What are the key points that need to be paid attention to when auditing financial leasing companies?

The main points that need to be paid attention to during the audit are the following:

First of all, you should understand the development status of the industry and other external factors such as laws related to the enterprise, the purpose of the entrustment, and the time requirements etc., and decide whether to undertake the business after a preliminary risk assessment.

Secondly, understand the nature of the audited unit. Ask the senior management of the audited unit about the ownership structure of the audited unit (whether it is a state-owned enterprise, a foreign-invested enterprise, a private enterprise, or other types), governance structure, organizational structure, recent major investments, and financing status. Ask marketers for relevant market information, such as major financial leasing customers and contracts, major competitors, types of customers, integrity, timely payment of rent, etc. Ask the chairman and other senior managers about the goals and strategies implemented or planned to be implemented by the audited unit. Ask the chief financial officer about the main accounting policies adopted by the audited unit, changes in accounting policies, allocation and composition of financial personnel, etc. Check the audited unit's management and employee performance appraisal and incentive compensation policies, segment information and performance reports of departments at different levels, etc.

During the audit, the annual audit reports and audit adjustment matters for the past three years should also be obtained and reviewed. If the report type is a non-standard opinion report, attention should be paid to the nature of the retained matters and the degree of impact on the report. Pay attention to whether the audited unit has changed accounting firms.

Understand whether the audited unit has established and implemented relevant financial leasing systems, such as the "Financial Leasing Business Risk Management Implementation Measures", "Financial Leasing Business Management System and Operational Procedures", etc. Review the minutes of shareholders’ meetings, board meetings and other important meetings of the audited entity, understand the major business activities during the audited accounting period, review whether the authorization and approval procedures for financial leases are complete, and make necessary records. Prepare a summary table of risk assessment results, a summary table of identified risks of material misstatement, a table of overall response plans for risks of material misstatements at the financial statement level, a table of summary of special risk results and countermeasures, and plans for further audit procedures for important accounts and transactions.

According to the understanding of the control activities of long-term receivables of the audited entity, determine the control activities to be tested. Test the effectiveness of control operations and record the testing process and conclusions.