What is the function of the number 2 in MAYA Soft?

Enter completes the current operation

~ terminates the current operation

Insert inserts the tool editing mode

W moves the tool

e rotates the tool

r zooms the tool joystick operation

y non-fixed rows the tool

s sets the keyframes

i inserts the keyframes in Keyframe Mode (Animation Curve Editing)

Shift E Stores keyframes for the Rotate channel

Shift R Stores keyframes for the Zoom channel

Shift W Stores keyframes for the Transform channel

Shift Q Selection Tool, (switch to) Ingredient icon menu

Alt q Selection Tool, (switch to) Polygon Selection icon menu

Alt q Selection Tool, (switch to) Polygon Selection icon menu

Alt q (to) Polygon Selection Icon Menu

q Selection Tools, (toggle to) Ingredient Icon Menu

t Show Joystick Tools

= Increase Joystick Display Size

- Decrease Joystick Display Size Window and View Settings Moving Selected Objects Shortcuts Functions Explanation of Shortcuts Functions Explanation of Shortcut Functions

Ctrl a Brings up the Properties Edit Window /Display channel bar

a Display all objects full screen (in active view)

f Display selected target full screen

Shift F Display selected target full screen in all views

Shift A Display all objects full screen in all views

' Set the center of the keyboard to be focused on the command line space bar Quickly toggle between Single view and multi-view modes

Alt ↑ to move up one pixel

Alt ↓ to move down one pixel

Alt ← to move left one pixel

Alt → to move right one pixel

Alt 'Set keyboard centered on the numeric entry line Playback Controls Selecting Objects and Components Shortcut Functions Explaining Shortcut Functions Explanation

Alt . Advance one frame on the timeline

Alt , go back one frame on the timeline

. Advance to next keyframe

, Back to previous keyframe

Alt v Play button (on/off)

Alt/Shift V Go back to smallest frame

K Activate analog time slider

F8 Toggle object/component editing modes

F9 Select polygon vertices

F10 Select polygon sides

F11 Select polygon faces

F12 Select polygon UVs

Ctrl I Select the next intermediate object

Ctrl F9 Select polygon vertices and faces Display Settings Shortcut Menu Display Shortcut Functions Explanation of Shortcut Functions Explanation of Shortcut Functions Left Mouse Button

4 Grid Display Mode <

5 Solid Display Mode

6 Solid and Material Display Mode

7 Lighting Display Mode

d Setting the Display Quality (Popup Marker Menu) Spacebar Popup Shortcut (Press) Spacebar Hide Shortcut (Release)

Alt m Shortcut Menu Display Type (Restore Initial Type)

1 Low-quality display

2 Medium-quality display

3 High-quality display

] Redo view change

[ Undo view change

Alt s Rotate handle Attachment status Go through levels Document management shortcut function explanation Shortcut function explanation ↑Go to the upper level of the current hierarchy

↓Retreat the current hierarchy to the Next level

←Go to the left side of the current level

→Go to the right side of the current level

Ctrl N Create new scene

Ctrl O Open scene

Ctrl S Store scene

1 Desktop File Management (exclusive to IPX version) Engraving Pen Settings Menu Mode Selection Shortcut Keys Function Explanation Shortcut Key Function Explanation

Alt f Expand current value Ctrl m Display (off) + main menu

Alt r Activate dual role (on/off) Right mouse button

h Convert menu bar (mark menu)

Alt a Display activated wireframe (on/off) F2 Display animated menu

Alt c Color feedback (on/off) F3 Show modeling menu Left mouse button

u Switch engraving pen mode of action (pop-up marker menu) F4 Show dynamics menu

o Modify engraving pen reference F5 Show rendering menu

b Modify pen reach (press/release) Adsorption operation

m Adjust maximum offset ( Press/Release) Shortcut Key Functions Explained

n Modify the size of the value (press/release) C Adsorb to Curve (press/release)

/ Pickup Color Mode - used for: Draw Membership, Draw Weights, Attribute Drawing, Draw Per Vertex Color Tools X Adsorb to Mesh (press/release)

, Select Clump (press/release) - used to draw the Weighting tool V Adsorb to point (press/release) Edit operation (show/hide) Object shortcut key function explanation Shortcut key function explanation z Cancel (the operation you just did) Ctrl h Hide selected object

Shift Z Redo (the operation you just did) Ctrl/Shift H Show the last hidden object g Repeat (the operation you just did) Three-key mouse operation

Shift G Repeat the command of the mouse position Shortcut Key Function Explanation

Ctrl d Duplicate Alt+Right Mouse Button Rotate View

Shift D Duplicate the transformation of the selected object Alt+Middle Mouse Button Move View

Ctrl g Form a group Alt+Right Mouse Button + Middle Mouse Button Zoom View p Formulate Parent-Child Relationships Alt+Ctrl + Right Mouse Button Box Zoom View

Shift P Cancel Parent-Child Relationships of Selected Objects Alt+Ctrl+Middle Mouse Button Box Zoom View

That what-but-same-thing-you're-talking-about select and then see if you can delete it.