Besides the "Ba Tie", which other country has the best relationship with China?

Since the founding of New China in 1949, China has become stronger and stronger, and its position in the world is growing, becoming the second largest economy after the United States. So there are very many countries that have shown friendly gestures to China, and China has accepted their goodwill to us in the spirit of openness and tolerance. But Chinese people have a spirit of never forgetting our roots, and we have not forgotten those countries that lent us a helping hand when we were not so strong. And one of the countries that must be mentioned, which actively assisted our motherland in times of hardship, is one of our neighboring countries, Bakistan. And we have never forgotten their kindness to us. In fact, there is not only one country in the world with which we have such a deep friendship. There is also an African country that has established diplomatic relations with our country for 55 years and has been supporting our development for so long that it can be called another country of ours. BART?

Tanzania is located in the east of Africa, where every inch of land symbolizes money, but here is rated as one of the world's least developed countries. one of the least developed countries in the world? Here, there is gold everywhere. There are very many gold mines hidden under the land of Tanzania. And the number and size of the gold mines here are fully comparable to the gold mines in Australia. In addition to gold mines, there are also many diamond mines and natural gas. Such rich resources make this place like an unadorned affluent place. Despite all these advantages, Tanzania has not been able to turn it into a usable place because of its own problems. This is also the factor why till now Tanzania is still so poor and destitute.

Tanzania also has a colorful history. In fact, the earliest birthplace of mankind was in Tanzania, and it had trade dealings with Persia and India in the B.C. period. Tanzania's position in Africa is also very important, to the development of Africa has done a lot of efforts, so he is also known as ? Frontline countries? And Tanzania is also very close to China. After its diplomatic relations with China were established, China has extended a helping hand to this place. For example, it built railroads, farms, and textile factories for them ...... And Tanzania has continued to use them to this day. But the industry here is late and slow, so Tanzania is not very developed so far.

Instant Tanzania is at a lower level of development, but here is one eye-popping benefit? Free healthcare for all. But the country's underdevelopment has also led to a policy that is more than enough. The hospitals do not have sufficient stock of drugs, even to the point of having to go to private hospitals to get drugs.

China has helped Tanzania a lot in many ways, and even the underdeveloped country has built the Confucius Institute to show its deep friendship with us. With the development of time, our country's national strength has become stronger and stronger, and we have also assumed the responsibility of a great power in the international community to help more and more countries that are friendly to us. We also wish Tanzania to get out of poverty as soon as possible.