How should a college student start a business?

College student entrepreneurship can be divided into three points

One, choose the field of entrepreneurship

I say it is very important for a college graduate to choose what kind of entrepreneurial field. Please consider the following points.

1, this industry now how the development of the future? The development of promising industry will give you room to grow and survive, will not soon be in the fierce competition in the same industry.

2, this industry is now what time to proceed? The timing is ripe is the key to easy to stand, do not have to risk a lot of money, you can better profit.

3, you are familiar with the industry? In general, the choice of entrepreneurs should be their own familiar industry and field, can be keenly aware of the industry's development trends. Otherwise, there will never be an opportunity to actively engage.

Two, get the start-up capital

As a fresh graduate of the poor students, the funds whether the smooth start-up is the most important part. So from where to raise funds? There are several ways, just get one of them, you will be half successful.

1, strong parents and relatives support. This is where you are going to pay the least amount of money.

2, like-minded people who support your business plan and have strong friends to participate. This is one way to share the benefits and risks with you.

3. Borrow from a bank. The key to a successful loan is how to find the right guarantee, the procedures are cumbersome.

4, invest in technology and seek corporate investment. Now more popular, but also more likely to succeed in financing methods, in getting funds at the same time, but also get together with the "mother-in-law".

How much money depends on your business plan and the field you enter. Our Company Law stipulates the amount of registered capital required to register various types of companies and businesses.

Three majors

While entrepreneurship for arts graduates may seem less desirable than the technological triumphs of science and engineering graduates, arts students can surely recognize the advantages and disadvantages clearly, and start their own business as well as science and engineering graduates.

1 Collaboration with polytechnic graduates. Compared to polytechnic graduates, arts graduates seem to be able to only put pen to paper and open and close their mouths, and when it comes to more specialized issues, they are "blind". However, as long as you avoid these technical disadvantages, to play the liberal arts graduates of the writing ability, active thinking, strong communication skills, as long as the business with science and technology graduates, will complement each other with the advantages, play a unique role.

2 into non-technical fields. In the field of environmental protection, consulting, advertising, translation, training, etc., liberal arts graduates can play a special skill. However, it is important to note that it is usually difficult to get investor funding in these fields. Some experts believe that social relations and market in these fields are the key to business success, so as a university liberal arts graduates just out of school, in the absence of technology, the same lack of rich social relations and market experience, no technology and a wealth of social resources of the enterprise is difficult to get a foothold in society, to investors, to a large extent Therefore, in order to attract investor funding, liberal arts graduates start their own business When the time comes, it is necessary to integrate people who have social relations with social experience into society and join the team to strengthen the team as a whole.