2, signing a contract to pay attention to the content:
A, the amount of the transfer (yuan)
clinic area (square meters
clinic equipment (depreciation)
B, the time limit: from ______ year ____ Month ____ onwards and ends on ______ ____.
If the intermediary service is still needed beyond the above period, the two sides will sign a separate intermediary contract or extend the commissioning period of this contract in writing.
C, true identity and qualification documents; shall not provide false information, conceal important facts or collude with others in bad faith to the detriment of Party A's interests;
D, to keep Party A's economic situation, personal information, commercial secrets, etc., secret
E, commission Party A shall pay RMB ____ in advance within ____ days after the conclusion of the Contract, as an upfront fee. Party A and Party B shall pay the commission to Party B based on 2% of the total value of the clinic as determined by both parties, and Party A shall pay the balance within ___ days of signing the contract with the counterparty.
F. Liability for breach of contract (a) If Party A violates the obligation of confidentiality, it shall pay liquidated damages in accordance with the standard of ________________________; in addition to the liquidated damages agreed upon, Party A shall also compensate for damages in addition to the liquidated damages in excess of the liquidated damages.
(ii) Party A shall pay liquidated damages in accordance with the standard of ___________ if Party A fails to pay commissions and intermediary activity fees as agreed;
G. Other Agreed Matters