Why establish internal control indicators of water quality indicators?
The core indicators of purified water indicators for microbiological indicators, microbiological indicators detection is the need for culture, culture cycle is generally in 3 ~ 5 days, so the detection of microbiological indicators of water quality is generally lagging, and due to the operation of the use of, weather reasons, the degree of maintenance there will be uncertainty about the change. It is recommended that the microbial limit of internal control indicators set at about 70 in winter, summer 50 ~ 60.Two, why the establishment of the equipment operation inspection system
Equipment problems are generally due to the system fails to detect the problem in a timely manner, and solve the problem
1, regular inspection to facilitate the operator to detect the problem in a timely manner, and solve the problem.
2, regular inspection to facilitate technical support personnel to understand the continuity of equipment operation, in order to solve the problem of traceability type.
Three, the purified water equipment in the activated carbon filter why regular cleaning and replacement of activated carbon.
Activated carbon filter as the key equipment in the pretreatment part, mainly adsorb organic matter in the water, residual chlorine and odor. Two reasons:
1, activated carbon adsorption of residual chlorine in the water, residual chlorine is a strong oxidizing substance, reverse osmosis membranes and EDI on the back stage of the system have a strong oxidation, oxidation, reverse osmosis membranes and EDI membrane block performance will not be able to recover. See the following table reverse osmosis membrane and EDI module water requirements:
2, activated carbon filter intercepts organic matter in the water, viruses, these substances will reproduce and grow in the activated carbon, thereby generating a biofilm, the activated carbon must be regularly flushed, and in accordance with the replacement cycle of the replacement process in a timely manner.
Four, microbial detection of the total test only out of the total back on it?
Many medical device companies to build a factory at the beginning of the limited means of detection, for the purified water testing many companies only test the microbial purified water end of the water, this is unreasonable. Many companies exist in the purified water tank and purified water process piping system after sterilization not long after the microbial exceeded the standard, such a situation, the main reason is to ignore the microbiological process control of water purification equipment.