What is the classification of electrical tests?

Electrical test according to electrical equipment manufacturing, installation, commissioning and use of different stages can be divided into factory test, RC0603JR-07270R handover acceptance test, overhaul test, preventive testing. Among them, the factory test is the power equipment manufacturers according to the relevant standards and product technical conditions of the test program, each product inspection test. The purpose of the test is to check the product design, manufacturing, △ art quality, to prevent unqualified products factory. Large-capacity important equipment (such as generators, large transformers) of the factory test should be carried out under the supervision of the use of unit personnel. Each power equipment manufacturer should issue a complete and qualified factory test report.

Handover acceptance test, overhaul test refers to the installation department, overhaul department of the new cast equipment, overhaul equipment in accordance with the product technical conditions and national and industry standards for the test. New installations in the operation of the handover acceptance test, used to check the product for defects, transportation damage, etc.; overhaul of the equipment used to check the overhaul of the test quality is qualified. Preventive test refers to the equipment put into operation, according to a certain period of time by the operation department, the test department for the test, the purpose is to check the operation of the equipment without insulation defects and other defects. Compared with the factory test and handover acceptance test, it mainly focuses on insulation test, the test project is less. According to the nature and requirements of the test, the electrical test is divided into two categories of insulation test and characteristic test.