According to the Principles of the Structure Ratio of Professional and Technical Personnel Positions in Medical Institutions formulated by the Ministry of Health, the ratios of senior, intermediate, and junior employees in hospitals should be as follows:
First-class hospitals: 1:2:8~9
Second-class hospitals: 1:3:8
Third-class hospitals: 1:3:6
The aim of the Principles is to guarantee the following The purpose of this principle is to ensure that the ratio of personnel engaged in various medical tasks within a medical institution is reasonable, so that the role of professional and technical personnel at all levels can be fully utilized, the quality and level of medical services can be improved, and the people's increasing demand for medical care can be met.
In addition, the principle also provides guidance for the personnel management of medical institutions, ensuring the impartiality and fairness of medical institutions in recruitment, promotion, rewards and punishments. Therefore, medical institutions should conduct staffing and management in accordance with the principle to achieve the purpose of optimizing the allocation of medical resources.