poor poor;poverty;impoverished;extremely
poverty poor
infinity limitless;endless
poor luck hard luck
poor the poor
poor poverty-stricken poverty-stricken;destitute
poor pauper
Chinese English
n. poor person prole
n. poor and needy be badly off
n. poor sick person lazar
adj. disadvantaged
n. poverty, impoverished penury
a. destitute, impoverished penniless
n. miserable, unfortunate, poor misery
adv. endlessly; boundlessly
adj. boundless
n. at one's wit's end
n. lacking, lacking, poor privation
n. state, destitution, predicament
n. poverty, destitution, lack
n. poverty, lack of poverty
n. poverty, lack of, poverty, lack of a job. poverty, lack, wretchedness poorness
adj. endless; reliable unfailing
a. endless, inexhaustible exhaustless
ad. endlessly
n. pauper, pauper, pauper
n. state of being poor, destitution, destitution. p>adj. poor; penniless moneyless
a. miserable, destitute, unfortunate miserable
n. without money, penniless, poor impecuniosity
a. ceaselessly, endlessly, endlessly
n. to be made to suffer Relief of the poor, pauperization pauperization
a. endless, endless, unending unending
n. larva, pauperization; v. digging, grub
a. penniless, penniless, poor impecunious
a. argumentative, argumentative, argumentative
n. a. a person who has no money; a poor, poor person; an impoverished person. argumentative
n. living in the attic, lowly author, poor writer garreteer
n. poor; a. poor, unfortunate, poor
v. to make poor, to make a doleful gpause , pauperize
ad. poorly, insufficiently, poorly. poorly
ad. poorly, insufficiently, pauperized; a. physically unwell poorly