Shanghai's new crown infections break 400,000, can the city's medical equipment keep up?

Shanghai, the city's medical equipment in fact can not give up, although Shanghai is the country's richest one, but in a short period of time increased so many cases, medical resources are in short supply.

The epidemic in Shanghai is really serious, with the total number of cases in the city exceeding 400,000, and more than 15,000 new cases added every day. As we all know, Shanghai is one of the best cities in our country in terms of economic development, and its annual GDP can reach 3,000 billion yuan.

The rate of new cases per day in Shanghai has exceeded 15,000.

With more than 15,000 new cases per day, Shanghai has limited medical supplies and limited medical equipment, and all parts of the country have made donations to the city, but even so, the medical resources available are still insufficient. This is a very serious problem relative to any previous stage in our country's history, and it is unlikely to be solved in a short period of time.

Shanghai has been supported by medical resources from elsewhere.

The city of Shanghai has been supported by medical resources from other parts of the country, and it is precisely because of this that the city has been able to obtain a large amount of resources for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the other parts of the country have been very helpful to Shanghai.

The figures have been falling for some time.

While Shanghai's outbreaks have been more severe in the past, the numbers have begun to decline, with the number of new cases dropping by 1,000 to 2,000 a day, suggesting that the tipping point has been reached.

Although Shanghai's medical resources are limited, other parts of the country are giving support to Shanghai. The epidemic in Shanghai has had a huge impact on all parts of the country, so other parts of the country are donating medical resources to Shanghai for their own sake, and in addition to donating medical resources, they are also sending nurses to support them.