After adding color antistatic agent and flame retardant, it shows its excellent performance. Adhesive products of EPE and various fabrics are not only beautiful in appearance, but also can effectively prevent static electricity and ignition, and are good indoor decoration materials for various vehicles and rooms. The composite product of EPE pearl cotton and aluminum foil or aluminized film has excellent anti-infrared and anti-ultraviolet ability, and is a necessary product for some chemical equipment cold storage and camping equipment car sunshade. Its pipes are widely used in air conditioning, baby carriages, children's toys, furniture, water heating and ventilation and other industries. EPE pearl cotton coating machine is a kind of coating machine that needs to coat hot sol on large areas of pearl cotton (sponge, EVA) (especially some sheets that are difficult to operate by hand). Easy to use and high efficiency. Especially suitable for EPE pearl cotton industry for deep processing (assembly, assembly, bonding, bonding and compounding). Sizing design can be adjusted according to the needs of products and different materials. Its characteristics are totally enclosed, not easy to leak and easy to clean. The plug-in design of roller bearing has long service life and low failure, and can be repaired without stopping the machine when the rubber is melted, which does not affect the production; Completely solve the phenomenon of temperature overshoot, no yellow glue, shovel resistance, high temperature coating, no discoloration and no blackening for many years; More importantly, it has uniform coating and high efficiency, which can reduce a lot of labor input.