The China Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences (CAEAS) consists of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP), the Institute of Reactor Engineering Research and Design (IRERD), the Institute of Radiochemistry (IRC), the Institute of Nuclear Technology and Computer Applications (INTACA), the Isotope Research Institute (IRI), the Department of Radioactivity Measurement and Testing (RMT), the Department of Health Care Physics (HCP) and the Department of Science and Technology Information (STI). China Nuclear Data Center, China Fast Reactor Research Center, Beijing Tandem Accelerator National Laboratory of Nuclear Physics, Key Laboratory of Nuclear Safeguard Technology of Nuclear Industry, Radioactivity Measurement First Class Station of National Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense, National Isotope Engineering and Technology Research Center are located in the institute.
The main research tasks of the China Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences are: (1) basic research on nuclear science and technology; (2) development of advanced nuclear energy technology; (3) application of nuclear technology. China Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences has reactors (3), zero-power devices (4), gas pedals (11), hot cells, isotope production lines, a variety of spectrometers and nuclear detectors and other domestic nuclear research field of the more complete equipment and facilities; carried out nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry, reactor engineering, gas pedal technology, nuclear electronics and detection technology, isotope technology, radioactivity metrology and radiation protection, It conducts research in a wide range of fields, including new materials, biomedical engineering, intense laser applications and information technology. The four major projects under construction or planned to be constructed by the IAEA are the China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR), the China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR), the HI-13 tandem gas pedal upgrading project, and the Reprocessing Radiochemistry Experimental Facility (RREF), in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century development of nuclear science and technology.
The China Institute of Atomic Energy Sciences (CIAES) has developed a number of high-tech industries by utilizing its advantages in nuclear technology and synthesis. The research heavy water reactors and miniature neutron source reactors assisted in the construction of foreign countries have achieved a high reputation. Radioisotope and instrument and meter products, fire-fighting electronic and building automation products, irradiation technology products, environmental protection technology products, nuclear medical equipment and medical device products, electronic information technology products, etc. produced by the Institute of Atomic Energy for the market, have achieved significant economic and social benefits.
China Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences has extensive scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges with scientific research institutes in more than 30 countries and regions of the world and international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, and is exploring the mode of combining with enterprises and long into the local economic construction in China.
The China Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences (CAAS) has made remarkable achievements in the past 50 years. 1978-1999, it was awarded 1105 prizes at the ministerial level or above, including 6 National Natural Science Prizes, 11 National Technological Invention Prizes, 42 National Scientific and Technological Progress Prizes, and 996 ministerial-level prizes. In addition, he was awarded the He Liang He Li Prize 3 people, won the Wu Youxun Physics Award 5.
Publications include Annual Report of China Academy of Atomic Energy Science, Atomic Energy Science and Technology (bimonthly), Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry (quarterly), Isotopes (quarterly), and Science and Technology Information (quarterly, internal).