Ragged yet beautiful small European country-Bulgaria

Bulgaria's environment is very beautiful, Bulgarian women generally have exquisite features, black hair, grayish-yellow skin, big brown and blue eyes, their figures are slim and shapely. Bulgarian women are perfect for modeling.

Men in Bulgaria tend to take good care of themselves. Bulgaria is a male-dominated society. Bulgarian men are also well-built. They usually work out on the double bars in the local park and at the local gym.

Bodyguards are very common in Bulgaria, where it's usually egotistical businessmen who like to hire bodyguards to keep them safe. Because Bulgaria is a country where law and order should not be too good.

Bulgarians are suspicious by nature. They need time to get to know new things and strangers. In the 1990s, Bulgaria was in a state of sheer anarchy, a country on the verge of collapse, where gangs ran rampant and criminals walked free. During this period, fraud was rampant and Ponzi schemes emerged, with quite serious consequences for Bulgaria.

Worse was to come, however, as Bulgaria's banking system collapsed in the winter of 1996/1997, wiping out the country's entire savings. Hyperinflation caused stores to close and people to go bankrupt, and the Bulgarian currency began to lose value.

Bulgarians are big believers in things like divination or horoscopes. They will ask strangers what sign they are under, and if their children are sick, they will take them to see the local charlatans, who can sometimes magically cure them with potions or medicine. Bulgarians generally love children.

Villages in Bulgaria

Most Bulgarians, are very polite people, they are generally educated and usually speak English. Many educated Bulgarians choose to work in the IT industry, which is a huge industry in Bulgaria. Bulgaria has a strong IT presence and IT workers are well paid in Bulgaria.

Sophia Churches

The service sector in Bulgaria is low and gives customers a poor feeling of service. The main culprit for these problems is the low quality of the waiters themselves. A significant number of waiters in bars or restaurants will take money and then blatantly not give you change and sometimes overcharge you. This happens not only to foreigners, but also to Bulgarians themselves.

Restaurants in Bulgaria

Theft of money from foreigners is a regular occurrence at currency exchange booths here. Many of the nightclubs and strip bars in the capital Sofia and other cities are run by local gangs. These behaviors have given Bulgaria a bad name over the years.


If one has a contract with a Bulgarian, they usually honor it. For example, when it comes to renting an apartment, Bulgarians, who are on the tenant's side, usually don't bother their landlords with little things in the apartment. However, Bulgarian landlords often do not return the deposit to the tenant at the end of the rental period. The only solution for the tenant is not to pay the rent for the last months.

Bulgarians are fond of acquiring automobile insurance. Probably because, cars parked on the street or in the neighborhood are often vandalized or disfigured.

Bulgarians have bad driving habits. They can be very careless when driving. The road death rate in Bulgaria is the highest in the EU. A significant number of bosses in Bulgaria regularly withhold all or part of their employees' wages.

Street in Plovdiv (Bulgaria's second largest city)

What is even more interesting is that foreign bosses in Bulgaria have started to follow the behavior of local bosses.

Sofia Tram

Bulgaria has a lot of poor people. Many people here are underpaid, especially outside Sofia. Oddly enough, though, Bulgaria is the only country in the EU that doesn't have personal bankruptcy practices. You can have a business go bankrupt here, but you can't file for bankruptcy as an individual.


If a Bulgarian takes out a bank loan and can't pay it back, the loan is repaid by his next of kin and his passport is frozen by the bank, preventing him from leaving the country.

Plevin (Bulgarian city)

The Bulgarian healthcare system is free. But the doctors are corrupt. Bulgaria's public hospitals are poorly equipped and many Bulgarian doctors choose to leave to work in hospitals abroad.

Branglers in the countryside

Bulgaria is a very scenic country. There are many natural honey producers here. If you like honey you can go there and buy a few bottles and taste them.