The world famous ethylene cracking patent technology provider and its process characteristics detailed explanation

World famous ethylene patent technology company, Lummus company separation process is sequential separation; Linde company separation process is before de-ethanization before hydrogenation separation; Dexinibu group of TPL company is with asymptotic separation process; S&W company, KB company and the domestic ST technology are before de-propanization before hydrogenation separation process.

1, LUMMUS company

Lummus company's ethylene production technology in the ethylene industry occupies an important position, its olefin device design experience for a long time has been more than 50 years. At present, there are nearly 200 ethylene plants in the world*** using Lummus production technology, with a total production capacity of more than 40 million tons, accounting for about 30% of the world's total ethylene production capacity.

In China, four sets of 300,000t/a ethylene plants were introduced in the early and late 1970s in Yanshan, Yangzi, Qilu and Shanghai; Panjin and Fushun ethylene plants were started in the early 1990s; and medium-sized ethylene plants were started in the mid-1990s in Xinjiang, Tianjin and Zhongyuan.

The two rounds of reconstruction and expansion of Yanshan, Yangzi and Qilu ethylene plants around 2000, the joint venture projects of SECCO and Fujian around 2010 and the two sets of megaton ethylene plants in Tianjin and Zhenhai, and the 2.5 million tons of ethane cracking project planned by Satellite Petrochemicals are all adopting the technology of Lummus Company.

The main features of the process are as follows:

(1) SRT series cracker is adopted, with high thermal efficiency, high adaptability to feedstock, suitable for both light and heavy feedstock, and high ethylene yield.

(2) The emergency cooling area is equipped with disk oil circulation and viscosity reduction system, which can effectively reduce the viscosity of the emergency cooling oil in the tower kettle of the gasoline fractionator and increase the kettle temperature.

(3) The separation process adopts sequential separation and low-pressure demethanization.

(4) the use of binary and ternary hybrid refrigeration technology, ternary refrigeration can reduce the number of equipment and investment.

(5) Hydrogenation of propyne/propadiene by new catalytic distillation technology.

(6) Low-pressure propylene distillation tower and propylene machine to form a heat pump.

2. S&W Company

S&W Company is one of the famous ethylene patentees, there are more than 130 sets of ethylene units in the world using S&W technology, and its production capacity accounts for 30% of the total ethylene production capacity in the world. Since 1990, 40% of the world's new production capacity has been based on S&W technology.

In Novachem, Canada, S&W has built the largest ethane-based ethylene plant (1.27 million tons/a). In China, Daqing, Maoming 1 # and Guangzhou ethylene, Yanbar and China Shell two sets of joint venture ethylene.

Guangzhou ethylene renovation and Shanghai 2 # ethylene of the second round of renovation, as well as PetroChina Fushun and Sichuan two sets of large ethylene, Sasol U.S. 1.5 million tons of ethane cracked to ethylene plant, the U.S. CPchem 1.5 million tons of ethylene plant, the Saudi Arabia Rabigh 1.2 million tons of ethane cracked to ethylene plant and so on are using the technology of the S & W.

The main features of the process are as follows:

(1) USC (super-selective) cracker: high thermal efficiency of 93% to 94%; applicable to both light and heavy feedstock; high olefin yield; long furnace tube life.

(2) SLE (Selective Linear Exchanger) Express Cooling Boiler: minimum volume; short residence time; very low coking, no off-line coke removal.

(3) Adjustment of sharp cooling oil viscosity with ethane furnace cracked gas vaporization, solving the challenge of sharp cooling oil viscosity control.

(4) HRS (heat-integrated distillation system): combination of heat-integrated and component distillation; use of heat pump technology to reduce energy consumption; reduced refrigerant consumption; use of dual-tower pre-propane dehydrogenation and dual-tower high-pressure demethanization; reduced investment and enhanced competitiveness with other processes.

3. KBR Corporation

KBR is the result of the merger of Kellogg and B&R. The company was founded in 1977 and is now the largest ethylene producer in the world. The original Kellogg ethylene technology was characterized by the use of millisecond crackers and sequential separation processes; B&R's separation technology was pre-dehydrogenation before de-ethanation for gas cracked feedstocks, and pre-dehydrogenation before de-propanation for liquid cracked feedstocks.

The 180,000t/a new line added in the first round of ethylene expansion in Daqing adopted the former pre-propane hydrotreating process provided by B&R, which is currently in good operating condition.

KBR was established to combine the technologies of Kellogg, B&R and EXXON to form a new "SCORE" technology. Lanzhou second round of ethylene renovation in parallel with the new 450,000t / a ethylene line, the use of this technology.

In recent years, BP and Ineos' joint venture olefins plant in Chocolate Bayou, USA, has used five SCORE 200,000t ethane/propane/naphtha complex crackers, and Sabic's Kayan project has used nine SCORE crackers.

The characteristics of KBR ethylene technology are as follows:

(1) Cracking technology: wide adaptability of feedstock, available ethane-VGO and other feedstocks; single-pass furnace tube, short residence time, high yield; can be partitioned cracking of different feedstocks; can be on-line coke clearing, to extend the operation of the on-line rate.

(2) The emergency cooling oil system has viscosity control measures.

(3) Separation technology: pre-deethane pre-hydrogenation process (gas feedstock); pre-de-propane pre-hydrogenation process (liquid feedstock); de-ethanization towers can produce ethylene with 30% yield; ethylene towers and ethylene machines form heat pump systems; propylene towers and propylene machines form heat pumps.

4. Linde Corporation

Linde Corporation is a well-known ethylene industry company with specialties in deep cooling and air separation.

In terms of ethylene production technology: the world's first set of deep-cooling separation method to produce ethylene plant was Linde completed in 1931; the first set of large-scale production of ethylene plant is Linde's use of thermal cracking, cracking gas purification and low-temperature gas separation and other technologies built in 1965.

Currently, Linde has more than 300 cracking furnaces around the world, and more than 30 large-scale ethylene production plants in 15 countries utilize Linde's technology, accounting for about 20% of the world's total production capacity of existing plants.

In China, Linde built a 40,000t/a cracker in Shanghai Petrochemical Company in 1984, and in September 1996, it completed and put into operation the 300,000t/a ethylene plant of Jihua Company and its later 700,000t/a expansion, and also the recently completed 1,000,000t/a ethylene plant of Dushanzi in Xinjiang, the 1,000,000t/a ethane cracker plant of SEPC in Saudi Arabia, and the Ruwais Phase II ethane cracker plant in the United Arab Emirates. Ruwais Phase II ethane cracker plant in UAE, etc. all adopt Linde's technology.

The main features of the process are as follows:

(1) Cracker features: unique in cracker design; suitable for heavy cracking materials with diesel fuel and hydrotreating tail oil as feedstock; secondary steam injection technology; radiant section can be either single or double hearth.

(2) Separation process characteristics: before deethanization; carbon dihydrogenation using pre-hydrogenation, isothermal reactor; ethylene distillation tower using heat pump system; available solvent absorption method to recover acetylene.

5, TPL/KTI company

TPL/KTI company quoted technology for TOPKIN technology, TOPKIN technology by the Netherlands KTI company's GK-type cracking furnace and Dexinib Group's TPL progressive separation technology.

The two companies were founded in 1971 and have designed ***16 ethylene plants with a total capacity of more than 5 million t/a from the time of their union to the present, while the number of reconstruction and expansion plants has reached 15. Its design of 600,000t/a ethylene plant up to 11 sets, has a wealth of experience in general contracting.

China's Liaoyang and Beijing Dongfang ethylene plants adopt the technology of Dexinib Group. Dongfang ethylene is designed by TPL, which adopts KTIGK-V cracking furnace and simplified asymptotic separation technology.

KTI has its own characteristics in cracker design, its cracker is GK type, with the world's only commercialized yield prediction software SPYRO. KTI has developed and designed the advanced GK-V cracker by using SPYRO software and its own experience.

The GK-V Cracker is a two-pass tube, with the first pass having a large specific surface area, and the second pass having a large flow area that is favorable for lowering the hydrocarbon partial pressure. This can improve the thermal intensity of the tube wall in the heating section, reduce the residence time of the reactants, lower the partial pressure of the hydrocarbons, and improve the yield of olefins.

TPL's progressive separation technology is to minimize energy consumption to achieve the goal of separation. The basic principle is to implement incomplete separation of neighboring components and complete separation of components that are far apart, and multi-step separation is used to achieve the ideal separation sequence. Asymptotic separation process in order to realize the reduction of compression and refrigeration power, and combined with the characteristics of the process, and the use of medium-pressure dual-tower demethanization.