Long-term engaged in painting work on the body what are the hazards?
Paint is mainly protective benzene for colorless transparent, aromatic flavor, volatile toxic liquids, is the product of coal tar distillation or petroleum cracking, room temperature can be volatile, the formation of benzene vapor, the higher the temperature, the greater the amount of volatility. It is generally believed that benzene toxicity is caused by metabolites, which means that benzene must first be metabolized in order to produce harm to the living organism. In occupational activities, benzene mainly enters the human body in the form of vapor through the respiratory tract, and short-term inhalation of high concentration of benzene vapor and long-term inhalation of low concentration of benzene vapor can cause physical damage to workers. Its liquid can be absorbed and ingested through the skin. \x0d\ Benzene can be metabolized in the liver and bone marrow, and the bone marrow is the site of formation of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, so benzene entering the body can be formed in the hematopoietic tissues themselves with hematotoxic metabolites. Prolonged exposure to benzene can cause bone marrow and genetic damage, blood test can be found in white blood cells, platelet reduction, total blood cell reduction and aplastic anemia, and even leukemia. Benzene poisoning on the body is attributed to three kinds of harm: carcinogenic, disabling, teratogenic. \x0d\ short time large amount of inhalation can cause acute mild intoxication, the emergence of excitement or drunkenness, accompanied by mucous membrane irritation symptoms. Manifestations include headache, dizziness, nausea, coughing, vomiting, chest tightness, excitement, and staggering gait. At this time, if the inhalation is continued, it can develop into severe acute poisoning, the patient's consciousness is blurred, blood pressure drops, muscle tremor, shallow and rapid respiration, rapid and weak pulse. Timely rescue can restore health after a few hours or days, but severe cases can also die due to paralysis of the respiratory center, convulsions and circulatory failure. \x0d\\ short-term inhalation of higher concentrations of benzene can occur after subacute benzene poisoning, dizziness, headache, fatigue, insomnia, menstrual disorders and other symptoms, and aplastic anemia, acute leukemia, manifested by rapidly developing anemia, bleeding, infections and so on. \x0d\ Long-term low concentration exposure can occur chronic poisoning, symptoms appear gradually, with the blood system and neurasthenia syndrome, manifested by a decrease in blood leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia and so on. In severe cases, aplastic anemia, even leukemia and death can occur. Skin exposure to benzene produces dryness, cracking and redness. \x0d\ occupational acute benzene poisoning is a worker in occupational activities, short-term inhalation of large doses of benzene vapor caused by the central nervous system depression as the main manifestation of systemic diseases; occupational chronic benzene poisoning refers to the workers in occupational activities in a longer period of time exposure to benzene vapors caused by the hematopoietic system damage as the main manifestation of systemic diseases.