High potential therapeutic instrument price

Source: Guangzhou Kaikang Medical Electronic Technology Co.

Domestic high potential therapeutic instrument price between 6800 and 18000, Japanese high potential therapeutic instrument is generally in the range of 15000 to 38000, high potential therapeutic instrument of the therapeutic voltage is generally in the 9000 volts under the current in the 50MA under the more than 9000 volts of high potential therapeutic instrument is generally in the Hospital use, not suitable for home personal use.

High potential therapeutic instrument is a unique function of green physical therapy, health care and beauty equipment, the product set of high potential, negative ions, low potential, light wave, local treatment, beauty and other functions in one, on the prevention and treatment of modern diseases, eliminating sub-health, alleviate cardio-cerebral vascular disease, etc. has a unique effect, it is a kind of ideal safety, easy to operate modern high-tech physical therapy equipment.

One, air ion flow mechanism

High-voltage negative potential electrostatic field produces silent discharge, forming a powerful ion flow, through the nerve reflex arc, cerebral cortex and vegetative nervous system, the corresponding organs play a regulating role, such as improving the function of the cerebral cortex, slowing down the hemosiderosis, lowering the blood pressure, improving the ventilation function of the lungs and the function of ventilation, lowering the level of blood glucose and cholesterol, potassium and so on, increasing the volume of urine and urination, and improving the function of the lungs. It can also reduce blood glucose, cholesterol, potassium, etc., increase the amount of urine and urinary nitrogen, creatinine, etc., and invigorate the spirit, eliminate fatigue, improve work efficiency, improve sleep, increase appetite, and excite the role of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Two, the same frequency resonance function

The human body tissues of DNA, RNA, proteins and other macromolecules and cell membranes have their own intrinsic frequency of oscillation, when the high potential, negative potential and high frequency action on these macromolecules and cell membranes produce the same resonance, so that the cells to obtain the highest resonance osmotic energy power, energy enhancement. This same-frequency resonance energy spread in the body, causing a series of biological effects, so that the microstructure of the tissue changes, protein, amino acid and enzyme activity increases, the body's chemical decomposition, synthesis process is accelerated, and the cellular metabolism and function is effectively adjusted.

Three, hypnotic effect

Electrostatic field prompts the human body to relax the whole body, eliminating the body's tension, reducing the liver to the brain radio, eliminating the occurrence of abnormal brain waves and brain magnetism, and enhancing the cerebral cortex diffusion-type inhibitory function, prompting the brain waves to enter the relaxation of slow alpha-wave and theta-wave state when falling asleep.

Four, negative ions and ozone mechanism

Negative air ions can improve the cerebral cortex and vegetative nerve function, the respiratory system, blood circulation system, the whole body metabolism has a good effect. Ozone activates a variety of enzyme activity, accelerating the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

V. Activation of cells

Bio-electron (negative ions) scarcity, the cells appear pathological potential. Potassium, sodium, chloride ion distribution imbalance, permeability deterioration, metabolism is blocked, reduced activity, reduced function. High-voltage negative alternating electric field, prompting inside and outside the cell potassium, sodium, chloride ions orderly arrangement, permeability enhancement. High-voltage negative potential supplementation of negative ions in the human body, so that the cell potential repolarization (-90mv), increased activity, ATP synthesis increased, DNA synthesis according to the genetic lineage of specific proteins required by the human body. Light waves 75000 times per second positive and negative ions stimulation, cell vitality enhancement, metabolic function enhancement. The same-frequency resonance enables the cells to obtain the highest resonance osmotic energy power and more energy.