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2002 CDFI Technician Induction Certificate Questions and Answers/link?url=3NGJjqPDiqcNwgjoJ7sBz_xsmrTV7Mw6cOR9kZQkRjMCi41syZm4ctJqDCjTDZpo6J5m6inzOhMEbZy1op_ 43EDdoUvR8wEHw4AmAIDnW8W

According to the "Management Measures for the Configuration and Use of Large-Scale Medical Equipment" jointly issued by the Ministry of Health, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance, "personnel who have been assigned to the large-scale medical equipment (including doctors, operators, engineers, and technicians, etc.) should be trained in their positions and qualify for the position "

The Chinese Medical Association will continue to organize the training and examination for the qualification of large-scale medical equipment users in 2007.

I. Enrollment object and qualifications:

(a). Enrollment object:

1, x-ray computed tomography device (ct) physicians, technicians;

2, nuclear magnetic **** vibration (mri) physicians, technicians; mammary gland technicians;

3, ophthalmology excimer laser prk (lasik) physicians, technicians;

4, medical electronic cyclotron accelerated therapy system, mm50, proton Therapeutic party system, radioactive particle implantation (la) physicians, technicians, physicists;

5, color Doppler (cdfi) physicians, technicians;

6, stereotactic treatment system x (γ) knife physicians, technicians, physicists;

7, more than 800 milliamps of digital subtraction angiography x-ray (dsa) technicians;

8, nuclear medicine imaging professional (nmi), nuclear medicine;

9, nuclear medicine imaging professional (nmi);

9, nuclear medicine imaging professional (nmi);

10, nuclear medicine imaging professional (nmi) Nuclear medicine imaging (nmi) physicians, technicians, physical chemists;

9, testing (engaged in 800 or more measurements of the number of automatic biochemistry operator) technician.

Note: breast technician; nuclear medicine imaging physician, technician, physical chemist; test technician for this year's new professional exam.

(ii). Qualifications:

Must be engaged in this specialty for more than two years; physician category candidates must hold a "license to practice medicine"; technicians, physicists must have the appropriate professional technical title.

Two, registration methods and fees:

(a) registration methods

1, eligible for registration in their own province (city) Medical Association direct registration or online registration, the specific registration methods in accordance with the provincial Medical Association notice shall prevail. The application for physicians must submit the original and copy of the license. The unexplained absence of the year in the following year according to the make-up test registration; for special reasons did not participate in the examination, must be in the provincial medical association for the record and in accordance with the relevant requirements for processing.

2, further training personnel must be enrolled in the original province, can be in the place of further training to participate in the examination, the application unit must be filled in the original unit.

3, the specialty of the application must be the same as the profession I engaged in, before the examination shall not be temporarily adjusted profession. x (γ) knife physician only enrollment of the head of the doctor to apply for the examination.

4, carefully fill out the "Chinese Medical Association of the National Medical Equipment Induction Qualification Examination student registration form"

5, the PLA hospitals are to the province (city) Medical Association to register, the name of the unit should be the x x x city PLA No. x x x (capitals) hospital.

6, July 15, 2007 national registration deadline. The specific deadline for registration in each province is subject to the notification of the local medical association.

(B) Fees

1, the training fee of 650 yuan / person.

2, the examination failed and absent students, with the original pass (smart card) to the province (city) Medical Association re-enrollment. The examination fee for the re-examination is 310 yuan/person.

Three, training methods:

The Chinese Medical Association according to the syllabus designation of the relevant teaching materials, by the local medical associations to organize specific pre-test training, students from the date of registration according to the syllabus to self-study based on the examination can participate in the centralized face-to-face tutorials, Q&A.

For the convenience of the candidates counseling, the number of individual professions still take a relatively centralized approach to the organization, the specific examination will be based on the number of professions and the number of applicants to organize the counseling station, the detailed location of the other see the notice.