Witch King = Naiad group? The Witch King was created by Kilgardan, I think it was before Draenor was destroyed, does anyone know some historical stories and background in it?

Ner'zhul was originally an elder shaman of the Orcs; the most powerful and evil shaman in the continent of Draenor; and the mentor of Gul'dan. Kilgardan the Deceiver told all the Orc Shamans about the "Draenei threat" through a vision. In front of Neojo is the spirit of his wife. Neojo, who loved his wife dearly, summoned everyone to inform him of the situation. Neozo realized that Kilgatan might have been telling lies, and asked the spirit about it, only to find out that he had betrayed the entire race unintentionally, and had been abandoned by the elements. But, to Neojo's horror, Kilgardan had found a new hostage: Neojo's disciple ---- Gul'dan, who possessed both a genius and a sinister heart, the one who was more than a match for him. Gul'dan manipulated the puppet chieftain Blackhand and the Council of Shadows, and together with Madivan, opened the Dark Gate and started the Second War.

After the failure of the Second War, the escaped Death Knights Talon Bloodmagic and Jazzy Soulbreaker coerced Neojo into figuring out how to open portals to other worlds. After learning that Gul'dan's skull had been obtained by the Bone Chewing Clan chief, Halkan Skullcracker, Neozu sent the Battlecry Clan to massacre his clan, capture the skull, and then plan his return to Azeroth. He then gathered the Thunder King Clan, the Bone Chewing Clan, and the Shatterhand Clan to serve him. He attempted to steal more ancient artifacts in Azeroth to help him open new gates of darkness. He stole the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras and traded it to Alterac for the Book of Medivh. He then stole the Eye of Dalaran from the rebuilt cross island. Having gotten enough treasure to return to Draenor, Neojo cast an evil spell to open several chasms in the sky and led his followers away from the burning Dalaran, abandoning the Battlecry that stayed in Azeroth and the clans of Shattered Hands and Blood Cave in Draenor. But the failure of the spells not only tore the world of Draenor apart, but also thrust Neozu himself into Kilgardan's grasp. Neozu remembers that the pact of blood he made so long ago has not gone away. Kilgardan tells Neozu that he will soon fulfill the demon's dream and that he will pave the way for the return of the Burning Legion! After imprisoning Neozu's soul in the cold, Kilgardan reveals his plan to the bodyless shaman. To imbue his soul with amazing powers, transforming him into the sinister Lich King, Kilgardan tells Neojo of his plan to return him to Azeroth so that he can wreak havoc there, spreading the plague and destroying human civilization forever with death and fear. Every soldier who dies under this apocalypse will be brought back to life again to serve the legions of the apocalypse as a member of the Undying Legion.