How much does feline distemper treatment cost

The cost of feline distemper treatment varies by region, hospital, and treatment. The approximate cost of treatment may cost **around $5,000**.

The main treatment costs include the following:

* Testing costs: testing for feline distemper is necessary and may cost around **200-500 RMB**.

* Cost of medication: treatment for feline distemper usually involves the use of interferon, antibodies and other medications, which may cost around **2000-5000 RMB**.

* Nursing care costs: If the cat needs to be hospitalized and given fluids, additional nursing care costs will be incurred. In the case of a kitten, for example, the cost of a cage per day is about **$60**, the cost of an infusion pump is about **$80**, and the cost of nursing care is about **$80**.

It should be noted that these costs may vary depending on the region, hospital and treatment. Meanwhile, the treatment of feline distemper requires specialized medical knowledge and equipment support, so it is recommended to receive treatment at a professional pet hospital.

Overall, the cost of treatment for feline distemper may be around **5,000 dollars**, but the exact cost may vary depending on the region, hospital and treatment modality.