X-ray medical radiation protection optimization in the operation of the relevant requirements are as follows:

1, strict compliance with the principle of optimization of diagn

X-ray medical radiation protection optimization in the operation of the relevant requirements are as follows:

1, strict compliance with the principle of optimization of diagnostic X-ray examination, clinical physicians should pay full attention to the patient's protection, and strictly grasp a variety of medical irradiation of the indications to try to avoid unnecessary exposure to patients.

2, under the premise that must be used ray diagnosis, but also try to choose the best method, and medical radiation equipment working conditions adjusted to the optimized state, so that the ray dose reasonably reduced to the lowest level.

3, to master the X-ray examination of the indications, the correct and reasonable use of X-ray diagnosis of medical irradiation, and at the same time the patient and the examinee's irradiation dose control to the lowest possible level that can be reasonably achieved.

4, careful judgment of the justification for X-ray diagnostic examinations of women and children.

X-rays are short-wavelength electromagnetic waves, with wavelengths ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometers. It is highly penetrating and can easily pass through many substances such as paper and muscle, but is blocked by denser objects such as metal and bone. As a result, X-rays are widely used in medical diagnostics for fluoroscopic imaging to check for diseases.

The discovery of X-rays can be traced back to 1895, when the German physicist R?ntgen, in his experiments with cathode rays, discovered a kind of "rays" that could penetrate the impenetrable "rays" of visible light, which were unknown and therefore named "X-rays". X-rays". When X-rays were discovered, they were soon widely used. In medicine, doctors can use X-rays to image the human body in order to better diagnose diseases.

X-rays have the following roles:

1. Clinical diagnosis.X-rays can be used to do fluoroscopic imaging, which is a routine means of examining diseases. When a unique penetrating X-rays used to cast the human body, the body can be obtained from the anatomical structure of the tissue and organs of the image, thus conveniently providing clinical medicine to diagnose the important information needed for disease.

2. When X-rays irradiate a living organism, they can inhibit, destroy, or even necrose biological cells, resulting in different degrees of physiological, pathological, and biochemical changes in the organism.

3. X-rays can also make certain substances fluorescent and make gas free.