The hospital is equipped with advanced equipments, including American GE Hispeed NX/i multilayer spiral CT, American GE Signa 1.5T magnetic **** vibration instrument (MRI), American GE Prucka Cardio Lab4000 32 conductive physiology, KODAK DR7100 DR, KODAK PACS imaging system, American GE Lcv+ digital subtraction angiography machine (DSA), German ERBE10139-000 spiral waterjet, Japanese Olympus LUCERA electronic endoscopy, American GE Lcv+ Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), Germany ERBE10139-000 spiral waterjet, Japan Olympus LUCERA electronic endoscopy, U.S. Stryker hysteroscopy, Japan Olympus VISERA laparoscopy, U.S. Stryker laparoscopy set of five, the U.S. Stryker arthroscopy two sets, the U.S. Stryker thoracoscopy set, the U.S. Stryker otorhinolaryngoscopy set, U.S. At the end of 2006, the total amount of the hospital's professional equipment reached 120 million yuan.