Is Higher Current Better for Interferential Electric Therapy

Interferential Electric Therapy (IET) is a medical technique that interferes with nerve conduction by applying an electric current to reduce pain and improve other related symptoms. With IED, the size of the current is something that needs to be considered carefully.

First of all, the current intensity of IET should be judged and adjusted by a medical professional according to the patient's specific situation. Generally speaking, the common current intensity range is 1mA-5mA. too small current is not enough to produce therapeutic effect, while too large current may cause discomfort or even hurt the patient.

Secondly, the amount of current can also be limited by the interfering electrotherapy device. Different devices may have different current ranges and methods of use, and patients should follow their doctor's recommendations for proper operation of the device.

Finally, individual differences in patients also need to be considered. Because each person's condition and tolerance are different, the current level and treatment plan need to be determined on a patient-by-patient basis.

In summary, the size of the current for interferential electrotherapy is not the higher the better, and the specific current intensity should be determined by a medical professional based on the patient's condition. If you have further questions, it is recommended to consult your doctor or professional medical institution.