temperature in addition to the efficacy of sterilization, most of the pesticides will be volatilized, decomposition, so Lin Jie Liang encourage vegetables after boiling to eat, not only to remove the pesticides, but also remove the nitrate, oxalate and other harmful substances. But remember, after boiling vegetable soup contains pesticides, do not eat, and heating the best open the lid, so that pesticides with the vapor evaporation. Experts reminded that if you are not clear about the source of fruits and vegetables, pre-eating treatment and other procedures, is not encouraged to eat lettuce salad.