I. Optimizing and regulating core businesses
II. Expanding assays and technologies around integrated biomedical testing
III. Targeting high-growth opportunities 1. Centrifugation and Instrumentation Systems
Beckman Coulter is a leading supplier of centrifugation and a technology leader in the field of ultracentrifugation. Continuous innovation in the areas of drive systems, cooling systems and motor design keeps our tabletop, high-performance ultracentrifuges at the forefront of this sample separation technology. Beckman Coulter's centrifugation product line includes the Avanti? series of high-performance centrifuges, the Optima? ultracentrifuges, and the Allegra? brand of tabletop miniature ultracentrifuges. In addition to centrifugation, Beckman Coulter has long been a supplier of analytical systems for routine purposes in the field of biological research. It is a leader in the field of optical and detection methods and is known for capillary electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, scintillation counting, liquid colorimetry and electrochemistry. In 2003, the company launched a suite of first-of-its-kind products based on the ProteomeLab PF2D for protein fractionation and the PA800 for protein identification.
2. Automated mechanical automation & genetic analysis
Automated mechanical automation
In 1986, the company introduced the Biomek?1000 automated workstation. Soon the Biomek System became the most sought after sample preparation tool for conducting genetic research. Today, Biomek 2000, 3000, NX and FX workstations are revolutionizing the speed and capability of pharmaceutical, biotechnology and clinical research. In late 1996, Beckman acquired the Laboratory Robotics Products Division of Sagian Ltd. to provide the company with a product line in the area of high throughput drug screening, enabling it to position itself to compete for new drugs.The SAGIAN Core System has made an outstanding contribution to helping biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies capitalize on the time-to-market of new drugs thanks to its s ability to process assays with high speed and accuracy 24 hours a day. One of the company's strategies for robotic automation is to expand the number of biochemicals running on its automation platform. The Company has entered into sales agreements with Promega and XTRANA for a variety of DNA and cellular analysis products that can be automated on Beckman Coulter systems. The company also automates DNA, SNP and protein analysis through collaborations with Orchid, Promega, Third Wave, Sequenom, Ciphergen and Qiagen. The latest biochemical product to be introduced to the Biomek system is the ProteomeLab A2 MicroArray System. This is a "system-on-system" architecture that allows researchers to perform multiple assays and obtain up to 10,000 results on a single microtitre dish.
Genetic Analysis
As one of the pioneers in the field of biotechnology equipment, Beckman Coulter now offers specialized systems for protein and DNA analysis. Our scientists are forging a new path in the time-honored fields of protein and DNA biochemistry to accelerate the sequential identification of these critical molecules.
As a pioneer in automation in the field of capillary electrophoresis (CE), Beckman Coulter now has several of the most productive DNA sequence biochemistry programs available. In 1998, we introduced an analysis system called the CEQDNA Analysis System, which was designed to be available to individual researchers for DNA-based research and drug development. Its current system is capable of running 750 substrates in as little as 100 minutes and is unrivaled in the field. In 2002, the Company introduced the CEQTM 8000 Genetic Analysis System for use in a wide range of DNA-based applications. In the second half of 2002, the Company acquired the SNP Genotyping System for ultra-high throughput SNP (mutation) analysis from Orchid BioSciences. The product was launched in the second half of 2003 as the GenomeLab SNPstream Genotyping System. The system can process 4,500 to 800,000 genotypes per day .
3. Specialized Testing Specialized testing is typically performed in reference laboratories and university hospitals. Emerging technologies for diagnostic testing were first used in specialized testing laboratories before being approved by the FDA for routine patient care testing. Tasked with defeating life's most challenging diseases, Beckman Coulter has introduced a comprehensive line of flow cytometers that use laser, optical, electronic, and computer technology to identify and monitor diseases such as AIDS and leukemia. In fact, its broadest use centers on the presence and counting of CD4+ T-cells - the most critical information for HIV patients. Applications for Coulter? Flow Cytometry Systems' Epics and FC500 series range from basic medical research to specialized testing to ambulatory diagnostics. Basic research and biopharmaceutical applications include immunology, cellular action and physiology, cell cycle analysis, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and cultured cell analysis. Clinical research and patient care applications include CD4 enumeration, leukemia/lymphoma analysis, and hepatocyte enumeration for bone marrow transplantation and parenchymal organ transplantation matching. In 2002, the company introduced the Cytomics FC 500 Flow Cytometer with 5 color assays for the clinical research market. In 2003, the Company added the FC 500 MPL and CXP versions for research and clinical use, respectively. In 2004, the Company signed an agreement with PointCare Technologies to expand the Company's role in HIV testing with a small, laptop device. We also entered into an agreement with NPE Systems Ltd. for a flow cytometric analyzer system to compete in the lower end of the market.
Workforce:As of December 31, 2003, Beckman Coulter employed approximately 9,882 people worldwide. The company invests heavily in training and employee development, especially in the areas of quality, safety, technology and other performance-based technologies.
Employee breakdown: management 15%; production 27%; R&D 13%; sales, service and marketing 45%.