I would like to ask how much does a large dry cleaner cost? Please answer

"The price of a set of dry-cleaning equipment is generally tens of thousands to over one hundred thousand dollars. Because dry cleaning machine water washing machine have high and low grade points, different regions will also have differences. Therefore, a set of dry cleaning equipment how much money also makes a difference, but choose a cost-effective brand, but allows you to spend less money to buy very good equipment.

I think Aubersen Smart Laundry is a cost-effective brand. A small store of 30-50 square meters about 30-50,000 yuan, a larger one is only 50-70,000 yuan, the price of civilian, mainly because of the Aubexen intelligent laundry is not only cheap, the equipment is also very advanced again. All equipment is introduced in the German top equipment manufacturers, five-star standard. The equipment has digital IS perchloroethylene dry cleaning, intelligent IA petroleum dry cleaning machine, digital integrated washing and drying machine, such as dry cleaning machine, intelligent closet and so on. Intelligent LED computerized display shows the process and result of laundry operation, making the operation easier. Set a variety of washing functions in one, including down jackets, rushing clothes, bed linen, cotton and linen, children's clothing, wool and other materials washing, can meet the different needs of the opening of the store. The whole set of equipment is also more than 30,000, cost-effective

Aubertson intelligent laundry first black technology people, all mechanical automation. Workers intelligent management, intelligent robots people networking operations, shop-in-shop robots welcome and other technological diversified operations, to create a technology-based store operations.

There are many other factors that influence the opening of a dry cleaning store, not a set of dry cleaning equipment how much money, so simple. In addition to equipment, there are a series of issues such as the choice of store. The location of the store is an important factor affecting the source of customers, but don't worry, Aubeson Smart Laundry has company professionals to help you control the location of the store, as well as free store design. Another important factor is the raw materials for dry cleaning, all the dry cleaners can enjoy free raw material distribution, the headquarters will also regularly withdraw from the dry cleaning raw material preferential activities. Isn't it great.

Additionally, Aubeson Smart Laundry uses online promotion, ordering, micro and letter marketing, and the technology is intelligent in line with the development of the times. Additional diversified business, increase operating profits. No matter how much a set of dry-cleaning equipment, you can make you earn back in the shortest possible time is a very cost-effective brand.











Flowers white, huge ovary inferior, flower length of about 30 centimeters, so it is also known as the king flower. Calyx tubular, about 3 cm wide, with greenish (sometimes lavender) lobes; with scales 3-8 cm long; petals broad, pure white, erect, oblanceolate, entire. Stamens numerous and slender, as many as 700-960, as long as or shorter than the style. Anthers creamy yellow, filaments white; style thick, 0.7-0.8 cm, creamy yellow; pistil stigma lobes as many as 24.

Fruit, oblong or ovoid, epidermis red, fleshy, with ovate and apically acute scales, fruit 10-12 cm long, pericarp thick, waxy. The flesh is white or red. There are nearly 10,000 sesame-like seeds with flavor, so it is called sesame seed fruit. [1]?

The dragon fruit is named after its appearance, which resembles an angry red ball of fire. The flesh inside is like sweet cream, but covered with small black seeds. The texture is mild and the taste is refreshing

Dragonfruit is a tropical and subtropical fruit that prefers light and shade, heat and drought, and fertilizer and barrenness. In a warm, humid, well-lit environment, rapid growth, spring and summer open field cultivation should be more watering, so that its root system to maintain the state of vigorous growth in rainy weather should be drained in a timely manner, so as to avoid infection with pathogens caused by stem rot. The stems can also grow on the rocks, the plant is extremely wind-resistant, as long as the bracket is strong enough to resist typhoons.

The dragon fruit is resistant to 0 ℃ low temperature and 40 ℃ high temperature, the optimal temperature for the growth of 25-35 ℃. Dragon fruit can be adapted to a variety of soils, but to contain humus, water retention and fertilization of neutral soil and weakly acidic soil is good

Cuttings time in the spring is the most appropriate, the cuttings selected growth of the stem nodes, cut off the length of the 375px section, to be the wound air-drying inserted into the sand bed or cuttings in the support frame directly under the side of the concrete columns. The cuttings do not need to be watered later, keep the soil dry and start watering after 10 days. Rooting will take place in about 15-30 days, and the roots will be transplanted to the seedbed when they reach 3-100px in length.? [3]?



(4) Seedling in early spring before germination, 1cm above the bud from the bud, cut off the upper rootstock, you can also take the second cut anvil, that is, the first time first in the bud above to stay a live stake, about 15-20cm long, as a pillar of the tied new tip, to be the new tip of the lignification, and then cut out all, but 2 cut anvil is not as good as a cut anvil effect.

Grafted seedlings

(1) grafting operation should be fast, the longer the cut surface is exposed to the air, the more prone to oxidation and discoloration of the cut surface to affect the division of the meristematic tissue, the lower the survival rate.

(2) anvil, spike combined parts to tie, so that the anvil, spike formation layer close together, to promote the survival.

(3) After grafting to maintain a certain temperature of the combined parts is one of the keys to the formation of healing tissue.

In addition, it should be timely to plow and weed, fertilization, irrigation, as well as control of pests and diseases.

Azuki beans are annual, erect or twining herbs. It is 30-90 centimeters tall, and the plant is sparsely hirsute. Leaves pinnately compound with 3 leaflets; stipules peltate, sagittate, 0.9-1.7 centimeters long; leaflets ovate to rhombic-ovate, 5-10 centimeters long, 5-8 centimeters wide, apex broadly triangular or subrounded, lateral ones oblique, entire or shallowly three-lobed, both surfaces slightly sparsely hirsute.

Flowers yellow, ca. 5 or 6 borne on top of short pedicel; pedicel very short; bracteoles lanceolate, 6-8 mm long; calyx campanulate, 3-4 mm long; corolla ca. 9 mm long, petals compressed-orbicular or subreniform, often slightly skewed, apically concave, pteropetalous petals wider than keeled petals, with a short petiole and auricles, keeled petals curved apically for nearly half a circle, with an angular bulge in the middle and lower portion of one of them, basally with a petiole Ovary linear, style curved, hairy near apex.

Pods terete, 5-8 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, spreading or recurved, glabrous; seeds usually dark red or other colors, oblong, 5-6 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, truncate or nearly rounded at both ends, hilum not depressed. Fl. summer, fr. Sept-Oct.

Azuki beans are warm, light-loving and resistant to waterlogging. The whole life cycle needs more than 10 ℃, the effective cumulative temperature of 20-25 ℃, generally in 8-12 ℃ above the beginning of germination and seedling. Adzuki bean is sensitive to light response, too early sowing to extend the growth period, maturity is not earlier. Therefore, when seed is introduced from high latitude to low latitude, it will mature earlier, while when seed is introduced from low latitude to high latitude, it will prolong the maturity period. The length of adzuki bean fertility varies according to the variety. The short growing period can be 60-90 days; the long growing period can be 80-120 days. Adzuki beans need the most water before and after flowering, flowering and podding period of high temperature, drought, easy to cause flower, pods; too wet, the plant is prone to collapse. In the drum grain maturity period, the weather is sunny and favorable for photosynthesis, which is conducive to improving grain weight. Adzuki beans grow best in loose humus soil. Sandy soil planting adzuki bean grain red and shiny. Loamy soil planted adzuki beans black, dark red. Adzuki beans are more adaptable to soil and can grow in slightly acidic and alkaline soil.? [5]?

Sowing method


Azuki beans are an annual legume crop, and its previous crop should be selected wheat, corn, sorghum and other cereal crops are appropriate to avoid and legume crops to meet the stubble, so as not to be infected with diseases and insect pests and reduce yields. Its crop rotation and soybean should be appropriate to use the same three-zone crop rotation or four-zone crop rotation: wheat, jade, beans (adzuki beans); wheat, wheat, beans (adzuki beans); wheat, miscellaneous, beans (adzuki beans); wheat, wheat, jade, beans (adzuki beans). Thinner stubble should be selected rather than fat stubble. It can be intercropped with corn, sorghum, sunflower and other tall crops, which can make full use of the land and light energy and get higher economic benefits. It can also be planted in the ridge, the edge of the ground, the hollow of the tree and other places. Adzuki bean monoculture or intercropping, set planting. Because of the shade-tolerant mostly planted in the way of intercropping and set planting, monocropping is rare. The main forms are:

Azuki beans and spring corn, sorghum, cereal sets. Spring corn and adzuki beans to 1:1 or 2:2 way set seed. Generally after the corn is set, set seeding of adzuki beans between the corn rows,

Adzuki beans are mixed with summer corn and summer grains. When sowing summer corn or grain, red beans with the seed, set seedling, pay attention to the corn plants to stay between a certain number of red bean seedlings.

Cotton and adzuki beans set seed. After the spring cotton seedlings, in the large rows of a line of red beans, red bean selection of small early varieties. This kind of planting, the lower part of the cotton ventilation and light is favorable, can reduce the bud boll shedding, more sitting peach. Sometimes in cotton, peanuts, sweet potatoes and other crops lack seedling plot replanting red beans.

Spring sweet buds planted adzuki beans. In the sweet potato land ditch dun sowing red beans, a dun 5-6 plants. Early maturity of red beans, when red beans harvest, is the second expansion of sweet potato tuber peak, does not affect the sweet potato yield, but also more than a few dozen pounds of red beans.

Red beans need more nitrogen fertilizer, although there are rhizobium fixed nitrogen, but the application of farmyard manure has a significant yield effect, especially moderate increase in phosphorus, potash fertilizer, yield increase is more significant. If no bottom fertilizer is applied during the reproductive period of adzuki beans, 5-6 days before flowering, fast-acting nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, can promote the increase of flower pods, and prevent the fall of flowers and pods.? [5]?


Adzuki bean seedling period in order to promote the development of the root system, to be more plowing and loosening of the soil, but also favorable rhizoma growth. After flowering growth, can be appropriate to play the top, remove ineffective flower branches, so that the nutrients are concentrated to the pod, promote grain full. Before and after flowering, is the most water-demanding period of adzuki beans, at this time the lack of water, will cause a large number of flowers, pods. Therefore, drought should be timely watering. Pre-growth control of aphids and red spiders in the early stages of growth of adzuki beans, mid- and late-stage prevention and control of heartworms, to prevent moths from eating pods. Prevention and control of mung bean weevil during storage. Before storage, use 50 ℃ high temperature to exterminate insects; fumigation of chemicals; anoxic storage and other measures.? [5]?


Pick the debris of the adzuki beans spread out in the sun, 3-5 pounds as a unit into a plastic bag, and then put some cut dried chili peppers, sealed up. Place the sealed plastic bag in a dry, ventilated place. This method can play the role of moisture, mold, insects, can make adzuki beans to keep 1 year not bad. You can also put the adzuki beans in boiling water to soak for ten minutes, and then fished out and dried, put into the jar collection, can be kept for a long time, and will not be insect. Put two or three cloves of garlic into the container or pocket with adzuki beans, you can make it 2-3 years without being infested

Adzuki beans mainly contain protein, sugar and other nutrients. Seeds for food, cooking porridge, making bean paste can be. Dry beans contain 21-23% protein, 0.3% fat, 65% carbohydrate.

Nutrition: per 100g of adzuki beans contain 21.7g of protein, 0.8g of fat, 60.7g of sugar, 4.9g of crude fiber, 76mg of calcium, 386mg of phosphorus, 45mg of iron, 0.43mg of thiamine, 0.16mg of riboflavin, 2.1mg of nicotinic acid.

Lysine: lysine is a higher content of amino acids.

Other: azuki beans also contain three crystalline saponins.

Winter melon and red bean soup

Raw materials: 500 grams of winter melon, red beans 40 grams

Practice: winter melon, red beans with two bowls of water to boil, simmering over low heat for 20 minutes.

Use: no salt or less salt, take 2 times a day, eat melon and drink soup.

Effects: Facilitates urination, reduces edema and detoxifies heat. Applicable to acute nephritis edema and low urine.

Commentary: winter melon contains low sodium, is the ideal food for patients with kidney disease edema. Chronic nephritis spleen and kidney deficiency cold people should not eat.? [6]?

Azuki bean corn barley porridge

Raw materials: corn husk 50 grams, 15 grams of azuki beans, Coix seed 30 grams.

Practice: add the right amount of water to the cornhusk first decoction for 10 minutes, red beans, Coix lacryma washed into the pot, with a strong fire boil and then turn to a small fire to simmer into thin porridge. Warm service, 1 time a day. Suitable for the treatment of Yang deficiency water flooding see body fat, tiredness, moss white greasy.? [6]?

Psyllium seed adzuki bean sweet soup

Raw materials: 200 grams of psyllium seed, adzuki bean 250 grams, 500 grams of glutinous rice.

Practice: psyllium decoction, with psyllium water to cook adzuki beans, until half rotten, and then into the glutinous rice, cook until glutinous rice can be cooked, add rock sugar or sugar.

The root system of any plant has a tendency to fertilize, generally speaking, grape fertilization is conducive to the development of roots. But if you don't pay attention to the way and method of fertilization, not only will not promote the growth of the root system, but also make the root system damaged.

The concentration of fertilizer is too high: the tree's physiological water to the root system around the exudate, in order to seek the balance of physiological concentration inside and outside the root system, if the exudate physiological water is too much, it will make the tree due to physiological dehydration caused by the chlorosis or death, it is often referred to as fertilizer scalded roots.

Fertilizer spreading: easy to cause the root system to float. Soil surface 20cm at the microbial content of rich, pathogenic bacteria are also more, the root system floating root susceptibility to disease will greatly increase the chance. At the same time, the root system cold, drought, waterlogging and other capabilities decline, affecting the tree, resulting in a decline in fruit tree quality, easy to crack the fruit.

Timing of fertilizer: grape root growth peak, timely fertilization can promote root growth, enhance tree potential. It is worth noting that, after the spring bud, the soil temperature is low, the root system activity is poor, so a large amount of fertilizer is not desirable, can be applied to a small amount of fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer, with the sea elf biostimulant, to restore the root system vitality. At the same time, after the exhibition of leaves, foliar spraying Sea Wizard (foliar type) to quickly replenish the tree nutrients, improve leaf photosynthesis.

Soil acidification

Soil acidification is characterized by plant stiffness, stunted root growth, slow leaf emergence, small and few leaves, increased soil-borne diseases and susceptibility to nematodes.

Acidic environment root growth is poor, now black roots, rotten roots, dead roots, no white roots.

Soil acidification, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron and other nutrients absorbed by the grapes become less efficient. Resulting in nutrient loss or waste, fertilizer application is still lack of fertilizer.

It is easy to cause soil crusting, resulting in less air and clearance within the soil, which is not conducive to root growth and nutrient absorption.

Causes a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria as well as beneficial organisms, and is prone to harboring pathogenic bacteria, nematodes, etc.

Reducing acid damage should control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, and reduce the use of other acidic fertilizers, such as calcium superphosphate, phosphogypsum, unrotted organic fertilizer. For soil acidification, grapes in the growing season can be used with sea elf biostimulants containing mineral humic acid and seaweed extracts to balance soil pH and improve the soil microenvironment.

Organic matter

Soil with high organic matter content and good granular structure has good permeability, high fertility, and vigorous microbial activity, which is most conducive to root activity and growth.

To the heavy clay soil, less organic matter, poor permeability of the soil, should be taken to increase the application of organic fertilizers to improve, with biological bacterial fertilizers, sea elf biostimulants, etc., and open ditches and drainage, to promote the growth of the root system.? [16]?

Preservation storage

More modern storage with gas conditioning and refrigeration, equipment is more complex, while the majority of rural areas are currently mainly used in simple storage methods, such as cellar, tank storage, as well as sulfur dioxide fumigation storage and micro cold storage and other kinds of storage.

(1) cellar storage in northern China, the masses harmful to the experience of hiding grapes, generally in the hillside or the source of the cellar, the cellar set up a wooden frame grid 4-6 layers, each layer of the light on the l layer of grapes on the cob. Cellar management of specific methods are: ① pre-cooled grapes after harvest in the shade for 2 days, pre-cooling temperature must be controlled below 10 ℃, so that it fully emit field heat. Then carefully put the grapes in the cellar on the shelf grid. ② Control of temperature and humidity in the cellar. General human cellar at the beginning of the outside air temperature is high, ventilation measures can be used to maintain the temperature below 10 ℃. After winter, the temperature drops, you can use daytime ventilation and nighttime closure methods to maintain the temperature in the cellar at 0-1 ℃. Relative humidity of 80%-90% is good, and when the humidity is insufficient, water can be sprayed on the ground to moisturize. When the outside temperature drops to below 10 ℃ should pay attention to close the cellar door. ③ Strengthen the inspection, timely removal of diseased spikes rotten grain.

(2) storage of grapes in small quantities or yard grape storage available storage method, North China commonly used household urn or their own storage. Storage before the tank is washed, dried, and then loaded with grape clusters. The method of loading fruit clusters are:

1. young tree pruning young tree pruning should be in accordance with the "light-based, shaping and results and promote early yield" principle. (1) 2-4 years old young trees, in the arrangement of the backbone branch under the premise, pruning focus is to clean up a layer of dense crowded branches, the shape of the tree. According to the planting density, can promote small crown thinning layer form (mu planted 80 plants below) and free spinning humor form (mu planted more than 80 plants). Small crown thinning layer form: a layer of main branches to choose to stay 3-4, choose to stay after the impact of the growth of the backbone branches of the dense crowded branches to clean up, clean up 1-2 each year, and strive to clean up in 2 years. Free spindle humorous shape: each year to select and retain 3-4 small main branches, the main branch spacing of 20 cm or so, too dense branches appropriate thinning. (2) 5-8 years old young trees have entered the fruiting period, the focus of pruning is to clean up the interlayer dense crowded branches, improve the tree light conditions, so that the fruiting part of the gradual transition to the backbone branches. Dense crowded place to clean up 2-3 per year, and strive to clean up in 3 years. After a few years of adjustment and cleaning up the tree, the small crown sparse layer form to retain 5 main branches, 1-2 auxiliary branches, free spindle humorous form to retain 10-13 main branches.

2. adult tree pruning adult tree pruning to "improve light, improve branch quality, stabilize the quality of yield" for the purpose of pruning is focused on batch thinning more than two layers of overcrowded large auxiliary branches, large lateral branches and large branches, try to make more than two layers of the retained large branches as a whip outward extension of the total number of branches accounted for the total number of branches in the whole tree 20% or less, in order to facilitate a layer of light in the inner chamber. Crown is high depending on the strength of the tree gradually drop head happy, the tree height control in 3.5 meters below; crown has been handed over to the periphery of the dense crowded branches to be thinned out or transformed into small branches, extend the branch trunk short cut, slow outside to promote the inner, or the use of the main head to change the main guillotine branch direction and angle, so that the upper and lower left and right are staggered each other, the crown spacing to maintain 1 meter or so, in order to facilitate the improvement of the group and the individual lighting conditions.

Two, cut off diseased branches, insect branches according to the survey, many kinds of pests and diseases that harm the apple are overwintering on the branches. On the tree overwintering pests and diseases, combined with winter pruning thoroughly cut out diseased and insect branches centralized burned or buried, which can make the next year's damage significantly reduced.

Three, scrape the old bark of fruit trees and trunk cracks in the old bark, often lurking in a large number of overwintering germs and pests. Scrape the rough old bark, and burned or buried, a variety of pests and diseases have good control effects, and sometimes can even completely eliminate some pests

Apple is a beauty product, both weight loss, but also to make the skin lubricated and supple. Apple is a kind of low-calorie food, each 10

0 grams only 60 kilocalories; apple nutrients in the soluble, easy to be absorbed by the human body, so there is a "living water," said, is conducive to the dissolution of sulfur, so that the skin lubrication and suppleness. Apple contains copper, iodine, manganese, zinc, potassium and other elements, the human body, such as the lack of these elements, the skin will occur dry, easy to crack, itchy.

Vitamin C in apples is the protector of cardiovascular, heart disease patients with health elements.

People who eat more apples are far less likely to catch a cold than those who don't eat or eat fewer apples. Therefore, some scientists and physicians refer to apples as "all-round health fruit" or "general practitioner". Eating more apples can improve the respiratory system and lung function and protect the lungs from airborne dust and soot, as air pollution becomes more serious. [7]?

Pectin: belongs to the soluble fiber , promote cholesterol metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels, promote fat discharge.

Trace elements: potassium dilates blood vessels and is beneficial to hypertensive patients; zinc deficiency can lead to blood sugar metabolism disorders and reduced sexual function.

Can regulate gastrointestinal: fiber helps excretion; diarrhea also has astringent effect.

Apple skin + several slices of ginger boiled water: can stop vomiting.

Can reduce the cold of pear, strengthen the moistening of lungs and stomach.

Autumn lung moistening sugar water: apple / pear several + 1 two lily + dendrobium 15 grams + north and south apricot 9 ......? [7]?


Apple is mild in nature, rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, sugar, organic acids, pectin, protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and dietary fiber, and also contains malic acid, tartaric acid, carotene, is the closest nutritional value of all fruits and vegetables.


Apple has "wisdom fruit", "memory fruit" reputation. People have long found that eating more apples has the effect of enhancing memory and improving intelligence. Apples are not only rich in sugar, vitamins and minerals and other essential nutrients for the brain, and more importantly, rich in zinc. According to research, zinc is the body of many important enzyme components, is to promote growth and development of key elements, zinc is also the composition of memory and closely related to the nucleic acids and proteins of the indispensable elements, zinc is also with the production of antibodies to improve the human body immune system has a close relationship.

The water content in apples is 85 percent.

Apple contains polyphenols and flavonoids natural chemical antioxidants and a large amount of crude fiber.

Contains a high amount of potassium, which can combine with the body's excess sodium salts, so that they are excreted from the body. When the body intake of sodium salt is too much, eat some apples, is conducive to balancing the electrolytes in the body.

Contains phosphorus and iron and other elements, easy to be absorbed by the intestinal wall, there is a brain nourishing blood, tranquility and sleep.

The aroma of apples is a good medicine for depression and depressing feeling. Experts after many tests found that, among the many odors, the apple's aroma has the greatest psychological impact on people, it has a significant role in eliminating psychological depression. Clinical use has proved that the mental depression patients smell apple aroma, the state of mind greatly improved, the spirit of relaxation and happiness, depressed mood can be eliminated.

Malic acid in apples has a whitening effect. Many people are concerned about the risk of the acidity of apples corroding their teeth, apples with cheese can limit the acidity in apples. Eating apples can also help clean your teeth effectively.

Can be eaten raw or boiled, can also be made into dried fruit, jam, jelly, etc., above the apple, the taste of sweet and not greasy.

2, nutrition is different: the nutritional value of red heart dragon fruit is also much higher than white heart dragon fruit. Red heart dragon's carotene content is higher, help improve immunity and protect the eye crystals.

3, the price is different: red dragon fruit prices are generally higher than white dragon fruit, mainly because the red dragon fruit nutritional value than the white meat dragon fruit, and in the texture, flavor is also slightly better.

1, slowing down the aging: red dragon fruit anthocyanin content is high, anthocyanin is a potent antioxidant, antioxidant, anti-free radicals, anti-aging effect, but also inhibit brain cell degeneration, prevention of dementia.

Generally, except for the winter cold period, other seasons can be grafted. Because the winter and spring seasons are cold and wet for a long time, grafting wounds are not only difficult to heal, but also expand and jeopardize the plant. Therefore, grafting time is best selected in March-October, so that there is sufficient healing and growth period, and conducive to the next year's fruit.

3. Grafting before the drug treatment

Grafting knife used in alcohol or white wine should be sterilized to prevent infection. Conditional available. [3]?

4. Grafting methods

a. Flat joint method

With a sharp knife in the three prongs of the Lemna at the appropriate height of a horizontal cut, and then the three prongs for the 30-40 degree cut, with the disinfected cactus thorns into the middle of the vascular bundle of the rootstock, will be cut flat scion connected to the other end of the thorns, spines will be connected to the scion and the rootstock, rootstock and scion as close as possible without leaving gaps, to avoid bacterial infections unfavorable healing, and then the scion will not leave a gap. Avoid bacterial infection is not conducive to healing, and then add a thorn on each side of the fixed, and then tied with a fine line around the base.

b.wedge method

In the rootstock with a sterilized knife at the top of the longitudinal cut a crack, but should not be too deep, and then the scion of the lower part of the blade with a sterilized cut into duckbill shape, cut immediately after the insertion of the rootstock in the cracks, with plastic adhesive paper to be fixed, and then set of plastic bags to maintain the humidity of the air, conducive to the survival of the 20 days after the observation of grafted growth, if you can maintain the fresh fresh and bright green, that is, alive. One month after the nursery.

Pot plant

The germination temperature of dragon fruit seeds is about 25 ℃.

To choose a culture soil with relatively young and fine particles, you can also use commercially available sowing soil instead.

Make sure to remove the pulp and gum attached to the seeds, otherwise mold will easily grow during germination.

To make a stylized small potted plant, the seeds should be spread densely, especially around the edges, otherwise they will lose their beauty when planted out sparsely.

If the pot does not have a bottom hole, do not use a watering can to water directly in order to avoid overwatering, 2-3 days with a spray can spray water once can be.?

Including peaches, plums, apricots, cherries and so on. The fruit consists of the outer wall of the ovary forming the exocarp, the middle wall developing into fruiting flesh, and the inner wall forming a lignified kernel. The kernel usually contains a seed. The edible part is the mesocarp.

3. Berry fruit trees

Including kiwifruit, raspberries, pomegranates, grapes and so on. The fruit is juicy, the seeds are small and numerous, distributed in the pulp, most of which are not resistant to storage. This type of fruit due to different tree species, fruit structure varies greatly. Its representative species of grapes, the fruit developed from the ovary, the exocarp membranous, in the endocarp soft and juicy. The edible part of the endocarp.

4. Nutty fruit trees

Including walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, ginkgo and so on. It is characterized by the fruit outside more with a hard shell, the shell has seeds. The edible part is mostly seeds, containing little moisture, resistant to storage and transportation, commonly known as dry fruit.

5. persimmon date fruit trees

Exocarp membranous, mesocarp fleshy. Jujube endocarp forming the kernel, the edible part is the mesocarp; persimmon endocarp fleshy and tough, the edible part is the mesocarp.

Including citrus, tangerine, orange, grapefruit and so on. The fruit develops from the ovary, the exocarp is leathery with oil cells, the endocarp is white and spongy, and the endocarp is a succulent vesicle valve. The edible part of the endocarp is the vesicle. Most of the fruit is resistant to storage and transportation.

2. Others

Including lychee, longan, loquat, prunes, coconut, twigs and oil pears.

Perennial herbaceous fruit trees

Including bananas, pineapples, strawberries and so on.

(1) the nutritional health care function of fruit Fruits are rich in nutrients, both containing a variety of vitamins and inorganic salts, but also contains sugar, starch, protein, fat, organic acids, aromatic substances, etc., is the human body's growth and development and nutrition must be material. According to nutritionists, each person needs 70 ~ 80kg of fruit per year to meet the normal needs of the human body.

(2) the medical function of the fruit Many fruits and seeds can be medicinal, with therapeutic effects. Such as walnuts, lychee, longan, etc. is a good tonic; pear cream, persimmon cream is often used in medicine; almonds, peach kernels, tangerine, etc. is an important traditional Chinese medicine; guava can cure diabetes, lower cholesterol.

(3) the ecological and environmental benefits of fruit trees Fruit trees are generally adaptable, not only can be planted in the plains, riverbanks, roads, rural gardens in front of the back of the house, but also in the sandy wasteland, hills, mudflats, etc., planting appropriate fruit trees, not only to increase economic income, but also to prevent soil erosion, increase the green coverage area, adjust the climate, and thus the greening, landscaping, and purification of the environment.

(4) fruit trees are important raw materials for the food industry and chemical industry Fruit in addition to fresh food, fruit can also be processed into fruit preserves, fruit juice, preserves, jams, canned goods, fruit wine, fruit vinegar and so on. Some of the hard shell of the fruit can be made of activated carbon, some fruit tree leaves, bark, peel can be refined dyes or tannins, orange peel, orange blossom can be refined essential oils. The wood of many fruit trees is an excellent material for the defense industry, construction industry and carving craft.

(5) the economic benefits of fruit trees Fruit trees are an important part of agriculture, with the adjustment of the rural industrial structure and liberalization of the market for agricultural products, especially in the hilly, mountainous, sandy wasteland, etc., the development of fruit tree production in accordance with local conditions to the farmers can bring considerable benefits, our country has a wealth of resources of fruit trees, fruit tree production in the international market has a very strong competitiveness is an important source of agricultural exports of foreign exchange. Important source.

The root system is in a state of long-term oxygen deprivation and death, drenching will make the humidity uneven, and induce red spot (physiological lesions). In rainy weather should be timely drainage, so as not to infect the germs caused by stem and flesh rot. Water should be controlled in the winter garden to enhance the cold resistance of the branches.

I. Leaf yellowing (dragon fruit leaves with red spots on the tree, the leaves are also yellow, the phenomenon of iron deficiency)


1, branch spraying: the onset of serious fruit trees,

before the germination can be sprayed with a 0.3-0.5% solution of ferrous sulfate, or copper sulfate, ferrous sulfate and lime mixture (0.5 kg of copper sulfate, 1.25 kg of quicklime, 160 kg of water) , which can control the disease.

2, trunk injection: the most commonly used and effective is 0.05-0.1% ferrous sulfate solution. Injections with 0.05-0.1% ferric citrate solution also have a certain effect.

3, metal chelated iron application: chelated metal is made of metal ions plus chelating agent. Application of chelated iron, can improve the supply of certain nutrients in the soil. Chelated iron in addition to soil application, but also foliar spray 0.1-0.2% integrated iron solution, so that leaf color recovery.

4, soil application or foliar spraying should be careful not to overdose, so as not to produce drug damage. [6]

II. Rot disease (white silk disease)


Can be caused by insect mouth injury, or by mechanical injury followed by the formation of a long period of rainy environment. Rot disease can be cut with a knife to remove the affected part, or use a knife to cut open the ulcerated tissue to drain (when sunny days and high temperatures), and let the wounded product dry naturally or apply thiophos powder to prevent and control the disease. General facility cultivation, excessive humidity, easy to get sooty disease. Ventilation should be strengthened, and the affected area should be cleaned off with water. Winter greenhouse facilities are usually hot and dry, easy to induce red spider. It is necessary to maintain a certain degree of humidity. If the density of insect population is large, 40% oxalic acid 1000-1500 times liquid control can be used. [3]

III. Dragon fruit flower skin fruit cause analysis

I. Dragon fruit flower skin fruit

The so-called dragon fruit flower skin fruit is hemp face, according to the size of the area of the flower skin is divided into small flower skin and large flower skin, the reasons for the production of the different reasons, there are disease-induced, caused by pests, caused by drug damage, caused by acid rain and so on.

1, the big flower skin causes

Mainly due to the oblique moth gnawing and retained branches lower (from the ground 50cm or less) in the process of applying herbicides directly lead to a large area of the burn spot.

2, small flower skin produces causes

One is the rain in the south, by the influence of acid rain in the south or can not be timely medication, the impact on the growth of dragon fruit is relatively large, resulting in the appearance of the flower skin fruit; less branches, cold hardiness is medium, strong disease resistance, salt tolerance is strong.

The fig tree is elegant, is the yard, park ornamental trees, generally do not use pesticides, is a pure natural pollution-free trees. Its leaves are large, palmately lobed and rough, with good dust-absorbing effect, such as configured with other plants, it can also form a good anti-noise barrier. Fig tree can resist toxic gases and atmospheric pollution that general plants cannot tolerate, and it is a good tree species for greening chemical pollution area. In addition, figs are highly adaptable, wind-resistant, drought-resistant, saline-resistant, and can play a role in windbreaks and sand fixation and greening of deserted land when planted in arid sandy wasteland areas.

Economic value

The fig is also one of the world's fastest producing fruit trees, and high yield, no big and small years, few pests and diseases, easy to cultivate and manage. Fig seedlings planted that year when the fruit, properly managed plant yield up to 2 kilograms, mu yield up to 500 kilograms. More peculiar is that the nursery year in the nursery can also be a large number of results, which is very rare in the fruit tree. This excellent characteristics of figs, so that the investment in a very short period of time back, extremely conducive to mobilizing the production enthusiasm of the majority of fruit farmers, but also extremely conducive to the industrialization of the local government and meet the requirements of the domestic large companies in pursuit of profit maximization, is one of the best projects for investment in agriculture of large funds. The 3-5 years into the productive period, productive period mu yield is generally more than 2500 kilograms, of which the highest mu yield of green figs more than 3500 kilograms, and there is no big and small years, pests and diseases are also very few, especially conducive to the production of green fruit, in line with the international popular trend.

Most varieties of figs are divided into summer and fall results, fruit ripening in June to November. Fresh fruit sales time is long Sales pressure is small, but also greatly extend the processing time, especially conducive to improving the utilization rate of plant equipment Fig trees have a long life, the general economic life
