ct damage to the human body what
ct damage to the human body what, ct is to go to the hospital to check the most often will do the project, because the ct check the scope of the relatively wide range of ct, but the ct radiation is relatively large, the human body is also a certain damage, ct damage to the human body what
ct damage to the human body what 1ct damage to the human body how much is mainly related to the number of ct scanning time and scanning whether to comply with the norms are related to the ct scanning. The main reason for this is the fact that it is not easy to find the best way to get the most out of a CT scan, but it is a good way to get the most out of a CT scan, and it is a good way to get the most out of a CT scan. If the scan is in a more formal hospital scanning fully in line with the norms, a single CT examination will not have a significant impact on the human body. If it is done in an unregulated hospital and the operation is not in accordance with the regulations, it is possible that the human body will be exposed to a relatively large amount of radiation, which may have a certain effect on the human body. For example, the blood system will show a decline in white blood cells, the reproductive system is also more sensitive to radiation, there may be abnormalities in the quality and quantity of reproductive cells, which can affect infertility, if you receive a relatively large number of rays, it will lead to an increase in the incidence of tumors in various organs of the body.
Harmful effects of ct
X-rays are high-energy particles that destroy cellular function and metabolism when they penetrate the body. If the dose is small, it will only have a short-term effect, and the body will be able to repair itself, so the harm is relatively minor.
If the dose of X-rays is large, it can damage genes and produce a variety of harmful biological effects, and as the dose of radiation increases, not only does it cause cancer, but it also causes damage to hematopoiesis, reproduction, genetics, growth and development, and hormone regulation.
Precautions after a CT scan
Drink as much water as you can to facilitate the metabolism of 18F-FDG and exclude the body, generally 23 hours after the injection of the body's imaging agent residue through the urine all clean.
Generally after the examination, after the metabolism of the imaging agent, it is recommended that pregnant women and infants should not be exposed to this time period, which is generally referred to as 6 hours after the examination.
Patients undergoing the examination should take the initiative to explain their situation to the medical staff of the pet ct center, so that the medical staff can make proper arrangements for the patient and provide targeted guidance on the examination precautions.
ct is not very harmful to the human body, and if you don't undergo ct for a long time and many times, the harm is negligible. Therefore, ct is relatively safe to perform once or twice. The examination is within the safe range. However, for those who are preparing for pregnancy and pregnant women, it is better to try not to do this test.
What are the harms of ct on the human body2A. What are the harms of having a CT test?
CT as a contemporary diagnostic examination of an important part of the many serious illnesses to investigate the causes of the essential step, for the current serious illnesses of the people are not expected? In fact, it is not.
CT is divided into two types: general scanning and scanning scanner. The detector scans the body and converts it into a standardized value, which produces an image that is displayed on the screen.
The radiation damage caused by CT is a physical carcinogen, and when the radiation is done to a certain extent, it can cause cancer, as in the case of the British nuclear bombs during the Second World War, the economic benefits of radiation can easily lead to cancer of the thyroid gland, liver, skin and lungs, etc.
The radiation damage caused by CT is a physical carcinogen, and when the radiation is done to a certain extent, it can cause cancer.
The frequency of CT machines in hospitals is relatively safe, and the body can take the test.
The body needs to bear different levels of radiation hazards every day, especially in the era of the popularity of electronic devices, a TV set, a cell phone, a computer will release radiation, but we still have to rely on the survival of the daily life, which shows that the radiation is not horrible, the horror of the radiation is the strength of the radiation.
CT scanning sub-unit, check the human body organs are not the same set of main parameters are also different, such as the scanner breasts sent by the radiation is about 2-3 millisieverts, and take a 10-hour plane ride place to get the radiation is 0.2 millisieverts.
The WHO has shown that when radiation use is less than 100 millisieverts, there is no elevated risk of cancer, and the radiation from CT scanning radioactivity is even less of a concern.
The frequency of CT examinations is less likely to jeopardize the severity of a patient's condition, so don't be afraid to take a look at it, as it is essential because it is a much clearer indication of the state of the disease than an initial x-ray, and reduces the number of misdiagnoses.
Two, what kind of disease must be CT?
Generally speaking, CT is able to carry out the examination of organic lesions, such as cardiovascular, hepatic, renal function, liver, pancreas, men's prostate and so on. Especially for some relative density differences in the mass lesions can make a stereotypical diagnosis, can be high-precision to do the hard lumps to confirm the diagnosis.
Secondly, CT is also good for investigating some tumor diseases, and the subtle or migrating tumor stem cells can be shown well. It is also effective for the physician's mid- and late-stage surgical treatment, and reduces the difficulty of surgical treatment.
Finally, CT also has a good dominant gene effect on internal organs bleeding, especially gastric ulcer bleeding and other diseases.
Three, these four types of people, try not to do CT
Although CT in contemporary disease examination occupies a very important influence, but also some people are not suitable for CT.
One, the child, in general, the young child's own resistance will be a lot worse than the adult, the CT radiation will be attached to the hydrolysis radiation, the child will have a certain degree of harm.
The first is the first time that the child's own resistance will be much worse than the adult, the radiation will be added to CT radiation. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal on the way to the next stage of your life.
Second, patients with nephrotic syndrome, CT three-dimensional imaging is the main reason for the relative density of the body between the diversified, so the test out of the body, and CT to improve the examination must be intravenous infusion of iodine, which will lead to the body can not be discharged out of the body outside of the normal, resulting in the body of the more toxic side effects.
Third, people with allergies, the hydrolysis condition formed in the CT examination will destroy the large molecular protein chains in the body, thereby jeopardizing the enzyme metabolism, resulting in structural destruction and thus causing allergic diseases.
Fourth, diabetics, these patients must take metformin daily to assist in lowering blood lipids, and metformin and iodine chemotherapy drugs will produce lactic acid metabolic acidosis things in the stomach, the damage is very great.
As a result, the above four groups are not suitable for CT, and the physician will also come up with the best test in a certain area.
CT is a popular test for serious illnesses, especially in Western medicine. In the case of the test, there is no need to worry, the physician will be based on the actual physical condition of the patient and the symptoms of the disease to make a purposeful plan of examination and treatment program.
The radiation released by CT is also particularly small, and there is no need to worry too much about it, or it will aggravate the situation.
Is brain CT harmful to the human body
Brain CT as a routine clinical medical examination, it is not very harmful to the body, do not worry too much. If in order to condition needs, through the ct examination is also necessary, generally a few ct examination, will not trigger the function of abnormal, because each person safety radiation dose, a year of whole body irradiation 5msv are safe dose, generally a ct may be 0.1 or less than this number. And it can not be said that the brain CT examination, it will be very serious harm to the body, there is no problem in this regard.
So the brain ct examination, although it is the existence of radiation, but everyone has a safe radiation dose. If there are symptoms of discomfort in the head, then other aspects of the examination and can not be diagnosed in the case, we have to do brain CT to check.
What to pay attention to after the ct examination
1, this radiation is temporary, through a period of metabolism can return to normal, so do not have to be too nervous. If you are planning to get pregnant, then you can consider getting pregnant one month after the examination, so as not to affect the quality of the sperm at an early stage.
2, to relax the mind as well, this ct examination of radiation are within the safe range, do not worry too much, otherwise too nervous will lead to physical discomfort symptoms occur, anything is still to simple to consider as well.
3, you can take measures to prevent radiation damage, you can eat kelp after the examination, green bean soup, green tea, etc. to promote the discharge of radiation, reduce radiation damage.
It seems that the brain ct has radiation is certain, but the human body to cause great harm is no scientific reason, because the use of this medical device, there is its safety regulations, the national production out of the radiation value of the machine is also in the human body within the safety range. So don't have too many concerns when you need to do ct.