In 1993, as the founder and CEO of EuroEyes, Dr. Jorgensen established the first eye laser surgery center of EuroEyes in Hamburg, Germany. EuroEyes has opened more than 20 eye clinics and laser surgery centers in Germany, Denmark and China, rapidly becoming the largest chain of eye clinics in Germany and even in Europe. As a pioneer in laser eye surgery technology, Dr. Jorgensen leads a professional medical team, with exquisite technology, safe and reliable service standards, EuroEyes has successfully completed more than 300,000 eye surgeries, and will make unremitting efforts to restore clear vision for more and more people.
Basic introduction Company name: EuroEyes Foreign name: EuroEyes Headquarters location: Hamburg, Germany Founded: 1993 Scope of business: ophthalmology Company slogan: will be for more and more people to restore clear vision unremitting efforts Introduction to EuroEyes, stationed in China, the history of the history of the technical advantages, surgical advantages, the advantages of experience, personalized program, medical team, the courage to open up, the highest standards of service. Courageous, Highest Standards, Research, About EuroEyes In 1993, Dr. Jorgensen, the founder and CEO of EuroEyes, established EuroEyes' first laser surgery center in Hamburg, Germany. 20 years later, EuroEyes has opened more than 20 eye clinics and laser surgery centers in Germany, Denmark and China. EuroEyes has opened more than 20 ophthalmology clinics and laser surgery centers in Germany, Denmark and China, and has quickly become the largest chain of ophthalmology clinics in Germany and even in Europe. EuroEyes Shanghai As a pioneer in laser surgery technology, Dr. Jorgensen has led a professional medical team that has successfully completed more than 300,000 eye surgeries with superb technology, safe and reliable service standards, and will work tirelessly to restore clear vision for more and more people. EuroEyes has performed more than 300,000 eye surgeries. EuroEyes in China The EuroEyes Group has recently moved into Shanghai, opening its first eye center in Asia at the Jinmao Tower. This high-end ophthalmology institution will have all surgeons in China from Germany, and will also provide services to Germany, Denmark and other European countries for treatment. Jorgensen, M.D., founder of DSG Ophthalmology Group, said in an interview that based on the operation of the first facility in Shanghai, it will consider moving into other provinces and cities in China in the next 1-2 years. History 1990 Beginning of the era of outpatient cataract surgery EuroEyes 1991 Sutureless surgery 1993 Establishment of the Ophthalmic Laser Surgery Center in Hamburg 1993 Excimer Laser Surgery 1993 Excimer Laser Surgery Introduction of the excimer laser method of correcting refractive errors in Hamburg. 1997 Laser Surgery Center in Copenhagen In 1997, EuroEyes established our first laser surgery center in Denmark at the Hamlet Private Hospital in Copenhagen. In the same year, the first annual conference on refractive surgery was held in Copenhagen with the theme "Excimer Laser Surgery Comes of Age"! 1998 Topical anesthesia eye drops Introduction of topical anesthesia eye drops for cataract surgery 1998 Implantation of posterior chamber IOL (ICL) Introduction of posterior chamber lens implantation (ICL) in Hamburg 2004 Further development of femtosecond lasers Introduction of femtosecond lasers combined with the embedding of an intracorneal ring in Germany. 2005 Founding of EuroEyes Investment Management GmbH in Zurich. 2006Opening of the Laser Surgery Center in Düsseldorf In 2006, the first TUV-certified laser surgery center of EuroEyes was opened in Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf. The center performs refractive laser surgery, lens implantation and presbyopia surgery. 2006 Creation of the LASIK-T.V.S.D. quality certification system The LASIK-T.V.S.D. quality certification system was created in Germany***. The LASIK-T.V.S.D. quality certification system helps patients to make the right choice when choosing a specialized eye laser surgery clinic. It has also proven to be the highest quality certification system in the entire clinic organization. 2007 Foundation of the Preoperative Laser Surgery Center in Lübeck 2007 EuroEyes opens the Preoperative Laser Surgery Center in Lübeck. 2007 Opening of the Preoperative Laser Surgery Center in Dortmund The first EuroEyes Preliminary Refractive Surgery Center is opened in Dortmund. Equipped with state-of-the-art examination and diagnostic equipment, the center is staffed by experienced primary care physicians who provide a range of services from consultation to detailed examination for patients in need of laser eye surgery. 2008 Berlin Eye Laser Surgery Pre-operative Examination Center established 2008 EuroEyes acquires Munich Eye Clinic At the beginning of 2008, Bavarian capital entered the picture and EuroEyes acquired the Munich Eye Center. Founded in 1993 and performing more than 2,000 successful excimer surgeries per year, the Munich Eye Center was equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and, under the leadership of renowned ophthalmic surgical expert Dr. Thomson Norhan, became one of the first excimer surgery centers to be awarded the TUV Quality and Safety Certificate in 2008 when it came under the EuroEyes brand. 2009 Laser Surgery Center in Aarhus, Denmark 2009 Laser Surgery Center in Bremerhaven In early 2009, EuroEyes Laser Surgery Center in Bremen was established. Equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment, the center offers a wide range of refractive laser surgery services, including Wavefront Aberration Guided Femtosecond Refractive Surgery (EE-LASIK), Intraocular Lens Replacement (IOLR), Lens Implantation, and Refractive Lens Replacement (RLR). In cooperation with Dr. Klaus Lucke, PD of the Universit?tsallee Eye Clinic, the Bremen Center offers a wide range of services for refractive complications and surgery. 2009 A new way of treating myopia: Lenticular anterior chamber IOL implantation for correcting high myopia 2010 Establishment of the Laser Surgery Center in Frankfurt In October 2010, Dr. J?rgensen, the founder of EuroEyes, and PD Dr. Ralf Lerche established the Center for Refractive Laser Surgery in the center of Frankfurt, Germany, which provides a wide range of refractive laser surgery services including wavefront, aberration-guided femtosecond laser surgery and other refractive surgery services. The center offers a wide range of refractive laser surgery services, including Wavefront Guided Femtosecond Laser Personalized Cutting Excimer Laser Surgery (EE-LASIK) under aberration guidance. The center also performs multifocal lens replacement for presbyopia. 2010 Opening of the laser surgery pre-surgery center in Oldenburg In May 2010, EuroEyes opened a laser surgery pre-surgery center in Oldenburg. Medical News 2010 IOL therapy for presbyopia IOL implantation for presbyopia correction in Northern Germany In 2010, Dr. Jorgensen was awarded the certificate of "German Medical Leader". In 2010, Dr. Jorgensen was awarded the "Leading Medicine Guide" (The Leading Medicine Guide) certificate as a "Leader in German Medicine". This certificate recognizes Dr. Jorgensen as a leading surgical expert in the field of laser eye surgery. 2010 ICLTM Award of the Year for more than 1,200 ICL implants Dr. Jorgensen is not only an expert in the field of refractive laser surgery, but also in the field of refractive IOL implantation, and in 2012 he was awarded the ICLTM Award of the Year for more than 1,200 successful ICL implantations in a year. 2011 LenSxe laser innovation 2011 The LenSx femtosecond laser device was launched by Alcon in 2011. 2011 The first LenSx femtosecond laser was used in a refractive lens replacement 2012 Two more ICL awards 2012 Two more ICL awards from STAAR for the most successful ICL lens implantations worldwide. 2012 Lead surgeon with the highest number of successful ICL refractive lens corrections in the world 2012 Presbyopia corrective surgery with KAMRA Inlay 2012 Multifocal IOL implantation for presbyopia and cataract surgery 2012 Hamburg Multifocal IOL implantation for presbyopia (tri-focal) started In 2013, EuroEyes opened China's first laser surgery center in Jinmao Tower, located in the financial center of Shanghai. As the first TUV-certified laser surgery center in China and even in Asia, EuroEyes will be equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. As the first European TUV safety certified eye laser surgery center in China and even in Asia, EuroEyes eye surgery center in China will be equipped with the most advanced equipments, adopt the unified professional service standard in Europe, and all the surgeons come from the German team of surgeons, so as to provide the Chinese with the safest eye surgery service in the world. Technical Advantage Surgical Advantage The goal of EuroEyes is "to make your life without glasses". In order to achieve this goal, we have been exploring various refractive surgery techniques, from laser surgery to crystalline lens surgery, from general laser surgery to femtosecond laser surgery, from crystalline lens implantation to crystalline lens replacement, and we can address the needs of all myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, as well as cataracts people to "get rid of their glasses". In addition to refractive laser and cataract surgery, we also have leading experts in other ophthalmic specialties.Dr. Thomson Norhan, a leading cornea surgeon at the EuroEyes clinic in Munich, is a leading expert in corneal surgery. Dr. Thomson Norhan at the EuroEyes clinic in Munich is a renowned expert in corneal surgery
Dr. Luke at the EuroEyes clinic in Bremen is a renowned expert in fundus surgery. The Experience Advantage EuroEyes has been performing more than 300,000 successful eye surgeries for more than 20 years now. Under the leadership of Dr. Jorgensen, we have strictly followed the guidelines of excellent expertise, safe and reliable surgery for many years. After decades of experience, we continue to improve and strive for perfection in all eye surgeries! Individualized Programs We believe that every eye is unique, and the surgeons at EuroEyes follow the principle of individualization when developing surgical programs. eeLASIK insists on "personalized development of the safest and most optimal vision plan" and believes that "there is always a safest and most reliable treatment. There is always a safe and reliable treatment for you". All surgeons at EuroEyes are highly experienced and have performed at least 1,000 successful surgeries per year on their own;
Several senior surgeons at EuroEyes are renowned specialists of the German Association of Refractive Ophthalmologists (DARO) and the German Society of Ophthalmologists (DSO);
The surgeons at EuroEyes are distinguished by their high level of skill and excellence. The team of doctors at EuroEyes has been awarded the Best Ophthalmologist in Germany by the German FOCUS magazine for 3 consecutive years for their excellent skills and outstanding performance. The result is safer, more precise, and more perfect after surgery. EuroEyes is the first ophthalmology clinic in Germany to utilize the latest LenSx femtosecond laser, a revolutionary new laser technology for the treatment of presbyopia and cataracts, which makes the surgical procedure safer, more precise and quicker, and with better results, for EuroEyes lens surgery patients.
EuroEyes was the first ophthalmology clinic in Germany to use iDesign technology as a preoperative screening technique for ophthalmic laser surgery. We can detect the aberration of 1250 corneal sites during the pre-operative refractive surgery examination and apply this data to eeLASIK surgery with iDesign, so that the individualized plan is better suited to each eye of each person, and the result is better after surgery.
EuroEyes was the first ophthalmology clinic in Germany to utilize femtosecond laser surgery in 2004, and has been a pioneer and leader in laser surgery technology in Germany. Highest Standards All EuroEyes clinics and surgical centers worldwide comply with the ISO 9001:2008 standards for surgical quality and safety.
EuroEyes clinics and surgery centers in Germany have been certified for LASIK TUV safety and quality, which is the highest standard for safety and quality certification in laser surgery. Research EuroEyes performs tens of thousands of surgeries every year. Our surgeons analyze every case before and after surgery, share case studies with each other, enhance academic discussions, and strive to continuously improve the quality of surgery.
EuroEyes clinics and surgery centers in Germany are members of the European Association of Specialized Institutions in Ophthalmic Laser and Refractive Surgery (VSDAR), which aims to establish a platform for experts in the field of ophthalmic laser surgery in Germany and Europe to discuss cases and share experiences. This is a platform for experts in the field of laser surgery in Germany and Europe to share their experiences and ****improve their diagnostic and surgical skills together.