ae title template how to use it, where there is a tutorial

Recently many film and television post enthusiasts asked: ae template how to use? How to use ae templates? A favorite title can not be used, you say is not a natural disaster! In fact, do film and television late brothers and sisters should understand that the use of ae templates is a very simple thing, the modification of AE templates is just a piece of cake, and make this set of ae templates masters than it is really out of reach! So this tutorial on how to use the ae template is dedicated to the film and television late road to the fumbling stage of the novice.

1. First we prepare the necessary tools:

quicktime; after effect cs4

In the installation of after effect cs4 There is an interface to ask you to choose to fill in the registration code or register later, please choose to register later

2. Tools are ready, the following desktop please open the AE software, of course, you can also directly open ae templates in the aep project file

I will directly open the project file

For example, open the following folder SpherismFinal.aep file

Sometimes it will pop up: after effect: the project must be converted from 8.0.2 (windows), and was opened as "After effect: The project must be converted from 8.0.2 (windows), and was opened as "After effect: The project must be converted from 8.0.2 (windows)". and was opened as an "unnamed" project. The original file is not changed.

Click OK that is

3. In the process of opening the project file from time to time will be prompted by the lack of plug-ins, please the lack of plug-ins according to the name of the prompt to install the plug-ins ae plug-ins folder

4. Open the project file to view the dialog box on the upper left

The above two is the synthesis of the group, the following several folders according to the name of the English that we know the material inside the category. the folder below, we can know by its English name the category to which the material belongs.

I'll illustrate the folder categories by analogy (of course, each ae template folder naming may not be the same): design elements, the main compositing group, preview compositing group, solid layer, video

5. You can first check the main compositing group inside the compositing group consists of which compositing group, there are a lot of compositing group.

If you want to change your final texe to the text you want

You have to find the layers of these texts from the compositing group, there will be a T in front of the layer; then choose the text modifier T in the toolbar to modify it

6. If you want to replace the picture or the video, you have to know the name of the video that you want to replace

If you want to replace the picture or the video, you have to know the name of the video

For example, to replace the video: then oh in the video folder

Select to replace the material, and then select the file as follows:

Of course, you can also directly select the video, and then press ctrl + H

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