Xishan Economic Development Zone belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that the Xishan Economic Development Zone is located in the Xishan District of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province (Wuxi City, Wuxi City, Xishan District, Wuxi Xishan Development Zone), covers an area of about 39 acres, as of now there are 7 enterprises in the park ***, including Wuxi City, Wuxi City, Wuxi City, Xishan Qitai Wastewater Treatment Company Limited, Wuxi Hongjing New Energy Company Limited, Wuxi Zhimen Electronics Company Limited, and so on.

The enterprises in Xishan Economic Development Zone have 28.6% distribution in computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry, 28.6% distribution in electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital exceeding 10 million include Wuxi Xishan Qitai Sewage Treatment Co., Wuxi Hongjing New Energy Co.

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