What is in the medical kit ready family medical kit essential items

1, equipment: first aid manuals, thermometers, band-aids, disinfectant gauze, triangular towels, disposable gloves, masks, flashlights, physiological salts, water, alcohol cotton balls, cotton swabs, plastic wrap, ice packs.

2, drugs are mainly common cold and flu medicines such as cold and fever granules, fast-acting cold capsules, white plus black, BaiShuNing, etc.;

3, digestive: antidiarrheal ning, patchouli ZhengQi Pill, etc.; gastric disease: stomach medicine or stomach milk.

4, burns category: aloe vera gel, on the burn dressing.

5, such as the family has a history of allergies, anti-allergy medicine is also a must such as: kairatan, restorative, paracetamol and other antihistamines.

6, there are elderly people at home should be prepared cardiovascular emergency medicine, including nitroglycerin, fast-acting heart pills, musk heart pills, compound Danxin drip pill.