Operation of the game Battlefield 1942

The operations of the game are inevitably a little more complicated due to the variety of troop types, but they basically follow the same principles. It is easy to see this in Table I. Special emphasis should be placed on the radio signals for communicating with teammates, which can be quickly realized by pressing the F1-F8 function keys twice in a row, and they basically cover the most common combat communication needs. For example, if you press F2, F2 for requesting reinforcements, then your teammates will come later. These modes of communication are of unexpected importance in combat, so keep them in mind.

Table 1: Commonly Used Operation Keys

Applicable Troop Type Purpose Keys


All Fire Left Mouse Key

Infantry Jump Space

Infantry Walk Left shift

Infantry Throw/pick up items G

Infantry Draw closer/second fire Right mouse button

Infantry Reload R

Infantry Weapons 1-6 Numbers 1-6

Infantry Crouch Left ctrl

Infantry Get down Z

Planes Switch Mouse to watch Left shift

All Access Equipment E

Infantry Open Parachute 9

All Chat with Everyone K

All Chat with Home L

All View Score Tab

All Resuscitation Interface Carriage Return

All Maps M

All Normal View F9

All Tailgate View F10

All Front view F11

All Switching between different views C

All Pause the game P

All Radio 1-8 F1-F8

Table 2: Default contact signals

F8 stands for cancel, and all combinations of it with F1 through F7 also stand for cancel, and so are not listed in the table below.

Two keystrokes Radio message

F1-F1 Yes

F1-F2 No

F2-F1 Request for Ride

F2-F2 Request for Reinforcements

F2-F3 Request for Anti-tank Support

F2-F4 Request for Naval Support

F2-F5 Request for Air Force Support< /p>

F2-F6 Request Artillery Support

F2-F7 Request APC Support

F3-F1 Enemy Tanks Spotted

F3-F2 Enemy Soldiers Spotted

F3-F3 Enemy Troops Spotted

F3-F4 Enemy Ships Spotted

F3-F5 Enemy Submarines Spotted

F3 -F6 Enemy aircraft spotted

F3-F7 Enemy scouts spotted

F5-F3 "Defense!"

F5-F4 "Attack!"

F5-F5 Yes

F5-F6 No

F6-F1 "Wait!"

F6-F2 "Fire!"

F6-F3 "Hold your fire!"

F6-F5 "Medic!"

F6-F6 "Take cover!"

F7-F1 "Cover me!"

F7-F2 "Hold your position!"

F7-F3 "Go for the flag!"

F7-F4 "Retreat!"

F7-F5 "Rally!"

F7-F6 "Follow me!"

F7-F7 "Charge!"

Operation of tanks, vehicles, airplanes, and ships follows the same principles, i.e., press E to get in and out; press the numbers 1-6 to change to a specific position in the device, and position 1 is always the default cab. In the cockpit, press WASD to move the device. Most equipment, including medium and light tanks, jeeps, landing craft (keep pressing ↑ to lower the flaps), and APCs, have two positions, 1 and 2, while heavy tanks and some airplanes have only one position, and ships and carriers have multiple operating positions. The specific role of each position depends on the situation, even if the same tank, some position 1 includes the driver, the main gun and machine gun, position 2 also has a machine gun that can be used in the air; some position 1 only includes the driver and the main gun. It should be noted that the main and secondary guns of destroyers and battleships have different roles - long-range bombardment, torpedo anti-submarine, medium-range bombardment, anti-aircraft defense, etc.; also, regarding the APC, the only way to get into the driver's cab is by pressing E from near the front of the vehicle, and near the rear of the vehicle is to get into the compartment to refill blood and ammo.


Difficult to master the operation of the equipment is the aircraft, here is a brief introduction: W accelerate, S decelerate, A, D is to fly to the left and to the right, ↑ low nose, ↓ raise the nose, ←, → is the fuselage to the left and to the right flip, space is the machine gun, the number of the keypad area of the 0 on behalf of the bomb dropped. When taking off, press W to accelerate, and then press ↓ to raise the nose when you have a certain speed; when the airplane is flying sharply sideways, the fuselage may be seriously tilted, so you need to adjust it with ← and →; the default cabin mode is not convenient for observing the status of the airplane, so you need to press F9 to remove the cockpit or F10 to observe it in the tailgate mode. If you want to parachute, you need to press E and 9 to open the parachute quickly. It is recommended that you don't use the mouse to fly, but only the keyboard; a joystick would be nice.

Type in the console:

aiCheats.code Tobias.Karlsson - Invincible in single-player missions

aiCheats.code Jonathan.Gustavsson - Kill all enemy robots

aiCheats.code Thomas.Skoldenborg - kills bots

aiCheats.code BotsCanCheatToo - secret technique works on bots too

aiCheats.code TheAllSeeingEyeOfTheAIProgammer - switches AI state

aiCheats.code WalkingIsWayTooTiresome - New regeneration location

Note the case! Shooting Correction

A common term in FPS is advance, but that usually refers to hitting a moving target with a gun. Shooting in Battlefield 1942 requires not only this to be taken into account, but also the trajectory trajectory. Commonly used bazookas, tank guns, grenades, bombs from airplanes, etc., not only have an element of advance against a moving target, but also have a ballistic trajectory, meaning that their flight path is a parabola. Therefore, when the target is at a distance of medium range or more, the collimator must be raised a little to hit the target. How much to raise it is purely a matter of personal experience. Even for the same tank family, different tanks have different ballistic trajectories. The only way to find the feeling is through constant practice.

Infantry shooting

The smaller and tighter the alignment, the better, the usual order of priority is down & gt; crouch & gt; standing & gt; running. When shooting at each other, either run or get down. The point of the scout is to find high ground, hide in cover, either crouch or lie down, and not get too close to the front line, or it will be easily detected. Therefore, it is not suitable for hitting moving targets. When the sniper fires, hold down the left mouse button and keep it in lookout mode to see if the target has been killed, then release it to reload. Assault Troopers can use the run-and-gun tactic, which gives them a big advantage over other infantry in melee combat. It's easier to hit a target with a short burst of 2-3 rounds than with a continuous barrage of rounds, and keep your aim down a little bit before you shoot, as the submachine gun has a strong recoil. When the rounds run out, duck into a trench or bunker and change magazines under cover of an obstacle. Engineer's gun is not as good as people think, and even works better than sniper rifles and submachine guns in the eyes of masters, because its aperture hardly expands. In the medium and long range, using it to hit moving targets, it is easiest to grasp the advance; in the medium and short range, it can be rushed forward to deal with the enemy soldiers lying down. Engineers' explosives and mines are not only good against tanks, but can also be used to set traps and blow up pursuing enemies. If you ride on a tank, you can jump off at any time to repair it, thus greatly extending its combat time. Infantryman in throwing grenades, if you want to throw farther, you can first jump up, in mid-air grenade will be thrown out.


Perhaps you think that the distinction between troop types is as intuitive as the name suggests - scouts' sniper rifles are suitable for dealing with medium- and long-range enemy soldiers, assault soldiers' submachine guns are suitable for melee combat, anti-tank soldiers' rocket-propelled grenades are naturally the first choice for dealing with tanks and vehicles, medics add blood, and engineers repair all armored facilities, and also plant explosives and mines. However, they are all the same in many ways: they are all equipped with daggers, pistols, and grenades, which can be called up by pressing the numbers 1-6 (the main weapon is the No. 3 gun); they can all pilot tanks, ships, and airplanes and operate them to attack points of fire without having to think about whether or not they have had specialized training; when they are holding their main weapon, they can all close their field of view by clicking the right mouse button, which makes it easier for them to take aim and shoot; and when they press G to pick up the equipment of the other types of soldiers on the ground, they switch to that type of soldier. When you press G to pick up the equipment of another troop type on the ground, you will switch to that troop type and lose the identity of the original troop type.

Infantry against tanks

Anti-tank soldiers against tanks there are two ways, one is to run around the tanks, running while firing, the distance of about 10 meters, too far away from not easy to hit, too close to the first may fall; the second is when the distance is far away from the tanks, lying down on the ground bombardment, the aiming point to be raised a little higher. The best part of the tank protection is the front, followed by the flanks, behind the worst, so around to the back of the tank to launch an attack is the most ideal situation, 2 rounds of bazooka may destroy a medium-sized tank, if you hit from the front, it may be necessary to consume all 5 rounds of points. Because of the tank's limited field of vision, if you have the opportunity to hide behind rocks and buildings, you may want to let go of the approaching tank and then appear behind it ....... Other types of soldiers are more difficult to deal with tanks, the main means of grenades (engineers use mines and explosives). Meet the tank, do not need to panic, even run with jumping, close to the tank, stick to the side of it; if the enemy out, it is drilled into the capture; if the enemy does not come out, it is close to the tank to run, to avoid its muzzle, the gap in the grenade (close to the way to throw the Alt + left mouse button), turn to the other side and wait for the explosion after the tank to continue to play the dance of close to the face. In addition, there are 2 ways: one is to take a jeep, high-speed rush to the tank, jump out of the car before contact, run to the other side of the tank, the jeep will be exploded later; two, anti-aircraft gun towers to play tanks is also very good, pay attention to such an opportunity.


The grasp of the advance and trajectory deviation, only through more practice to find the feeling, here do not recount, only to introduce a few general skills. Due to the difference in the degree of protection of various parts of the tank, you should try to face the enemy tank as much as possible, but as far as possible to hit the other side or even the tail. Therefore, places such as intersections with turns and bridge crossings with hills on the side are good positions for defense. When the enemy appears, it always leaves its flank exposed, and it has to go through a turning movement before it can see you and counterattack. You should try to spot and utilize such positions in battle. Secondly, due to the narrow width of the tank's field of vision, it is easy to miss the enemy on the flank. When you spot an enemy tank and judge that it hasn't spotted you, there's no need to rush to fire, try to get around to its back and get close ....... Third, occasionally use the C key to observe the situation behind you; if the road is not good, press F10 to operate the tank (and the vehicle as well) traveling in a tailgate view. Fourth, the gun should be fired calmly, a gun blast out do not move the mouse, depending on whether the target is hit to adjust the trajectory deviation, even if the enemy attack is the same, not to be distracted by the enemy soldiers around the chaotic artillery, to focus on dealing with the enemy tanks in front of you. Fifth, the tank stays on the maintenance platform, which is almost invulnerable, and is of particular tactical importance in some scenarios. Finally, skillfully switch between the main gun in position 1 and the machine gun in position 2, whose primary use is to eliminate anti-tank soldiers behind you, not to combat enemy soldiers in front of you.


After learning how to fly an airplane, it is very useful. Their main use was to bomb enemy tanks and strafe enemy soldiers, and then to make airborne drops to capture positions. In the implementation, the common tactic is to fly horizontally at a low altitude of about 5 meters above the ground, grasp the advance and drop the bombs. Against anti-aircraft fire, it is not advisable to approach them from open space, but to fly over the high slopes behind them, suddenly appear on top of them and bomb them. Be careful to raise the nose of the plane after dropping the bomb to avoid being injured by the blast wave. Another use for airplanes is to crash directly into tanks on the ground, which may be the only trick against tanks on maintenance platforms. Third, at the very beginning of the battlefield, airplanes can be utilized to grab key strongholds, i.e., fly the plane over the stronghold and then airborne down, arriving ahead of the enemy jeeps if the scenario is big enough and complex enough. In the mid-term, you can boldly airborne into the enemy base, ride the empty tanks, thus enhancing the combat power of your side.

Other equipment

In addition to the steady advance of tanks, infantry and airborne airborne airplanes, the use of the jeep's fast speed is also a tactic to grab strongholds. This is manifested in two ways: one is to move out quickly in the early stages of the battle, which is similar to the airborne drop of airplanes; the other is to rush through the enemy's artillery fire in the mid-game stage to seize a stronghold in the enemy's rear, and then ride on the tanks there to counterattack from the enemy's back. For ships, battleships are mainly used in conjunction with scouts to bombard targets on islands; submarines are used to sneak up on enemy ships, and since they travel slower underwater, they may as well be exposed for long distances, and then sunk if a target is found; destroyers are the only means of dealing with submarines, and they are made to protect such important targets as aircraft carriers. Against ships, submarines and torpedo bombers need to be relied upon for this purpose, as ordinary strikes are ineffective against them, and only torpedoes are particularly effective in killing them.

Tactics over marksmanship

Battlefield 1942 is not your typical FPS, and while accuracy is important, it's not the whole story. Using more brains and emphasizing teamwork can also win the day. The most common test is to choose which place to resurrect and which troop type to choose when resurrecting, all of these should depend on the battlefield, and not be too obsessed with their own preferences. Should you respawn in your base to get on a tank and go for reinforcements, or should you respawn nearby to get back into the fight as soon as possible? Should you stick with assault troops or switch to anti-tanks? If you have just been killed by enemy tanks, then you should choose anti-tank soldiers and try to finish off the enemy tanks instead of sticking to assault soldiers; conversely, if you have been killed by enemy assault soldiers when you were an anti-tank soldier, then you should change to assault soldiers to revive on the spot and fight against the enemy; if the enemy is coming in large numbers, then you can switch to revive in another stronghold, or ride tanks to reinforcements, or take a different route to capture another enemy stronghold. --Because the enemy's number of participants is limited, when the enemy attacked in force, its other stronghold must be unoccupied! In the online battle, often encountered quite poisonous trick is, in the maintenance platform scene, sneak into the other side of the base, ride a tank, drive to the maintenance platform, and then on the enemy soldiers appear here to slaughter, in the gap between the enemy tanks parked here, thus greatly restrained the other side of the action, for the teammates to seize the stronghold to provide an opportunity.