How to remove the default patient in Smart Medical Insurance

First of all, please make sure that the information of the patient is correct, and the information filled in must be in accordance with the specifications, go to the personal center - commonly used patient management - long press the patient for deletion, and then re-add the patient's letter after deletion. Each account can only be deleted 2 times in a natural month. If you reach the upper limit, you can't delete in the same month, please try to do it in the next month.

Operating environment: (Smart Healthcare App open 3.0.0 version, Apple 12 iOS14)


I. Characteristics of Smart Healthcare

Through the wireless network, the use of hand-held PDA conveniently connected to a variety of diagnostic and treatment instruments, so that medical personnel at any time to grasp the case information and the latest diagnostic and treatment reports of each patient, at any time, anywhere, and quickly develop diagnostic and treatment programs; in any hospital at any time, and in any place, and in any place, and in any way. The medical staff can make the diagnosis and treatment plan anytime and anywhere; in any place of the hospital, the medical staff can log in the system which is nearest to them to inquire the medical image information and medical advice; the patient's referral information and medical record can be accessed in any hospital through medical networking.

With the rapid development of medical informatization, such a scene will become more and more popular in the near future, and intelligent medical care is coming into people's lives day by day. As the most famous hospital in China, Peking Union Medical College Hospital is at the forefront in all aspects, and it is no exception in smart healthcare. Medical information system, for example, smart healthcare has the following characteristics:

1, interconnected Authorized doctors are able to access the patient's medical records, history of the disease, treatment measures and insurance details at any time, and the patient can also independently choose to change doctors or hospitals.

2. Collaborative Turning information repositories into shareable records, integrating and ****enjoying medical information and records, with a view to building an integrated, professional healthcare network.

3. Preventive Real-time sensing, processing, and analyzing of major medical events for rapid and effective response.

4. Universal Support for township and community hospitals to seamlessly connect to central hospitals so that they can access specialist advice, arrange referrals and receive training in real time.

5. Innovative Enhance knowledge and process handling capabilities to further drive clinical innovation and research.

6. Reliable Enables practitioners to search, analyze, and cite large amounts of scientific evidence to support their diagnoses.