Railway vehicles are divided into

According to the number of axles the vehicle has, it is divided into four-axle vehicles, six-axle vehicles and multi-axle vehicles.

Railway vehicles are divided into two categories: passenger cars and freight cars. Passenger cars include: hard-seat cars, hard-sleeper cars, soft-seat cars, (soft sleeper cars) for transporting passengers, dining cars for passengers’ meals, luggage cars and postal cars for transporting luggage and mail, and passenger cars for special purposes, such as Official vehicles and their auxiliary vehicles used for office work by state agency personnel and railway employees, medical vehicles equipped with medical equipment, test vehicles equipped with thermal power and other test equipment, etc.); there are many types of trucks, and they are equipped with different types of goods depending on the goods they are loaded. Different car bodies, usually trucks include flat cars (for transporting goods such as wood, steel, machines, containers, tractors, cars, etc.), gondolas (for transporting general goods that are not afraid of the sun and moisture), and boxcars (for transporting valuables and goods that are not afraid of the sun) , wet cargo), tank truck (for transporting liquid, liquefied gas and compressed gas cargo), and insulated truck (for transporting anti-freeze or anti-corrosion cargo).