Can a calibration certificate be issued for an item that has a calibration protocol?

Certainly, 1. Purpose: Calibration - to determine the accuracy of monitoring and measuring devices. It is a bottom-up traceability of quantitative values, assessing the error of the displayed value. Calibration - mandatory comprehensive evaluation of measurement characteristics. Uniformity of measurement values, checking whether it meets the specified requirements. Is a top-down transfer of quantitative value. 2. Object: calibration - in addition to the mandatory calibration of measuring instruments and measuring devices. Calibration - the national mandatory verification: measurement reference; measurement standards; for trade settlement, safety and security, medical and health, environmental monitoring of the work of measuring seven categories **** 59 kinds. 3. Based on: Calibration - calibration specifications or calibration methods can be adopted by the State Uniform provisions, can also be developed by the organization itself. Validation - by the state authorization of the measurement of the unified development of the verification procedures. 4. Nature: Calibration - not mandatory, is a voluntary traceability of the organization's behavior. Validation - mandatory, is the legal measurement of the management of the scope of law enforcement. 5. Periodicity: Calibration - by the organization according to the use of the need to determine their own, can be regularly, irregularly or before use. Verification - in accordance with the mandatory verification cycle prescribed by law in China. 6. way: calibration - can be self-calibration, external school or self-calibration and external school combination. Verification - only in the prescribed verification department or by the statutory authorization of qualified organizations. 7. Content: Calibration - assessment of the error in display value. Verification - a comprehensive assessment of the measurement characteristics, including the evaluation of the value error. 8. Conclusion: calibration - not to determine whether the pass, only assess the value error. Issue a calibration certificate or calibration report. Calibration - according to the calibration regulations of the range of error in the measurement value, to give a qualified and unqualified judgment. Issue a certificate of conformity. 9. Legal effect: calibration - calibration conclusions are not legally binding technical documents. Calibration - calibration conclusions are legally binding documents, as a measuring instrument or measuring device calibration of the legal basis.