As a pregnant woman, how to prevent the occurrence of amniotic fluid embolism?

Amniotic fluid embolism is known as the sickle of the maternity ward, part of the baby mother can not pass this hurdle, the maternity ward three big devils, amniotic fluid embolism, hemorrhage, puerperal fever, and amniotic fluid embolism is how to become the number one killer it! The incidence of amniotic fluid embolism in 1/7000 ~ 1/70,000, the incidence rate is very low, but the mortality rate reached 1/10,000, meaning that the mortality rate of 70%, resulting in a mortality rate so high, mainly pregnant mothers do not understand the symptoms, did not tell the doctor about the abnormality, resulting in the missing of the best period of time for treatment.

Amniotic fluid embolism: Pregnant mothers in the process of labor, amniotic fluid into the maternal blood circulation caused by acute pulmonary embolism, resulting in anaphylactic shock, renal failure or sudden death of a serious childbirth complications.

Embolism: solid small particles, liquids, bubbles, into the bloodstream leading to blockage of blood vessels, and amniotic fluid is into the maternal blood circulation is what we call the outbreak of amniotic fluid embolism occurs, amniotic fluid inside the fetal feces, fetal lipids, corneal epithelial cells, and so on, this is directly triggered by the amniotic fluid embolism of the material.

Amniotic fluid embolism leads to blockage of blood vessels in the lungs, forming a pulmonary embolism, the lungs are our main dependence on the breathing place, if the blockage, then the provision of oxygen will encounter obstacles, so people will be in a state of shock.

The performance of amniotic fluid embolism

The onset of amniotic fluid embolism is characterized by a relatively rigid, fast, accurate and ruthless is synonymous with it, from the latent period to the outbreak of the period of a few minutes, mainly in the process of labor and delivery and half an hour after the birth of a baby, especially half an hour after the birth of a baby, is the peak of the incidence of the peak period, so the postpartum period should be left in the delivery room for two hours to observe.

The extent of the outbreak of amniotic fluid embolism is mainly related to the amount of amniotic fluid that enters, if the amount of amniotic fluid that enters is relatively small, then the symptoms are not so strong.

The first stage of amniotic fluid embolism is usually chills, irritability, breathlessness, rapid heart rate, convulsions, and then into a state of shock, so pregnant mothers in the process of labor, there is anomaly initiative and the doctor said that each stage of the feeling to the midwife or the doctor said that the doctor or the midwife is busy, and sometimes did not ask to, we must take the initiative.

Causes of amniotic fluid embolism: It is still not known what causes amniotic fluid embolism, the doctor guessed that there is a relationship with the pressure of the amniotic membrane, and rupture of the fetal membranes, the probability of amniotic fluid embolism is relatively high in the elderly women, the contraction of uterus, placenta praevia, placental abruptio placenta, and the emergency delivery

How to prevent amniotic fluid embolism

The first is the examination of the time

Through The first step is to check if the placenta is in place, if it is placenta praevia, and if it is abruptio placenta.

Secondly, pay attention to the body changes

If the mother is a pregnant woman, then the premature birth and or more than the expected date of birth of the mother, you need to pay attention to their own body changes, especially the cervical development of the mother is relatively poor, to be a comprehensive examination to enhance vigilance.

Third, timely feedback

Delivery process, if there is discomfort, do not be afraid to trouble the doctor, timely feedback on their own feelings, physical discomfort, so that the doctor can do a good job in time to deal with the program.

Fourth, to prevent excessive contractions

Do not use oxytocin casually, if the amount is too large, it will lead to excessive contractions, resulting in uterine rupture, when the pregnant mother's own uterine contractions are too strong, the pressure in the uterine cavity is too great, the lower segment of the uterus rupture of the lining, and the amniotic fluid enters the mother's body.

Pregnant mothers do not need to be too nervous, the food and drink, at ease at home to recuperate the fetus, to the time of delivery, but also the smooth birth of the baby, mother and child peace!!!!

Amniotic fluid embolism has been described as the "death of obstetrics" because of its very high mortality rate, the onset of the disease, the mother can be in labor, the birth of a short period of time after the birth of the mother, the condition of the mother can be in a few minutes within the rapid death!

Mo Ma remembered that he began to enter the hospital when the doctor's tone and so on are particularly relaxed, and then did the internal examination and then measured blood pressure when the blood pressure is a little high, repeated several times or high, the doctor's expression has become serious, then Mo Ma was more afraid, in the delivery room when also sent his father's "last words". "The first time I saw this, I was able to get a good look at it, and I was able to get a good look at it, and I was able to get a good look at it.

01:What is amniotic fluid embolism?

Amniotic fluid embolism is one of the most serious complications of obstetrics, is the direct cause of maternal mortality, its incidence is very, very low, can not be predicted, but once it happens, then the mortality rate is as high as 60%.

Amniotic fluid embolism refers to the process of labor and delivery of amniotic fluid material into the maternal blood circulation caused by pulmonary embolism, anaphylaxis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, renal failure and a series of pathological changes in the serious complications of childbirth, also known as the "gestational allergy-like syndrome", 70% of the amniotic fluid embolism occurs in the process of delivery, 11% occurs after delivery, and 11% occurs after delivery.

Amniotic fluid embolism occurs in 70% of cases during labor and delivery, in 11% of cases after delivery, and in 19% of cases during cesarean section.

The incidence of amniotic fluid embolism is low but unpredictable. Injury to the mother's cervix or uterus, strong uterine contractions, advanced primiparity, multiple births, as well as artificial rupture of membranes, placenta previa, and improper use of uterotonics are all predisposing factors for amniotic fluid embolism.

02: How can pregnant women prevent amniotic fluid embolism?

Mothers should know that this situation of amniotic fluid embolism can not be predicted before the birth, and there is no way how to better prevent it, during pregnancy and delivery, mothers should pay attention to the following points:

?1.Pregnancy on time for the maternity examination

During pregnancy, mothers must pay attention to the prenatal checkups, the pregnancy can make the mother's body to occur "The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and then you'll be able to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world.

Moms have to be on time for maternity checkups, once there is high blood pressure, edema and proteinuria symptoms, to be treated in a timely manner to avoid the occurrence of severe hyperemesis gravidarum, and on time for maternity checkups is the responsibility of the fetus is also responsible for their own.

?2. appropriate exercise, to avoid the occurrence of a huge child

Many pregnant mothers after pregnancy is all day nestled in the bed, the couch does not move, the human body is the use of the body is used in the waste, mothers in pregnancy, appropriate exercise on the future of the delivery is also has a certain degree of help, if the mother is always not exercise, then in the delivery of the time of delivery may be poorer, and the birth of the strength.

During pregnancy, mothers should also pay attention to diet control, to avoid the occurrence of a huge child, the fetus is too large in addition to the delivery of more difficult, but also more prone to birth injury.

?3. Choose a well-equipped hospital

Two years ago, there were two pregnant mothers who encountered an amniotic fluid embolism, and one of them was lucky to survive, while the other one did not make it back, and the lucky mother chose a well-equipped county hospital, and the other mother chose a small township hospital with very poor medical facilities. The mother's mother was not able to save her life because she was delayed too much on the way to the hospital.

So the mother must choose a better hospital, if it is not a high-level hospital, there is not enough blood, then the occurrence of amniotic fluid embolism is very terrible, even if the most brilliant doctors are unable to do anything.

?4. Learn to recognize the signs of amniotic fluid embolism

Although there is no way to predict amniotic fluid embolism, but it is not invisible, in the process of labor, if mothers feel particularly irritable, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, coughing, coughing up pink foamy sputum, the whole body cold shivering and so on the manifestations of the doctor must be informed in a timely manner, these are possible precursors to amniotic fluid embolism.

?5. Pay attention to the triggering factors

With placenta praevia, placental abruption, expired pregnancy, fetal distress, premature rupture of membranes and other complications, should be vigilant early detection and diagnosis, timely rescue to reduce the mortality of amniotic fluid embolism.

A woman giving birth to a child is like breaking through a ghost gate, breaking through all the happy, but breaking through is the two sides ......

Simply put, the incidence of amniotic fluid embolism is very low, so mothers do not need to be too nervous, the food, the sleep, the pregnancy on time, the birth of a baby, and also pay attention to cooperate with the doctor.

In the event of an amniotic fluid embolism, rapid resuscitation is the key to success, and if it is not a high-level hospital, there is no adequate blood supply, even the most skillful doctors can not do anything, so mothers try to choose a hospital with complete medical facilities.

Wen Ⅰ Mo mom parenting experience

What are the high-risk groups for amniotic fluid embolism?

Transmenstrual women (women who have given birth before);

Older women;

People with a history of premature rupture of membranes or artificial rupture of membranes;

People who have contractions that are too strong or who have improper use of uterotonin (oxytocin);

People who have an early abruptio placenta, placenta praevia, uterine rupture or obstetrics. placenta, uterine rupture, or surgical delivery.

What are the risk factors for hydroembolism?

The following basic conditions are usually required for amniotic fluid embolism to occur:

Increased intra-amniotic pressure (uterine hypercontractions or tonic uterine contractions);

Rupture of the fetal membranes (2/3 premature rupture of the membranes and 1/3 spontaneous rupture of the membranes);

An open vein or sinus at the site of the cervical or uterine body injury.

How can it be prevented?

(1) do not make contractions too strong during labor;

(2) artificial membrane stripping and artificial rupture of membranes, dilatation of the cervix and stripping of membranes are careful to avoid injury;

(3) the correct use of uterotonin, and close observation, to prevent contractions too strong, in the use of uterotonin should be guarded;

(4) there are factors that predispose to the development of the disease, close observation and be alert to the occurrence of this disease, such as cesarean section, anterior placenta, the development of the uterus. Such as cesarean section, placenta praevia, early abruption of placenta, emergency delivery and so on.

In fact, amniotic fluid embolism is a very rare obstetric complication, and current science and technology can not be predicted or prevented. Since the incidence is only one in tens of thousands, you don't need to worry too much about having an amniotic fluid embolism during your future labor.

Amniotic fluid embolism is an acute pulmonary embolism caused by amniotic fluid refluxing back into the mother's circulation during labor, which can lead to vascular coagulation, anaphylactic shock, renal failure, and even sudden death. It is a very serious complication of labor. The incidence of amniotic fluid embolism is not high, but the mortality rate is very high, even if the death is avoided and life is saved, the postpartum woman may also be combined with other serious multi-organ diseases, the most important thing is that the onset of amniotic fluid embolism is very sudden, and the condition of the disease develops very rapidly after the disease, which often makes it difficult for doctors to deal with it in a timely manner, and it is difficult to get the desired effect after the rescue work is done. Therefore, the best way to avoid amniotic fluid embolism during labor is prevention.

The onset of amniotic fluid embolism occurs during labor or when the water breaks, but also in the postpartum period. The onset of the disease is sudden and rapid, from the onset to death most of the time only one hour, the shortest only ten minutes, leaving the doctor's treatment time and its limited. Amniotic fluid embolism occurs most often in full-term labor, but also in mid-pregnancy when labor is induced or forceps surgery is performed, all of which are characterized by a sudden onset and unusually dangerous. The main cause of amniotic fluid embolism is that fetal stool, fetal fat, and metabolic cells from the amniotic fluid enter the mother's bloodstream through the placental veins during labor, blocking the blood vessels in the mother's lungs, which affects the supply of blood to the mother's lungs and leads to lung failure. At the same time, the contaminated blood will also affect the heart function, causing respiratory difficulties, blood pressure drop, heart failure, chest pain, shock, cramps, and even hemoptysis, which is a serious threat to the mother's life. To prevent the occurrence of amniotic fluid embolism, you need to take precautions during pregnancy. First of all, we should do a regular regular, formal comprehensive pregnancy checkups, effective early detection of disease factors. Secondly, women of advanced age, women who give birth prematurely, women who have premature rupture of membranes, or women who have development of the uterus and cervix are at high risk of amniotic fluid embolism, so it is important for them to undergo regular checkups and cooperate with their doctors to prevent and treat the condition. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots, and then you'll be able to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots, and then you'll be able to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots.

Preventing amniotic fluid embolism in addition to the mother to do a good job of prevention, the doctor also need to do a good job of prevention. The first thing you need to do is to help the mother to observe the fourth stage of labor, to find out the abnormalities of the mother's bleeding in the process of labor, and to observe the mother's contractions and the fetal heartbeat monitoring. When the mother needs to induce labor, it should be considered only when the mother has the indication of the need to induce labor, and the use must be within the safe range. The prevention of amniotic fluid embolism is not just for the pregnant woman alone, but also for the doctor during labor. High risk groups for amniotic fluid embolism include: pregnant women with eclampsia, women of advanced maternal age, pregnant women who have undergone labor, pregnant women with multiple births, pregnant women with excess amniotic fluid, pregnant women with placenta previa and placental abruption, pregnant women with uterine rupture and cervical laceration during pregnancy, pregnant women undergoing amniocentesis, pregnant women with fetal distress or stillbirth that does not come down, and pregnant women who have strong contractions and need to undergo forceps labor, and so on. Any pregnant women with the above symptoms must do a good job of pregnancy checkups and health care from the beginning of pregnancy to keep track of their pregnancy and fetal growth and development. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it, so that you can make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Last year, Liu Qiangdong's 42-year-old sister gave birth to her third child at an advanced age, and unfortunately died because of amniotic fluid tethering. Liu Qiangdong's sister, Liu Qiangru himself is a teacher, and his brother also co-owns a company, have the conditions to get good enough medical assistance, but in the "amniotic fluid embolism", the number one maternity delivery disease too much money can not help.

And Anna's classmate Ruan is a tertiary hospital in Guangxi, obstetricians and gynecologists, last year, 6 months, another student Yan Yan went to them to give birth, 38 weeks premature rupture of membranes admitted to the hospital in the morning admitted to the hospital in the afternoon because of tightness in the chest, dyspnea, cyanosis and admitted to the hospital, the doctor judged to be the amniotic fluid embolism, the doctor **** all of the obstetrics and gynecology all of the doctors all the time, all of them were rescue, in the middle of the cardiac arrest, loaded to carry on the cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest, mounted cardiopulmonary resuscitation and chest compressions after heartbeat recovery, almost all the first aid measures have been used. After the maternal vital signs stabilized, the cesarean section 3 minutes to remove the fetus, while the hospital assessment directly after the removal of the uterus.

Later, a few of our classmates went to visit Yan Yan, and Yan Yan told the story, which was thrilling.

What is amniotic fluid embolism?

In fact, it is the amniotic fluid that does not stay properly in the placenta, but comes to the uterus from the broken membranes, and it happens that the uterus has a damaged vein, so the amniotic fluid enters the mother's body from the damaged vein.

1, the impact on the heart and lungs

Amniotic fluid into the lungs (our lungs are mainly the blood from the veins for oxygen, so the liquid in the veins are into the lungs) leading to pulmonary hypertension, the heart and lungs are one and the same, but also affects the heart's function. And the amniotic fluid has a strong coagulation material will lead to the emergence of pulmonary embolism, so there will be respiratory difficulties.

2, causing allergic reactions

The amniotic fluid has fetal hair, epithelial tissue after the horn hair, fetal fat, or fetal stools of some of these objects in the placenta and the fetus if the good together, it is also safe, because it is the fetus on the body of the things, but once these objects to the blood circulation, the mother has the body does not recognize these things, will cause forced perversion, which will lead to allergic reactions, and also lead to allergies. That is to say, it will lead to allergy. And a strong allergy can cause shock.

3, cause the birth of hemorrhage

Amniotic fluid has a lot of pro-coagulant substances, can cause a lot of blood clots in the blood vessels, and at the same time consume a large number of pro-coagulant substances in the body, and the production of pro-coagulant substances less than will lead to the emergence of the flow of blood, resulting in postpartum hemorrhage.

4, kidney failure

Shock and intravascular thrombosis can lead to renal ischemia, which can lead to failure.

Amniotic fluid embolism is so scary, how to prevent it? Amniotic fluid embolism occurs relatively suddenly, it can be said that there is no clear method of prevention, we put the high risk factors of amniotic fluid embolism to control.

1, to prevent the fetus is too large

The fetus is too large, too much amniotic fluid will cause too much pressure on the uterus, resulting in cervical blood vessel rupture, so weight control is the key.

2, focus on the prevention of gestational diabetes

Mothers with gestational diabetes, the incidence of amniotic fluid embolism will be higher because of excess amniotic fluid.

3, give birth to a child before it's too late

The older the first birth or multiple births are more prone to amniotic fluid embolism, the ability of the uterus to withstand the pressure of the older age will be greatly reduced, resulting in the birth of a child is prone to amniotic fluid embolism, the previously mentioned Liu Qiangdong's sister, Liu Qiangru, is 42 years old, giving birth to three triggered by the amniotic fluid embolism.

For example, premature rupture of membranes, placenta previa, and excess amniotic fluid are all risk factors for amniotic fluid embolism.

The birth of a child can be fatal, not only hemorrhage, but also the main amniotic fluid embolism!

Hello, everyone! I'm Dr. Wang, a cardiovascular surgeon, and today we're talking about amniotic fluid embolism.

I have personally been involved in several cases of suspected amniotic fluid embolism in the OB/GYN department, but none of them were successful.

Amniotic fluid embolism is a serious complication of labor and delivery in which amniotic fluid suddenly enters the mother's bloodstream and causes acute pulmonary embolism, anaphylaxis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, renal failure, or sudden death.

The incidence of 4/100,000 to 6/100,000, amniotic fluid embolism is due to contamination of amniotic fluid in the tangible material, amniotic fluid embolism is mainly an allergic reaction, is the amniotic fluid into the maternal circulation, caused by a series of allergic reactions of the mother to the fetal antigens, so it is recommended that the name of the "allergic reaction to pregnancy syndrome".

The onset of amniotic fluid embolism is rapid, and it is often too late to do many laboratory tests before the patient has died, so early diagnosis is extremely important. In most cases, the onset of the disease often first appeared some prodromal symptoms, such as chills, irritability, cough, shortness of breath, cyanosis, vomiting and other symptoms. If the amount of amniotic fluid invasion is very small, the symptoms are mild, and sometimes can be recovered on their own, such as turbid amniotic fluid or more into the amount of the successive emergence of the typical clinical manifestations.

1. Respiratory and circulatory failure is categorized into fulminant and slow-onset according to the condition. The fulminant form is followed by prodromal symptoms and is quickly followed by dyspnea and cyanosis. In the slow-onset form, respiratory and circulatory symptoms are milder or even non-significant, and are diagnosed only after postpartum hemorrhage and non-coagulation of blood.

2. Systemic hemorrhagic tendency.

3. Multi-system organ damage Death can occur due to renal failure; irritability, convulsions, and coma can occur in patients with cerebral hypoxia.

Once amniotic fluid embolism occurs, even with aggressive resuscitation, the mortality rate is still very high, and the maternal mortality rate can be as high as 80%. The time of death can be as fast as from a few minutes to a few hours, about 1/3 of the patients died within half an hour of the onset of the disease, another 1/3 died within one hour of the onset of the disease, mostly due to pulmonary vascular embolism, and the remaining 1/3 died of blood clotting or renal failure.

The principle of its treatment is early diagnosis and early management, as well as early use of heparin and early management of the pregnant uterus, but the results are poor.

So, giving birth to a child hemorrhage for now may not even be a big deal, do a good job of blood loss, hemostasis rescue, or even removal of the uterus, etc., at least to save their lives. But once the amniotic fluid embolism occurs, it can really be said that nine deaths .

Talking about amniotic fluid embolism, we must be very afraid, after all, this mortality rate is there, nearly 19% to 86% or so, but also the baby moms hear the most horror of a pregnancy complication. But the incidence of amniotic fluid embolism is only (1.9-7.7)/100,000, what concept, that is to say that this is lower than the probability of death in a car accident.

Can you not go out because you will get into a car accident, although there are such people, but it is very rare, so there will not be a mother who will not give birth because of the fear of amniotic fluid embolism. And amniotic fluid embolism is not the number one killer of women in labor, the number one killer of women in labor is postpartum hemorrhage, whether it's in a developed area or a developing area.

In answer to the question of how to prevent amniotic fluid embolism in pregnant women, let's first understand, amniotic fluid embolism is what causes it, amniotic fluid runs into the blood vessels of the baby mother inside the blood vessel, resulting in the amniotic fluid within the formed components blocking blood vessels, or amniotic fluid components leading to the occurrence of immune reactions, that is, allergic reactions. This can lead to low blood pressure, hypoxemia, coagulation abnormalities, endangering the life of the mother and child. Professionally speaking. When the maternal-fetal barrier is destroyed, the amniotic fluid components into the maternal circulation, on the one hand, causing mechanical obstruction, on the other hand, the mother will be on the fetal antigen and amniotic fluid components of the immune response, when the fetal alloantigen activation of maternal inflammatory mediators, the occurrence of inflammation, immunity, such as the "waterfall-like" cascade, which occurs in a similar systemic inflammatory response!

Knowing the causes of amniotic fluid embolism, then how to prevent amniotic fluid embolism becomes simple, is not to let the amniotic fluid into the maternal blood vessels, but it seems a simple problem, the implementation of the more troublesome, and uncontrollable. There are even studies suggesting that most baby moms contain amniotic fluid inside their blood vessels with formative components. The key point of amniotic fluid embolism is in the occurrence of an allergic reaction. If you really want to prevent it, you can try to desensitize it. There is no way to prevent amniotic fluid embolism. Those that increase resistance, immunity have no effect on the occurrence of amniotic fluid embolism. The health supplements are even worse.

In summary, amniotic fluid embolism is not the number one killer of pregnant women, the number one killer of women is postpartum hemorrhage, as for how to prevent amniotic fluid embolism, there is no means of prevention of amniotic fluid embolism. I wish you a good pregnancy.

How scary is amniotic fluid embolism, should most people know? Now I remember a time to go to the hospital to find the director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, when the nurse sister told me that the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, several big take are doing surgery, has been busy for more than ten hours, and now they are still very dangerous, and at that time in the rescue of this so-called "obstetrics killer," on the mother and the doctor belongs to a nightmare, "Amniotic Fluid Embolism". The first time I saw this, I had to go to the hospital to get a doctor's note.

By the way, Liu Qiangdong's own sister, Liu Qiangru, died of amniotic fluid embolism.

Liu's sister on the right

Why is amniotic fluid embolism so scary?

Amniotic fluid embolism is comparable to an airplane crash, with a very low incidence, but when it occurs, the death rate is extremely high. Pregnant women may experience irritability, chills, vomiting, followed by coughing, difficulty breathing, and sudden shock that catches people off guard during labor and for a short time after delivery.

The point is: with current medical technology, there is no way to detect the aura of amniotic fluid embolism during prenatal checkups, so there are no effective measures to prevent its occurrence.

The only consolation is that the incidence of amniotic fluid embolism is not very high, between 4 and 6 per 100,000, but the mortality rate is more than 60% to 80%, making it an extremely dangerous complication with a high mortality rate.

Pregnant women sometimes just sighed and coughed gently, the heart stopped suddenly, amniotic fluid embolism comes so quickly.

Secondly, there is persistent vaginal bleeding, which often does not clot, and is sometimes accompanied by bleeding from the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract.

Because of the massive depletion of coagulation factors, even large amounts of fresh blood are often unable to stop the flow of blood and circulatory collapse.

The time to death can range from minutes to hours, with about one-third of patients dying within half an hour of onset, another one-third dying within an hour of onset, most often due to pulmonary embolism, and the remaining one-third dying from incomplete coagulation of the blood or multiorgan failure such as renal function.

Because of the rapid progression of amniotic fluid embolism once the disease occurs, it is often too late to rescue. Therefore, doctors have described the treatment of amniotic fluid embolism as being like fighting the "Grim Reaper" for your life.

So what are the causes of amniotic fluid embolism?

There are no recognized risk factors for amniotic fluid embolism and there is neither prevention nor specific treatment.

But we still need to take good precautions to prevent serious consequences. Doctors have given a few valuable tips to minimize the risk of amniotic fluid embolism.

1. During pregnancy, women should try to go to a regular hospital for a checkup, and if they find anything unusual, listen to the doctor's advice and try to cooperate with him or her in pregnancy care.

Regular prenatal checkups, in addition to amniotic fluid embolism, there are some other serious complications, such as gestational hypertension, early detection and early treatment.

2. Pay attention to reasonable diet and exercise to prevent the fetus from growing too big, about 3 kilograms is more appropriate.

3, advanced maternal age, preterm or term births and women who have had a menstrual period, especially premature rupture of membranes, uterine body or cervical dysplasia, are prone to amniotic fluid embolism, and therefore must actively cooperate with the doctor to do the correct treatment.

4, in the process of labor, if there is chest tightness, irritability and other uncomfortable feeling, to tell the doctor in time, so that the doctor early treatment.

5, the mother should maintain a certain degree of physical strength, and strive for a smooth labor. The doctor's advice on how to deliver the baby is very important, so don't blindly choose a cesarean section.

In short, although there is no way to prevent amniotic fluid embolism, you can still listen to your doctor's advice and minimize the risk as much as possible.

What is amniotic fluid embolism?

The so-called "amniotic fluid embolism" is the pregnant mother in the process of delivery of amniotic fluid and amniotic fluid components, such as fetal feces, mucin, cuii hair, squamous epithelium, fetal lipids, etc., through the broken cervical endocervical arteries, the placenta attached to the blood sinus and uterine blood vessels of the fracture, the blood flow into the mother to form a "embolus". "Embolus", causing the formation of embolism in the lungs, heart and other vital organs of the pregnant mother, triggering a series of serious symptoms such as dyspnea, chills, cyanosis, chest pain, shock, bleeding, and even death.

Simply put, the amniotic fluid stayed where it shouldn't have been, and ran into the pregnant mother's circulatory system, causing a series of fatal symptoms.

1, breathing difficulties, such as shortness of breath, panic, chest tightness, purple face, etc.;

2, drop in blood pressure, pregnant mothers suddenly appeared no reason for the drop in blood pressure, pale, convulsions, the whole body chills;

3, post-partum unexplained persistent vaginal bleeding, coagulation disorders, resulting in postpartum hemorrhage or diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC).

If the rescue is not timely, the life of the pregnant mother is very vulnerable to the "death" call!

How to prevent amniotic fluid embolism?

Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE), which occurs most often when a mother is in labor, during delivery, or postpartum, is a very rapid and dangerous condition. Although the incidence of amniotic fluid embolism is very low, occurring in 1 in 2000-20,000 pregnancies, when it does occur, the mortality rate is over 60%.

To date, there is no way to predict amniotic fluid embolism in advance, and once it occurs, it is extremely dangerous, with 1/3 of pregnant mothers dying within half an hour of the onset of the disease, almost always too late to save them. However, we know that amniotic fluid embolism likes to occur in pregnant women with emergency labor, premature rupture of membranes, placenta praevia, early placental abruption, uterine rupture, and cesarean delivery. Therefore, in order to effectively avoid the occurrence of amniotic fluid embolism, pregnant mothers should regularly do prenatal checkups, prepare for delivery, advocate normal delivery, and reduce cesarean section.

Where there is placenta praevia, premature rupture of membranes, early detachment of the placenta and other abnormalities occur, it is necessary to go to the hospital in a timely manner to wait for the birth of the mother and the fetus by the doctor to closely observe the situation of pregnant mothers and fetuses, and to take timely and appropriate measures, in the event of an accident, but also to win the valuable rescue time.

Although amniotic fluid embolism is an invisible killer, but pregnant mothers do not need to worry too much, relax and wait for the birth of a baby, believe that the clinical experience of the medical staff, they will do their best, the mother and baby safe not only is your wish is also their expectations! The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new baby, and you'll be able to do that!