What is the role of semiconductor laser therapy instrument

Summary: Semiconductor laser therapy instrument is a kind of medical treatment instrument, with laser blood, laser blood, promote tissue repair, regulate the body's immunity, inhibit the nervous system conduction and so on. Semiconductor laser therapy instrument using a wavelength of 650nm light waves, belonging to the low-energy laser, irradiation density is far less than the body and blood damage threshold, so as long as the reasonable use of semiconductor laser therapy instrument, will not be harmful to the human body. The next and small editor to take a look at it. Semiconductor laser therapeutic instrument has what role

1, laser blood

Laser irradiation can regulate the activity of certain enzymes in the blood, promote the generation of ATP, on the one hand, can ensure that red blood cells have enough energy to maintain its framework structure and deformation ability, on the other hand, can inhibit platelet aggregation and fibrinogen bridging effect, reduce blood viscosity, greatly improve blood rheology On the other hand, it can inhibit platelet aggregation and fibrinogen bridging effect, reduce blood viscosity, greatly improve blood rheology, and make human blood circulation smooth.

Because of the enhanced deformation ability of red blood cells, the deformation of the surface area increases, and oxygen binding ability to strengthen the blood in the dissolved oxygen and combined oxygen are greatly increased, the blood oxygen saturation and partial pressure of oxygen greatly improved, carrying rich oxygen blood through the circulation, can quickly improve the muscle cell ischemia and hypoxia, is conducive to the health of cardiovascular and cerebral vascular.

2, laser blood purification

Laser irradiation can reduce the molecular substances in the blood MMS (with neurotoxicity) so that the blood is purified, thus improving the function of the nervous system. Laser irradiation can improve the level and vitality of SOD (superoxide dismutase) in red blood cells, which helps to remove excessive free radicals in the body, thus avoiding the toxic and damaging effects of oxidation on tissue cells.

3, regulating human immunity

Semiconductor laser therapy machine can activate or induce T, B lymphocytes and macrophages to produce cytokines, activate the whole body immune system through lymphocyte recirculation, enhance the phagocytosis ability of macrophages, improve the role of non-specific immunity and specific immunity, so as to improve the immune function of the human body to improve the human body's prevention of disease, disease prevention ability.


4, inhibit the nervous system conduction

Semiconductor laser not only inhibit the conduction speed of the stimulus, but also inhibit the intensity of the stimulus and impulse frequency. The laser has an inhibitory effect on the peripheral nerve impulse, conduction speed, intensity and impulse frequency caused by pain stimulation.

5, promote tissue repair

Laser irradiation can promote the growth of new blood vessels and granulation tissue proliferation, stimulate protein synthesis. Capillaries are one of the basic components of the granulation tissue, is to complete the prerequisites for wound healing, the more abundant the granulation tissue capillaries, the more adequate oxygen supply to the tissues, which contributes to the metabolism and maturation of the various tissues repair cells, and promotes the production of collagen fibers, deposition and cross-linking.

Semiconductor laser therapy instrument is harmful to the human body

As long as the reasonable use of semiconductor laser therapy instrument, there will be no harm to the human body. Semiconductor laser therapy instrument using a wavelength of 650nm light waves, belonging to the low-energy laser, irradiation density is far less than the body and blood damage threshold, in the laser irradiation, the laser penetrates the human body and will not cause damage to the body. But any therapeutic device needs to be used strictly according to the instructions, especially for those who are suffering from diseases, they should ask the doctor first and follow the doctor's instructions.

The human body is an organic, open system, the body's physiological function is not only by the body's functional system of communication and regulation of each other, but also by the outside world of material, energy and information. Researchers have found that the wavelength of 630-650nm red laser is at the peak of hemoglobin spectral absorption, the most likely to be absorbed by the hemoglobin in the human blood, known as "the human body's golden band". Laser irradiation of blood on the human immune system has a variety of regulatory effects, can improve the body's immune function, improve the body's ability to prevent and fight diseases. Long-term benign low-intensity laser stimulation, the body will produce a series of photochemical reactions and biological effects, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment and health care, medical science called "low-intensity laser therapy".