Carrier screw chiller introduction: high efficiency and energy saving, to meet the air-conditioning and ice storage cooling dual-conditioning applications, process cooling applications, heating and cooling applications. New generation 06T twin screw compressor, high efficiency and reliability. Computer-controlled Chinese touch screen. Adopts environmentally leading HFC-134a refrigerant.
Screw chiller is a chiller with various forms of screw compressors as the host. It is an assembled refrigeration unit consisting of a screw type refrigeration compressor, condenser, evaporator, thermal expansion valve, oil separator, and self-control components and instruments. Screw chiller in China's refrigeration and air conditioning field has been more and more widely used, its typical cooling capacity range of 700 ~ 1000kW.
Carrier screw chiller main performance and parameters: the proprietary screw rotor line design, the motor directly drives the compressor rotor, compression efficiency is outstanding and quiet operation. Advanced economizer and dual circuit design, slide valve stepless adjustment of compressor capacity and electronic expansion valve precision dynamic control, optimize system part-load efficiency.
Intelligent energy-saving reset function, through the high sensitive temperature sensor in the return water or outdoor ambient temperature drop automatically adjust the chilled water temperature. The special automatic switching function between air-conditioning and ice-making conditions realizes efficient integration with the ice storage system and perfectly meets the comfort requirements of energy-saving buildings.
The evaporator water temperature can be as low as -12℃, and the condenser water temperature can be as high as 63℃, with a wide range of operation to meet the cooling and freezing needs of different processes. The excellent condensation heat recovery function can produce hot water up to 63℃ for free, which guarantees sufficient air-conditioning heating and domestic hot water.
Selection points
1, the main control parameters of the screw chiller for the refrigeration performance coefficient, rated refrigeration capacity, input power and refrigerant type.
2, the selection of chiller should be based on the cold load and use to consider. For low load operating conditions for a longer period of time refrigeration system, it is appropriate to use multi-head piston compressor or screw compressor unit, easy to regulate and energy saving.
3, the selection of chiller units, giving priority to higher performance coefficient value of the unit. According to statistics, the general chiller in 100% load running time throughout the year accounted for about 1/4 of the total running time below. The total running time of 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% load running time ratio is roughly 2.3%, 41.5%, 46.1%, 10.1%.
Therefore, in the selection of chiller should be given priority to consider the efficiency curve is relatively flat models. At the same time, in the design selection should be considered when the chiller load adjustment range. Multi-head screw chiller part of the load performance is excellent, can be selected according to the actual situation.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - screw chiller