Mouth ulcers, with toothpaste can cure?

Nowadays, more and more toothpaste claims to have whitening teeth, anti-allergy, anti-ulcers and other efficacy, many people are also attracted to this, and some people are even suffering from oral diseases are not willing to go to the hospital, that toothpaste can solve the problem. Doctors remind, toothpaste can not be medicine, improper use may delay the condition. A week ago, Ms. Hu mouth grew a mouth ulcer, she has not taken this seriously, and then the mouth ulcers slowly become larger, she went to the supermarket to buy a toothpaste with the prevention of mouth ulcers, every day with it to brush your teeth, and even several times a day to brush, but also with toothpaste directly to the onset of the disease, but a week has passed, not only is not good but more and more mouth ulcers, affecting her to eat. Really have no choice, she went to the hospital, the doctor gave Ms. Hu opened a point of special treatment of mouth ulcers medicine, after taking the medicine the next day, Ms. Hu's condition has improved. According to a hospital stomatology director Lu Meng said, similar cases in the clinic also encountered many. The main and most effective components of toothpaste is the friction agent, the main role of brushing is to remove plaque and massage the gums to prevent dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral diseases. Some toothpaste products add bleaching agent can play a certain role in whitening, add the relevant drug ingredients, but also to a certain extent to alleviate allergies, bleeding gums, toothache and other symptoms. But toothpaste can not replace the drug to treat oral diseases, improper use may also delay the disease.