What is pediatric medical equipment
Medical equipment continues to improve the level of medical science and technology of the basic conditions, but also an important symbol of the degree of modernization, medical equipment has become an important area of modern medicine. At present, the development of medical treatment depends largely on the development of instruments, and even in the development of the medical industry, its breakthrough bottlenecks also play a decisive role.
It is the most basic elements of medical care, scientific research, teaching, institutions, clinical disciplines work, that is, including professional medical equipment, but also includes home medical equipment.?
Currently pediatric medical equipment more advocated taxonomy has three major categories, namely, diagnostic equipment class, therapeutic equipment class and auxiliary equipment class.?
I, diagnostic equipment can be divided into eight categories:?X-ray diagnostic equipment, ultrasound diagnostic equipment, functional examination equipment, endoscopy equipment, nuclear medicine equipment, experimental diagnostic equipment and diagnostic equipment for pathology.?
The second category of therapeutic equipment can be divided into 10 categories: ward care (hospital beds, trolleys, oxygen cylinders, gastric lavage machines, needleless syringes, etc.); surgical equipment (surgical beds, lighting equipment, surgical instruments and a variety of tables, racks, but also microsurgical equipment); radiation therapy equipment (contact therapy machines, superficial therapy machines, depth therapy machines, gas pedals, 60 cobalt therapy machines, radium or 137 cesium intracavity Therapy and aftermath device therapy, etc.); nuclear medicine treatment equipment - treatment method of internal irradiation therapy, dressing therapy and colloid therapy three; physical and chemical equipment (at present can be broadly divided into phototherapy business, electrotherapy equipment, ultrasound therapy and sulfur therapy equipment, 4 categories); laser equipment - medical laser generator (currently commonly used ruby laser, helium-neon laser, carbon dioxide laser, argon laser and YAG laser, etc.); laser equipment - medical laser generator (currently commonly used ruby laser, helium-neon laser, carbon dioxide laser, argon laser and YAG laser, etc.) Ion laser and YAG laser, etc.); dialysis treatment equipment (commonly used artificial kidneys are flat artificial kidney and tubular artificial kidney two categories); body temperature freezing equipment (semiconductor cryoknife, gas cryoknife and solid cryoknife, etc.); first aid equipment (defibrillation pacemaker, artificial respiratory machine, ultrasonic nebulizer, etc.); other therapeutic equipment (hyperbaric oxygen chambers, high-frequency chromium oxide for ophthalmology, electromagnetic suction, vitrectomy, blood adult separator, etc.). Other therapeutic equipment (hyperbaric oxygen chamber, high-frequency electrochromatograph for ophthalmology, electromagnetic iron absorber, vitreous cutter, blood adult separator, etc.) This is all part of the special treatment equipment, if necessary, can also be divided into a separate category.
Three, auxiliary equipment can be divided into the following categories: disinfection and sterilization equipment, refrigeration equipment, central suction and oxygen system, air-conditioning equipment, pharmaceutical machinery and equipment, blood bank equipment, medical data-processing equipment, medical video camera equipment.
Pediatric medical equipment can also be divided into three major categories, namely, diagnostic, therapeutic two categories and essential medical equipment for each class of different requirements for classification.?
I. Diagnostic equipment class can be divided into the following categories: physical diagnostic instruments (thermometers, blood pressure meters, microscopes, audiometers, a variety of physiological recorders, etc.), imaging (X-ray machines, CT scans, magnetic *** vibration, ultrasound, etc.), analytical instruments (various types of counters, biochemical and immunological analyzers), electrophysiology (such as electrocardiogram, electroencephalography, electromyography machine, etc.).?
? Second, the category of therapeutic equipment can be divided into the following categories: ? General surgical instruments, light-guided surgical instruments (fiber endoscopes, laser therapy machines, etc.); auxiliary surgical instruments (such as various anesthesia machines, respiratory machines, extracorporeal circulation, etc.); radiation therapy machinery (such as deep X-ray therapy machine, cobalt 60 therapy machine, gas pedal, gamma knife, a variety of isotopes therapeutic apparatus, etc.); other categories (microwave, hyperbaric oxygen, etc.). Third, the hospital necessary medical equipment class requirements can be divided into three categories of the following categories: Class I, Class II and Class III. That is, Class I refers to the routine management is sufficient to ensure its safety, effectiveness of medical devices; Class II refers to its safety, effectiveness should be controlled medical devices; Class III refers to the implantation of the human body, for the support and maintenance of life; the human body has a potential danger and its safety, effectiveness must be strictly controlled medical devices.