What process technology is generally used in the community living sewage treatment equipment?

Community life sewage treatment equipment using what process technology, introduced as follows:

For the community residential areas and other domestic sewage treatment projects, the general collection of domestic sewage centralized unified treatment, to achieve discharge standards. Integrated integrated equipment not only occupies a small area, but also reduces construction costs, highly suitable for community living sewage treatment needs. Integrated domestic sewage treatment equipment for different sewage discharge requirements can be used in different processes to achieve cost-effective.

To cope with the domestic wastewater treatment and discharge requirements such as primary B is not high, usually can be used AO, A2O, activated sludge, bio-oxidation contact method, SBR and other processes, low investment to achieve discharge standards. If the project is designed for a short service life (less than 5 years) carbon steel integrated equipment can be prioritized. If the project needs to run more than 10 years, then the shell life longer fiberglass, stainless steel or other materials. General carbon steel community domestic sewage treatment equipment tons of water cost 5000-5500 yuan / ton, glass fiber reinforced plastic material community sewage treatment equipment slightly 5500-7000 yuan / ton, running electricity costs about 0.35-0.5 yuan / ton.

To cope with the water source protection zone near the high standard of sewage discharge standards (Class A, surface four water) can choose the MBR process of integrated sewage treatment equipment or a combination of processes customized sewage treatment equipment. MBR membrane bioreactor biodegradation in the biodegradation as well as the membrane high efficiency separation technology as a whole, the effluent quality of the water is better, can be the community sewage final effluent will be about 25mg / L COD, B 25mg / L or so, BOD, SS, color, etc. Compared with the traditional process has obvious advantages. But its cost and operating costs of electricity there is room for continued development, from the industry report, MBR community wastewater treatment equipment is AO and other traditional processes 1.5-2 times, about 8,000-15,000 yuan / ton, the operating cost of electricity 0.9-2 yuan / ton.