1. Understand your own physical condition, if you are not very clear whether it belongs to the prohibited groups, take the initiative to provide the state of health at the time of vaccination, the doctor at the vaccination point will judge whether it is possible to be vaccinated; take a good rest, so the body is kept in a better physiological state, it is best not to be vaccinated on an empty stomach.
2. The new coronavirus vaccination site for the upper arm deltoid muscle, it is recommended to wear easy to put on and take off loose clothing; according to the organization of the vaccination staff notification to carry ID cards, cell phones and other items, wear a good mask to go.
3. Wear a mask throughout the vaccination period, according to the vaccination point mark orderly queuing, keep more than one meter social distance; to the doctor to take the initiative to provide their own health status, the recent medication information, and truthfully fill out the informed consent form; if there is a wound at the site of the vaccination, try to avoid wounds and choose the other side of the vaccination; vaccination is complete, need to stay in the vaccination point for 30 minutes; hemostatic swabs thrown into the medical waste bin or yellow medical waste trash bag. yellow medical waste garbage bag.
4. After vaccination, you should observe the vaccination site for 30 minutes and leave the site only after you feel no discomfort; keep the injection site dry and pay attention to personal hygiene on the day of vaccination; if you have a persistent fever, you should seek medical attention and report to the vaccination unit.
Who is not suitable for the second dose of the vaccine?
The physical condition of the vaccine recipient should meet the conditions of the new coronavirus vaccination. If the first dose of the vaccine appeared severe allergic reactions, or any neurological adverse reactions, and can not be excluded from the vaccine caused, it is not recommended to vaccinate the second dose; in addition to the second dose of the vaccine recipient suffering from acute diseases, acute attacks of chronic diseases should be postponed for vaccination.