Apple 12 Don't Go Near Pacemakers, What Apple 12 Discovered During Market Launch Has Interference With Implanted Medical Devices That Could Interfere With A Patient's Life-Saving Treatment. When the iPhone 12 is near a patient's pacemaker, the device immediately goes into a ? pause state? In fact, this point was made years ago, and in 2009, Apple required that cell phones and medical devices should be kept at a safe distance of at least 15 centimeters, and Apple is not the only company that has such a requirement, as a number of cell phone companies, both domestic and foreign, have this description in their manuals.
As a result of an article in early January in the prestigious medical academic journal Mount **** pointed out. Apple's iPhone 12 can interfere magnetically with implanted medical devices, which can affect the patient's threat. Three doctors tested the device and found that when the iPhone 12 was near a patient's pacemaker, the device immediately went into ? paused? a state of not working. The article not only sparked a lot of buzz among consumers, but also caught Apple's attention in the first place. Apple's latest iPhone manual emphasizes that accessories such as magsafe chargers can also interfere with medical devices, and suggests that in order to avoid any potential interference with medical devices such as pacemakers, it is recommended that iPhones and related magsafe accessories be kept at a safe distance of at least 15cm from medical devices, and that in the case of wireless charging, a safe distance of at least 30cm should be maintained. a safe distance of at least about 30cm.
In fact, as early as 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration confirmed the existence of cell phones and other devices on the pacemaker electromagnetic infection, and manufacturers will be in the use of manuals for instructions and recommendations to ensure the normal use of medical equipment. And Apple's cell phone manual in 2009 has a recommendation to maintain a safe distance of at least 15cm. So this test was not a problem due to the new structure that appeared. In fact, in addition to Apple's regulations and recommendations, all domestic and foreign cell phone manufacturers will emphasize this point in the manual. And medical personnel will also tell patients and their families who have installed similar pacemakers to remember to keep the appropriate distance from electronic devices in their daily lives.
So, when you find that an electronic device is affecting a pacemaker or other related medical device, you should immediately stop using the electronic device and contact your doctor in a timely manner, and hope that technological advances will lead to the early invention of medical devices that are not affected by electronic devices. After all, in today's society, the use of electronic devices is quite high, without electronic devices, life will still be a lot of inconvenience.