What is meant by the crime of smuggling goods; definition and criteria?

Smuggling of ordinary goods, articles crime filing criteria: according to the provisions of relevant laws in China, as long as the perpetrator has implemented without customs permission and did not make up the amount of tax payable. Unauthorized import of raw materials, parts, manufactured goods, equipment and other bonded goods, or unauthorized import of specific tax reductions, duty-free goods, articles in the territory of the sale of profit, that constitutes this crime, shall be prosecuted.

Legal Basis

Article 154 of the Criminal Law

The following smuggling behaviors, which constitute a crime according to the provisions of this section, shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 153 of this Law:

(1) Without Customs' authorization, and without payment of the tax payable, unauthorized imports of raw materials for processing, To piece assembly, compensatory trade in raw materials, parts, manufactured goods, equipment and other bonded goods, sold for profit in the territory;

(2) without Customs permission and without paying the amount of tax due, unauthorized will be specific tax reductions, duty-free imported goods, articles, sold for profit in the territory.