1. The statement about common types of abnormal nerve conduction is incorrect: ()
A. Axonal damage
B. Loss of myelin sheath
C. Conduction block
D. Mainly consists of 3 types
E. All of the above are incorrect
2. The description of H-reflex is correct: ()
B. Contrary to F-wave, it cannot reflect the functional status of near-myelinated segment of peripheral nerves
3. p>
A. Contrary to the F wave, it does not reflect the functional status of the proximal medullary segment of peripheral nerves
B. It cannot be used to assess early peripheral neuropathy
C. It cannot be used to assess diabetic peripheral neuropathy
D. It is also known as transient reflex
E. It can be used to assess the degree of spasticity
3. With regard to the advantages and disadvantages of low-frequency electrodiagnosis The incorrect description of the advantages and disadvantages of low-frequency electrodiagnosis is: ()
A. Simple equipment
B. Quantitative diagnostic significance is better than that of electromyography
C. Easy to detect early and mild lesions
D. Easy to operate and use
E. Poor sensitivity
4. The incorrect description of the diagnostic indicators of DC-induced electrodiagnosis is: ()
5. The incorrect description of the diagnostic indicators of DC-induced electrodiagnosis is: ()
6. The incorrect description of the diagnostic indicators of DC-induced electrodiagnosis is: ()
A. Changes in excitation threshold
B. Nature of muscle contraction
C. Location of motor points
D. Minimum response time
E. Changes in the law of polarity
5. With regard to the determination of the results of the intensity-time curve examination, the following descriptions are incorrect: ()
A. Normal curves are smooth and have no curvature A. The normal curve is a smooth curve with no curvature
B. The shortest response time of the normal curve is slightly prolonged
C. The most characteristic feature of the partial denervation curve is that it has a curvature
D. The complete denervation curve is a smooth curve without curvature
E. The shortest response time of the complete denervation curve has a significantly prolonged temporal value
6. Commonly seen abnormalities of the EEG do not include:()
A. The normal curve is a smooth curve without curvature
B. The shortest response time of the normal curve has a slightly prolonged temporal value
A. diffuse slow waves
B. focal slow waves
C. triphasic waves
D. epileptiform discharges
E. monophasic waves
Reference Answer and Explanation
1. Reference Answer E. Explanation:(1) The question is about the assessment of the rehabilitation function- Chapter 13 Neurophysiologic Examinations-Section 2 Neuromuscular Examinations-Common Types of Abnormal Nerve Conductions. (2) The common types of abnormal nerve conduction contain three types: axonal damage, in which there is a marked decrease in mixed muscle action potential wave amplitude, with normal or mildly abnormal nerve conduction velocity and terminal latency; myelin demyelination, in which there is a slowing down of the nerve conduction velocity, with discrete waveforms or conduction block, and a marked prolongation of terminal latency, but with an insignificant decrease in the amplitude of mixed muscle action potentials; and conduction block, in which a motor nerve is stimulated proximally with an elicitation of a Conduction block, that is, the motor nerve proximal stimulation induced by mixed muscle action potential wave amplitude and area than the distal decline of more than 50%, and proximal stimulation of the waveform discrete, such a phenomenon is known as conduction block. Therefore, option E is the correct option.
2. Answer E. Explanation: (1) The question is about rehabilitation function assessment - Chapter 13, neurophysiological examination - Section 2, neuromyography - special examination. (2) Because conventional nerve conduction is primarily a study of relatively distal ganglia, special examinations are required for function of proximal nerves. Special examinations include F-wave, H-reflex (also called delayed response), and transient reflex, etc., which mainly study the proximal ganglion, and they are of great value in understanding the functional status of the proximal nerve of the peripheral nerve, and also make up for the inadequacy of the determination of the distal motor conduction, which is now widely used in all kinds of peripheral neuropathies and is considered to be a more valuable method of determination. It is a true reflex, which can only be elicited on the tibial nerve in adults, and like the F-wave, it also reflects the functional status of the proximal medullary segment of peripheral nerves.The clinical applications of the H-reflex include: ① prolongation or disappearance of the H-reflex latency in proximal tibial neuropathy, sciatic neuropathy, lumbosacral plexopathy, and S1 radiculopathy; ② observation of the H/M ratio, which can be used to understand the excitability of neuron pools, for assessing the degree of spasticity; and ② observation of the H/M ratio, which can be used to assess the degree of spasticity. It can be used to assess the degree of spasticity; ③When there is damage to the sensory nerves, the H-reflex disappears, which can be used to assess early peripheral neuropathy, especially diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Therefore, option E is the correct option.
3. Reference answer C. Analysis: (1) The question is about the assessment of rehabilitation function - Chapter 13, neurophysiological examination - Section IV of the low-frequency electrodiagnosis - overview of the content. (2) Low-frequency electrodiagnosis has the following advantages: (1) simple equipment, inexpensive, easy to popularize; (2) simple operation, easy to learn to master; (3) low environmental requirements; (4) quantitative diagnostic significance is better than electromyography, although the sensitivity is not as good, but more reflective of the overall function of the muscle. The disadvantage is that the qualitative diagnostic value is poor, low sensitivity, and cannot detect early minor lesions. Therefore, option C is the correct option.
4. Reference answer D. Analysis: (1) The question is the assessment of rehabilitation function - Chapter 13, neurophysiological examination - Section IV, low-frequency electrodiagnosis - DC - induction electrodiagnosis. (2) The use of direct current and inductance to stimulate nerves and muscles, and the determination of neuromuscular function based on the quantity and quality of muscle response is called direct current-inductance electrodiagnosis. There are four observation indexes: the change of excitation threshold; the change of polarity law; the nature of muscle contraction; and the position of the movement point. And the observation indexes of intensity-time curve examination are: bending; time value; shortest response time. Therefore, option D is the correct option.
5.Reference answer B. Analysis: (1) The question is the assessment of rehabilitation function - Chapter 13 neurophysiological examination - Section IV of the low-frequency electrodiagnostic - intensity - time curve content. (2) The results of the intensity-time curve examination are categorized into complete denervation curve, partial denervation curve, and normal curve. The results are determined as follows: normal curve: a smooth curve, no bends, the shortest response time is normal, the time value is less than 1 ms; partial denervation curve: the curve is characterized by a bend, the shortest response time is prolonged, the time value may be abnormal, but not more than 10 ms; complete denervation curve: also a smooth curve, no bends, but the shortest response time and the time value is significantly prolonged, at least in 1 ms or more, and the time value may even be up to 30-50 ms. can even be as high as 30 to 50 milliseconds. Therefore, option B is the correct option.
6. Reference answer E. Analysis: (1) The question is about rehabilitation function assessment - Chapter 13, Neurophysiological examination - Section V, Electroencephalography - common abnormal EEG content. (2) It includes: diffuse slow waves, in which the background activity is diffuse slow waves, is a common abnormal presentation and is nonspecific. It is seen in diffuse brain damage due to various causes, hypoxic encephalopathy, meningitis, central nervous system degenerative disease, demyelinating encephalopathy, etc.; focal slow wave, i.e., caused by localized brain parenchymal dysfunction, which is seen in focal epilepsy, herpes simplex encephalitis, brain abscess, and focal subdural or epidural hematoma, etc.; and tricordernary phase wave, i.e., negative-positive-negative or positive-negative or positive-negative-negative waves that are usually of medium-to-high amplitude and with a frequency of 1.3-2.6Hz. -negative-positive waves. It is mainly seen in cortico-striatal spinal degeneration, hepatic encephalopathy and other causes of toxic metabolic encephalopathy; epileptiform discharges, that is, the common waveforms are spikes, sharp waves, spike-slow wave, spike-slow complex waves, multiple spike-slow complex waves, etc. More than 50% of the patients in the interval between the seizures recorded epileptiform discharges, the discharges of the different categories usually suggests that different epileptic syndromes. Therefore, option E is the correct option.