I think of course they can, and there is even the advantage that ordinary people are more able to get out of the thinking of traditional medicine. What is the limitation of traditional medical thinking? It is disease-centered. Because this professional he is faced with the question of what to do when you get sick? He's trained to deal with these diseases, so what's his problem? When you are health-centered, that is to say, you focus on how to salvage people who fall into the water, how to rescue, then all of your efforts are focused on this point to improve this point, that can not be rescued how to do it? Recruit more people to rescue more salvage equipment, advanced medical equipment to improve the rescue process. Then his thinking is easy to be limited to the people in the water in this field. The future of the health industry opportunities are not in the water, but on the shore, is how to make less people fall into the water. Otherwise, if you focus on the words here, the more you rule the more people, the more you salvage the more people you find falling from the shore, this has fallen into a limitation inside can not break the game. So the health industry should jump out from this. First of all, thinking out, pay attention to the people on the shore, how to do a good job of health promotion of chronic diseases is the ordinary people into the big health industry really unlimited development opportunities.