Those commodities need 3c certification?

Serial number HS code commodity name and Remarks Certification scope of application

1 4011.1000.10 motor vehicle minibus with new pneumatic radial tires (rubber tires, including touring minibuses and racing cars) with the left

2 4011.1000.90 motor vehicle minibus with new pneumatic non-radial tires (rubber tires, including touring minibuses and racing cars) with the left

3 40119900.91 other new pneumatic rubber radial tires (other uses, new pneumatic rubber tires, non-herringbone) ) Same as left

3 40119900.91 Other new pneumatic rubber radial tires (other uses, new pneumatic rubber tires, non-herringbone tread) Only products within the scope of GB9743 standard, GB9744 standard, GB518 standard

4 40119900.99 Other new pneumatic rubber non-radial tires (other uses, new Pneumatic rubber tires, non-herringbone tread) Only GB9743 standards, GB9744 standards, GB518 standards within the scope of the product

5 4011.2000.91 Other passenger or truck with new pneumatic radial tires (refers to motor vehicles with rubber tires) Same as the left

6 4011.2000.99 Other passenger or truck with new pneumatic Rubber tires (meaning non-radial tires for motor vehicles) ditto left

7 4011.4000 New pneumatic rubber tires for motorcycles ditto left

8 Description of the general scope: design of rubber condoms (also known as condoms) capable of achieving contraceptive purposes and contributing to the prevention of the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including: glossy, profiled, parallel-sided, non-parallel-sided, flush-type, with seminal vesicles, dry, lubricated, scented, clear, translucent, opaque, or colored condoms.

40141000 Condoms made of vulcanized rubber Male condoms (condoms) manufactured from natural latex only

9 7007.1190 Toughened safety glass for vehicles (of sizes and shapes suitable for mounting on vehicles) Toughened glass for automobiles (including automobiles, agricultural vehicles, special-purpose vehicles, and trailers), area toughened glass, and railroad vehicles only, Tempered glass for trams

10 7007.2190 Laminated safety glass for vehicles (of sizes and shapes suitable for installation in vehicles) Limited to laminated glass of categories A and B for automobiles (including automobiles, agricultural vehicles, special-purpose vehicles and trailers), and to laminated glass for railway vehicles and trams

11 7007.1900 Other tempered safety glass Limited to tempered glass for architectural use;

11 7007.1900 Other tempered safety glass Limited to tempered glass for architectural use. Toughened glass;

12 7007.2900 Other laminated safety glass Laminated glass for architectural use only;

13 7008.0000 Multi-layer insulating, acoustic and temperature-insulating glass assemblies Insulating glass for safety use in railway vehicles only;

14 84073100 Reciprocating piston engines with exhaust capacity of ≤ 50 cc (Ignition-type reciprocating piston engines, for use in vehicles listed in Chapter 87, for use in railway vehicles and trams) Reciprocating piston engines, not exceeding 50cc) Moped engines only

15 84073200 50<Reciprocating piston engines with an exhaust capacity ≤ 250cc (Ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles listed in Chapter 87) Motorcycle engines only

16 84073300 250<Reciprocating piston engines with an exhaust capacity ≤ 1000cc 1000cc reciprocating piston engines (ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles listed in Chapter 87)

17 84073410 Reciprocating piston engines for vehicles of 1,000-3,000cc (ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles listed in Chapter 87)

18 84143011 Compressors for small electrically-driven refrigerated or freezer containers (small means electric motors) Compressors for refrigerators or freezers with small electric drives (small means motors with a rated power of ≤ 0.4 kW) Not applicable to compressors for refrigerators or freezers with small electric drives up to 36 volts

19 84143012 Compressors for refrigerators or freezers with large electric drives (means motors with a rated power of > 0.4 kW, but ≤ 5 kW) Not applicable to compressors for refrigerators or freezers with large electric drives up to 36 volts

20 84143013 Compressors for small motor-driven air-conditioners (for motor rated power >0.4KW, but ≤5KW) Not applicable to compressors for small motor-driven air-conditioners up to 36 volts

21 84145110 Ceiling fans with power ≤125 watts (with an electric motor with an output of up to 125 watts) Not applicable to ceiling fans up to 36 volts. Ceiling fans

22 84145120.10 Axial ventilation fans for computers Not suitable for axial ventilation fans for computers up to 36 volts

23 84145120.90 Other ventilation fans ≤125 watts (fitted with a motor having an output of up to 125 watts) Not suitable for ventilation fans up to 36 volts

24 84145130 Fans ≤125 watts with a rotating fan guide wheel (fitted with a motor having an output of not more than 125 watts)

Not applicable to fans up to 36 volts

25 84145191 Desk fans ≤125 watts (fitted with a motor having an output of not more than 125 watts) Not applicable to fans up to 36 volts

26 84145191 Table fans ≤125 watts (fitted with a motor having an output of not more than 125 watts) Not applicable to table fans up to 36 volts

26 84145192 Floor fans with an output of ≤125 watts (fitted with a motor having an output of not more than 125 watts of its own power) Not suitable for floor fans up to 36 volts

27 84145193 Wall fans with an output of ≤125 watts (fitted with a motor having an output of not more than 125 watts of its own power) Not suitable for wall fans up to 36 volts

28 84145199.10 Axial fans for computers Not suitable for axial fans for computers up to 36 volts

29 84145199.90 Other fans, fans (themselves fitted with a motor having an output of not more than 125 watts) of a power ≤ 125 watts Not suitable for other fans, fans of a power ≤ 125 watts of a power ≤ 125 watts of a power ≤ 36 volts

30 84145910 Other ceiling fans (with motor output exceeding 125 watts) For household and similar use ceiling fans above 36 volts only

31 84145920 Other ventilating fans (with motor output exceeding 125 watts) For household and similar use ceiling fans above 36 volts only

32 84151010 Stand-alone window-type or wall-type air Air conditioners (equipped with an electric fan and a device for regulating temperature and humidity, including air conditioners which cannot be individually humidified) Air conditioners with a cooling capacity of not more than 21,000 kcal/h above 36 volts only

33 84151021 Split type air conditioners with a cooling capacity of ≤ 4,000 kcal/h (equipped with an electric fan and a device for regulating temperature and humidity, including air conditioners which cannot be individually humidified) Not applicable to split type air conditioners below 36 volts Split type air conditioners with a cooling capacity > 4,000 kcal/h Split type air conditioners (equipped with an electric fan and a device for regulating temperature and humidity, including air conditioners which cannot be individually humidified) Only for split type air conditioners with a cooling capacity of not more than 21,000 kcal/h at 36 volts or above

35 84158210 Other air conditioners with a cooling capacity of ≤ 4,000 kcal/h (equipped only with a refrigeration unit without a heat/cold circulator) Not applicable to air-conditioners below 36 volts

36 84158220 Other air-conditioners (equipped only with a refrigeration unit without a heat/cold circulator) with refrigeration capacity > 4,000 kcal/hour Air-conditioners with a refrigeration capacity of not more than 21,000 kcal/hour, above 36 volts only

37 84181020 Refrigerator-freezer combinations with a capacity of 200 < volume ≤ 500 liters Not suitable for refrigerator-freezer combinations up to 36 volts

38 84181030 Refrigerator-freezer combinations with a capacity of ≤ 200 liters (each fitted with a separate outer door) Not suitable for refrigerator-freezer combinations up to 36 volts

39 84182110 Compressorized domestic-type refrigerators with a capacity of >150 liters Refrigerators, domestic, compressed, above 36 volts only, 500 l ≥ volume > 150 l

40 84182120 Refrigerators, domestic, compressed, 50 < volume ≤ 150 l Not suitable for domestic, compressed, below 36 volts

41 84182130 Refrigerators, domestic, compressed, ≤ 50 l Not suitable for domestic, appliances, equipment, below 36 volts

41 84182130 Refrigerators, domestic, ≤ 50 l Not suitable for domestic, refrigerated, frozen combinations, below 36 volts Household refrigerators for appliances and equipment below 36 volts

42 84182200 Electrical absorption household refrigerators

Only for electrical absorption household refrigerators above 36 volts and with a volume of ≤ 500 liters

43 84183029 Refrigeration > -40 ℃ small other cabinet refrigerators (small refers to the volume of ≤ 500 liters) Not applicable to cabinet refrigerators below 36 volts. Cabinet freezers up to 36 volts

44 84184029 Vertical freezers (small means volume ≤ 500 liters) with refrigeration > -40°C, small, not suitable for use in vertical freezers up to 36 volts

45 84198100 Machines for the processing of hot beverages or the cooking or heating of foodstuffs Hot and cold water dispensers and water fountains and water dispensers and water dispensers for the preparation or supply of hot and cold drinking water for household and similar uses, over 36 volts, only. Drinking fountains and similar appliances for hot and cold drinking water)

46 84211210 Centrifugal dryers for drying clothes with a capacity of ≤ 10 kg Not applicable to centrifugal dryers below 36 volts

47 84211910 Dehydrators Above 36 volts only, dehydrating water in quantities of less than 10 kg dewatering machines

48 84238110 Weighing scales of ≤ 30 kg max. Counting scales. Same as left

49 8424.8100 Apparatus for spraying, misting machinery for agricultural or horticultural use Restricted to plant protection machinery for agricultural and/or horticultural use, including backpack spraying machines (apparatus), backpack dusters (apparatus) and backpack spraying dusters

50 84501110 Fully-automatic corrugated washing machines with drying capacity ≤ 10 kg Not applicable to fully-automatic up to 36 volt Automatic drum-type washing machines with a drying capacity of ≤10 kg, not suitable for appliances and equipment under 36 volts

52 84501190 Other automatic washing machines with a drying capacity of ≤10 kg, not suitable for automatic washing machines under 36 volts

53 84501200 Fully automatic washing machines with a drying capacity of ≤10 kg Non-automatic washing machines fitted with a centrifugal dryer Non-automatic washing machines fitted with a centrifugal dryer not suitable for use with up to 36 volts

54 84501900 Other washing machines with a drying capacity of ≤10 kg not suitable for use with up to 36 volts

55 84672100 Portable electric drills Not suitable for use with up to 36 volts portable electric drills

56 84672210 Portable electric chain saws Portable electric chain saws not suitable for use up to 36 volts

57 84672290 Other portable electric saws Other portable electric saws not suitable for use up to 36 volts

58 84672910 Portable electric sanding tools Electric sanders over 36 volts only (including angle grinders, straight grinders, die and mold electric grinders, wet grinders, electric grinders, polishers and disc sanders).

59 84672920 Portable electric planes Not suitable for use with portable electric planes under 36 volts

60 84672990 Other portable power tools Electric screwdrivers, electric drivers, impact wrenches, electric wrenches,

Sanders (including flat plate sanders, triangular plate sanders, elliptical plate sanders, round plate sanders, belt sander),

Electric hammers (including hammer drills, electric picks, electric shovels, electric chisels)

Non-flammable liquid electric spray guns,

Electric scissors (including double-edged electric scissors, electric punching scissors),

Tapping machines,

Insertion-type concrete vibrators (including inline concrete brakes),

Electric pruning shears and electric grass clippers (including lawn mowers),

Electric wood milling and trimming machines (including engraving machines),

Electric stone cutters (including marble cutters and lucite machines).

61 84705010 Point-of-sale terminal teller Cash registers over 36 volts only.

62 84705090 Other cash drawers. Cash registers over 36 volts only.

63 84713000 Portable digital automatic data processing equipment (weighing ≤ 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, keyboard and display) Laptops and PDAs only.

64 84714140.90 Microcomputers (except special computers for atmospheric data on board aircraft) Limited to desktop computers and servers (excluding industrial control machines for industrial use) of 36 volts or more, rated at less than 1300 watts, not used in vehicles, ships or aircraft

65 84714190 Other digital automatic data-processing equipment (with the same At least one CPU and one input/output component in the chassis; including combinations): limited to 36 volts or more, contact and contactless IC card readers for banks, IC card ticket machines, IC card vending machines, IC card readers for toll booths, etc. for billing (payment).

66 84716010 Displays for automatic data processing equipment Limited to 36 volts or more, outdoor large displays, liquid crystal displays, display terminal components other than those connected to ATMs, monochrome/color displays connected to computers, liquid crystal displays, projection displays, projectors, plasma displays and other display terminals.

67 84716031 Needle printers for automatic data processing equipment Printers limited to 36 volts or more, with print speeds of less than 60 ppm in A4 format, for use in conjunction with a computer.

68 84716032 Laser printer for automatic data processing equipment Limited to 36 volts or more, with a print speed of less than 60 ppm in A4 format, connected to a computer.

69 84716033 Inkjet printer for automatic data processing equipment Limited to 36 volts or more, with a print speed of less than 60 ppm in A4 format, connected to a computer.

70 84716039 Other printers for automatic data processing equipment Other printing devices such as plotters, thermal printers, thermal transfer printers, copy/print multiplexers, ticket printers, etc., connected to a computer, limited to 36 volts or more, with a print speed of less than 60 ppm in A4 format.

71 84716050 Scanners for automatic data processing equipment other than bar code scanners and pen scanners only, 36 volts or more, used in conjunction with a computer.

72 84721000 Offset photocopiers, mimeographs Restricted to 36 volts or more, capable of reproducing openings smaller than A1 size, electrostatic photocopiers, diazo photocopiers, small offset printers for office establishments, mimeographs, digital all-in-one instantaneous printers, microform readers (photocopiers), multipurpose printers, photocopiers.

73 84729090 Other office machines (including coin sorting, counting, wrapping machines and pencil sharpeners, etc.) Money counting machines over 36 volts only.

74 85011099.90 Other micromotors (with an output of not more than 37.5 watts) Restricted to electric motors of 36 volts or more, except for automobile fans.

75 85012000 >37.5W AC/DC dual-purpose motors (output power more than 37.5 watts) Restricted to automotive fans except, above 36 volts, with a power of less than 1.1 kilowatts motors.

76 85013100 ≤750 watts DC motors, generators (output power not exceeding 750 watts) Not applicable to motors for automotive fans and motors up to 36 volts.

77 85013200 >750W ≤75KW DC motors, generators (output power more than 750 watts, but not more than 75 kilowatts) Restricted to motors for automotive fan use only, and motors of 36 volts or more with a power of less than 1.1 kilowatts.

78 85014000 Single-phase alternating-current motors AC asynchronous motors, AC synchronous motors, AC series-excited motors with a maximum continuous rating not exceeding 1.1 kW at a synchronous speed of 1,500 rpm, except for automotive fans, over 36 volts.

79 85015100 Other multi-phase alternating current motors not exceeding 750 W (output power not exceeding 750 watts) Three-phase alternating current motors of 36 volts or more, other than those used for automobile fans only.

80 85015200 >750W ≤75KW polyphase alternating current motors (output power does not exceed 750 watts, but not more than 750 kilowatts) motors Restricted to automotive fan use only, except for three-phase 36 volts or more, and its synchronous speed converted to 1500 rpm, the maximum continuous quota of the alternating current asynchronous motors, alternating current synchronous motors, alternating current series-excited motors do not exceed 1.1 kW. series-excited motors.

81 85041010 Electronic ballasts AC electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps over 36 volts only

82 85041090 Ballasts for other discharge lamps or tubes Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps over 36 volts and ballasts for discharge lamps (other than tubular fluorescent lamps), except for neon transformers, only.

83 85044013 Regulated power supplies for machines listed in No. 8471 Restricted to 36 volts or more, switching power supplies for internal use in minicomputers and servers, adapters and chargers for use in conjunction with information technology equipment in this catalog.

84 85044019 Other regulated power supplies Limited to chargers other than those for rechargeable batteries No. 5 and No. 7, 36 volts or more, power adapters (including chargers/amplifiers) for audio and video equipment.

85 85091000 Vacuum cleaners (both dry and wet) Vacuum cleaners not suitable for use on 36 volts or less

86 85094000 Food grinders, blenders and juicers Food grinders, blenders and juicers for household and similar use on 36 volts or more only.

87 85098000 Other household electric appliances Mixers, cream churns, whisks, liquid stirrers, sifters, stirrers, ice cream makers, centrifugal juicers for vegetables and fruits, electric meat grinders, slicers, peelers, multifunctional food processors, grinders, mills, and hoods for domestic and similar purposes, from 36 volts and upwards only.

88 85151100 Soldering irons and torches for brazing machines and installations Electric welding pliers, TIG welding torches, MIG/MAG welding torches over 36 volts only.

89 85152900 Other resistance welding machines and installations Resistance welding machines (including spot welding machines, seam welding machines, butt welding machines, etc.) over 36 volts only.

90 85153190 Other arc welding machines and installations (fully or semi-automatic) Restricted to 36 volts or more, TIG arc welding machines, MIG/MAG arc welding machines, plasma arc welding machines, plasma arc cutting machines, submerged arc welding machines, wire feeding installations for welding machines.

91 85153900 Other arc welding machines and devices (not fully or semi-automatic) Restricted to more than 36 volts, TIG arc welding machines, MIG/MAG arc welding machines, plasma arc welding machines, plasma arc cutting machines, small AC arc welding machines, AC arc welding machines, DC arc welding machines, arc welding transformer anti-electrocution devices, welding cable coupling devices.

92 85161000 Electric water heaters (meaning electrically heated rapid water heaters, storage water heaters, immersion liquid heaters) Not applicable to electric water heaters up to 36 volts

93 85162990 ELECTRICAL SPACE HEATERS: Radiant heaters, panel heaters, liquid-filled heaters, fan heaters, convection heaters, tubular heaters, for domestic and similar purposes, above 36 volts only , convection heaters, tubular heaters, etc.

94 85163100 Electric hair dryers Not suitable for use with electric hair dryers up to 36 volts

95 85163200 Other electrically heated barbering appliances Barbering appliances up to 36 volts only

96 85163300 Electrically heated hand dryers Not suitable for use with electrically heated hand dryers up to 36 volts

97 85164000 Irons Dry irons and wet (steam) irons for household and similar uses above 36 volts only

98 85165000 Microwave ovens Microwave ovens of one or more I.S.M. bands with a frequency between 300 MHz and 30 GHz for household and similar uses above 36 volts only

99 85166010 Induction cooktops Induction cooktops for household and similar uses above 36 volts only

100 85166030 Rice cookers Rice cookers other than electric pressure cookers only, above 36 volts, for household and similar uses and many more, interested parties can contact me!