Bring the following materials to the township health bureau or village window:
1, application (application should be signed by both husband and wife *** with), collect the original (1);
2, "Guangdong Province, the disabled child medical appraisal application form", collect the original (1);
3, husband and wife ID card, check the original receipt of copies (1);
4, husband and wife (including disabled child) account book, check the original receipt of copies (1);
3, husband and wife identity card
4, husband and wife (including the disabled child) family register, accept the original copy (1);
5, marriage certificate, accept the original copy (1);
6, the disabled child's "birth certificate", accept the original copy (1);
7, two tertiary hospitals issued by the diagnosis of diseases
8, medical records and related examination reports, accept a copy of the original (1);
9, remarried couples are also required to submit their respective divorce court judgment (mediation) or agreement, accept a copy of the original (1).
1. The applicant with the relevant documents to the household belongs to the village (neighborhood) service center window to receive and fill out the "Guangdong Province, invalid child medical identification application form";
2. Both spouses unit or village (neighborhood) preliminary examination, sign the application form, stamped with the seal of the woman reported to the household registration area Town (street) Health Bureau;
3. Town (street) Health Bureau to verify the situation and conduct the necessary social surveys and family lineage surveys, signed the application form, stamped with the official seal and reported to the District Health Bureau;
4. District Health Bureau to organize the identification of two times a year. The establishment of a medical identification of children with disabilities expert group, the identification team to send the application for identification materials for review, if necessary, need to obtain additional materials or direct social surveys. After the information is ready, notify the applicant to take the child to the designated place for identification, the identification group issued a written identification;
5. District Health Bureau received the identification group's written identification of the identification, issued a "medical identification of children with disabilities notification of conclusions";
6. District Health Bureau forwarded the "medical identification of children with disabilities notification of conclusions" to the town (street) Health Bureau, by the town street health department to notify the applicant to receive the "medical identification of children with disabilities". The applicant to receive the "notice of the conclusion of the medical appraisal of children with disabilities.
Processing time limit: One appraisal is organized in the first and second half of each year, and the specific time is subject to the notification of the District Health Bureau.