Investment management (except for equity investment and equity investment management), business information consulting, cultural and artistic exchange planning (except for intermediaries), conference services, sales of daily necessities, needles and textiles, clothing and apparel, shoes and hats, housewares, crafts and gifts, cosmetics, jewelry, fabrics, toys, clocks and watches, sports and cultural supplies, office supplies, electronic products, a class of medical equipment, laboratory equipment, clean room equipment.
Expanded Information:
Broadly speaking, an investment company includes both financial institutions such as trust and investment companies, investment banks, and fund companies, as well as all types of businesses involved in property and securities. Their business includes the purchase of shares and bonds, participation in the creation and operation of enterprises, the provision of medium- and long-term loans and the operation of domestic and foreign government bonds, fund management, etc., and their sources of capital are mainly the issuance of their own bonds, stocks or fund units, the acquisition of loans from other banks, and the acceptance of entrusted deposits.
Investment companies, in the narrower sense, are the mainstay of corporate-type investment funds, which are legally constituted as profit-oriented joint-stock companies, in which investors become shareholders by purchasing the company's shares, and in which the shareholders' meeting selects an investment management company to manage the company's assets.